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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You didn't even watch it, did you? https://medium.com/swlh/credible-misinformation-dr-harvey-rischs-newsweek-op-ed-700105a12e25
  2. The risk of dying from being vaccinated though it exists is massively smaller than the risk of being unvaccinated and infected. Do not alter my quotes with your emphasis!
  3. The big flaw in your point is that very often different sides are not even close to equivalent in credibility. So for example some conspiracy theory Q addled bozo argues Bill Gates is injecting us with microchips, NO!, batsheit crazy sides like that deserve no respect whatsoever.
  4. I think its a good time to share this excellent interview. It addresses vaccine hesitancy and vaccine hostility.
  5. That's ridiculous. If you get infected and a vaccine helps you avoid hospitalization and death, you win.
  6. I'm not aware of any place here charging for Pfizer Moderna yes. I called a private hospital yesterday about their Moderna offer and asked about dosage. The person couldn't answer the question.
  7. Working isn't black and white. There is the preventing infection part and then there is the more important preventing hospitalization and death part. I think at this point its sensible to think about it this way. Everyone will be exposed and the realistic goal is to be as ready as you can when that happens Vaccines, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, probably zinc, healthy eating, adequate sleep and exercise, stress reduction, what have you. Most of all vaccines
  8. Well, eventually, yes it might still take years but hopefully sooner, this will become an endemic situation like normal cold and flu. I don't see the big problem with taking as many shots as the experts suggest in the meantime. The vaccination programs so far have saved countless lives. Cheers.
  9. Huh? What are you on about? Most of the deaths are among the unvaccinated. So of course that's going to skew heavily towards republicans dying vs. democrats.
  10. Nice try. Sorry, too many of us know facts. For COVID-19 vaccinations, party affiliation matters more than race and ethnicity (brookings.edu) 92% of Democrats 68% of Independents 56% of Republicans.
  11. Not so fast. They're talking about specific patient profiles and also keep in mind that Thailand heavily used Sinovac so the baseline for lots of people here is very weak. Of course we now know that two doses of Astra Zenica is worthless in preventing getting infected with Omicron after 100 days.
  12. It sounds to me that your "full" vaccination with Pfizer is NOT in their system, and their system now says you have one of two initial doses, no boosters. In any case, I haven't heard of Thailand giving half doses of Moderna yet to anyone -- so full dose.
  13. The constitutional court of Thailand delivered a harsh setback for marriage equality. But the struggle continues. The road will be very long. But march on, march on, eyes on the prize.
  14. Some do. Some don't. In my experience lesbian couples are more likely to want kids and all they need is a sperm donor. Gay couples in my experience more often want a dog.
  15. So confusing. So anyone can just show up at the hospital any time and get jabbed if eligible?
  16. That was my assumption. It would be ironic to get boosted and infected simultaneously.
  17. How is Chaiyaphruek Stadium as far as social.distancing, ventilation, etc.?
  18. Well, it depends. My parents cremains are in Arlington National cemetery on a shelf and there is lots to see there. But I wouldn't make a special trip to see a shelf or a grave.
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