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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Electricity harvested from the light from the Sun is not free, and it's not non-polluting.
  2. RFK Jr. is unfit, just like most of Trump's nominees. But the most shameful fact in all of this is Trump was elected president. I'm extremely disappointed and even a little fearful of my fellow US citizens. I'm very happy that I now live in Thailand and can just watch all the catastrophes develop from my easy chair on CNN, as long as they keep their hands off my Social Security payments.
  3. "Passenger" is gender-neutral. So are many of the nouns and pronouns listed in the article. All of the verbs are gender-neutral.
  4. I have a complete exam every year, and it includes a PSA test and score. I'm 79, and my PSA count is right at the limit. However, I was advised several years ago by several of my friends in the USA who are doctors that anyone my age should not really consider having their prostate removed, even if there is evidence of cancer. They told me that type of cancer is very slow growing and should not become a problem unless I lived above 100.
  5. The attacks on Trump? No, just Trump. Anything Trump... 😠
  6. Does Trump completely lack decency and compassion? Yes, absolutely... 😡
  7. I think we differ in two areas on this. One is that I want only QUALIFIED candidates employed, not necessarily the MOST QUALIFIED. The final decision considers other things, such as years of experience, salary expectations, and, yes, DEI. The second is that it makes me a non-racist and a proponent of DEI.
  8. @proton, After reading your response above, I saw a book on DEI that I thought you might like...
  9. Just please note that no airplane collisions and crashes like this happened while Biden was president.
  10. This happened to me also on one of my computers, a tower. It had Win11 Pro 22H2 (installed in 2022 and now out-of-service). I installed 24H2, and now everything is fine. I didn't have to pay any money, but the installation was a hassle. I now have to do the same thing on my other computer (laptop) that has 23H2.
  11. That's certainly the attitude of right-wing fascists like Trump and his supporters. But it's also certainly not a "woke" attitude.
  12. It should be that we will do what we believe is right regardless of what others do. If others do wrong, we should punish them if we can, but we should not then do the same thing as they do.
  13. So, that means his disapproval rating would be 51%. I'm in that section.
  14. Buying would be okay, but acquiring it through force or threat of force would not.
  15. No joke. If we want to eliminate hackers, we must first eliminate our hackers. If we don't do that, we have no right to complain about some other country doing it to us.
  16. Well, if we (USA) believe hacking our apps are wrong, then we shouldn't do it to any other country, and we should penalize those in the USA who do. And, as I've said before, we should penalize countries who hack (or allow hacking) of our apps.
  17. Who is going to penalise them? They are ALL doing it. The USA should penalize hackers in the USA, and other countries should penalize hackers in their own countries. If a foreign government is found to be doing the hacking, they should be penalized by the country of the app they've hacked. An example of such a penalty would be limiting that country's access to your country's Internet activity.
  18. Why do you hope that? They are constantly hacking and sabotaging each other. There's no real friendliness. Not ever. War is no longer only on the battlefield. I hope that because hacking into an app diminishes its ability to provide services to its users. Also, it's illegal. All such activity should be penalized.
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