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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. That's nice but its disturbing that a man with a big chance of being president DeSantis is building his career by oppressing LGBT youth and turning the job of teacher in Florida into more of a hellscape than it already is. This is all about exciting his base. Good politics for him but horrible policy.
  2. Another thing very annoying about deeply oppressive anti civil rights laws like this. We might now be entering WW3. The enemies of the west primarily Russia demagogue against LGBT in very similar ways as right wing American republicans. Its no surprise then that war criminal Putin even now still enjoys support from this same US faction. You know the Fox Tucker Carlson brigade.
  3. It is true. This bill doesn't allow common sense.
  4. No. Its a loaded question and that's the point for the hateful right wing demagogues pushing such unnecessary laws. Suppose a young child draws a picture of his family but his family is different than heteronormative. The teacher would be forced under law to destroy the drawing and not allowed to even mention what happened. Such a child would be traumatized and taught to be feel deep shame about his own loving family. Talk about child abuse? That is extreme psychological child abuse much more damaging over time than physical abuse. If the teacher decided to react in a compassionate and humane way any other parent could file financially ruinous lawsuits. This law doesn't let teachers do their jobs with common sense and decency In ALL GRADES. In all that they do in the classroom they have anti LGBT civil rights bigots watching over their every word. This will definitely increase LGBT youth suicides.
  5. Note that there are active lawsuits in Florida challenging this bill so its at least possible that it will be struck down. In either case DeSantis has furthered his presidential ambitions
  6. You refuse to process points repeated multiple times about how this is about ALL grades. I'm not interested in engaging with blatantly disingenuous master debaters. Adios
  7. I would like to see more of the world beyond the west unite against Putin. Japan and Australia are western.
  8. This bill isn't about protecting children. It is about scapegoating LGBT people to promote even more far right republican political power.
  9. The legislation reads: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” All grades. What state standards? Parents any grade may file lawsuits. So teachers will be forced to erase the existence of LGBT people. May as well call the bill the promote LGBT SUICIDE bill.
  10. They won't but nice sentiment. I'm more concerned about the Putin loving coming out of India as they are a major power. China of course is a lost cause.
  11. The primary issue is Putin doesn't think Ukraine should exist at all. Hitler used the same excuse about ethnic Germans to invade Czechoslovakia. It was BS just like the Donbas excuse is BS.
  12. Just as futile. War criminal Putin can't be trusted. Period. End of story.
  13. Putin has become this era's Hitler. Negotiations are over. Ukraine must win. You don't negotiate with Hitler or Putin.
  14. Russia doesn't need any outside help to look bad in relation to their invasion and war crimes in Ukraine.
  15. Huh???? I never said it will hurt him. Anti-gay bigotry helps republican politicians. READ THIS LINK and then you will understand the implications in all higher grades. Rules not defined. Threats of lawsuits that could bankrupt people. It's incredibly insidious. Florida ‘Don’t say gay bill’ signed by Gov. Ron Desantis | PBS NewsHour To add, the DeSantis record of LGBT issues: 7 Times Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Attacked the LGBTQ+ Community (advocate.com)
  16. Florida Governor DeSantis, a serious contender for the presidency, has passed this horrible law. LGBT people scapegoated yet again for cynical right wing political gain. Started this topic for a general discussion of this law and it's wider national even international implications. Consider Putin, Orban, and other authoritarians have played the same kind of scapegoating game. Read this link to understand how chilling this law is. It's about much much more than what happens in very early school grades! Florida ‘Don’t say gay bill’ signed by Gov. Ron Desantis | PBS NewsHour This is just one example of a very active anti LGBT civil rights movement in the U.S. With the makeup of the supreme court, even marriage equality is threatened and quite possibly could become a state's right thing. The dream of national non-discrimination legislation around housing and employment is basically dead. But there's always Randy Rainbow:
  17. Update / Sadly Prediction Came True on the fallout from the Hungry Now closure. As expected, with Hungry Now gone, there is less competition and dramatically reduced PROMOTION offers from Grab and Food Panda. Lineman was never into heavy promotions in the first place except for stuff like free delivery on some places, etc. What this indicates is that Hungry Now was involved in an all out very aggressive WAR for market share, then they obviously lost, and for some reason there now seems to be a TRUCE between Grab and Food Panda. So the LOSERS of this market share war are the customers. Oh well! Nothing that good lasts forever.
  18. San Kan Eang Naklua I recently had the khao suan kwang chicken from this place delivered by Panda. 120 for half. That is a special variation of gai yang Thai grilled chicken: https://www.eatingthaifood.com/grilled-chicken-khon-kaen-restaurant/ This version didn't seem to be scrawny free range chicken but it did have other qualities of this dish. The som tum was good too as expected. I would order again. But as I'm in Jomtien Naklua is far. Does anyone have suggestions for other more central locations etc.that specifically serve khao suan kwang chicken? NOT regular gai yang please.
  19. Your tone indicates that you think it's a done deal that war criminal Putin will succeed in erasing Ukrainian statehood. It turns out he has a lot more global resistance to that goal than he bargained for.
  20. Poverty has great tax advantages.
  21. OOPS! Please accept my apology but I think there was likely an error in my memory! I think the taxact threatening screen was more likely about a state drivers license not phone. I probably have been giving them a US phone number but not verifiable. Voip that doesn't accept texts. Taxact might still work for you Perhaps you can contact their customer service.
  22. Yes I know I owe nothing. The automatic expat extension is to June 15. You have to file for October 15.
  23. I never file until October so I don't remember all the details from last year.

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