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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Trump would not save anyone from a burning building unless it resulted in a profit for him. Yes, my hate runs deep. And, yes, I'm sure much of that is because of the anti-capitalist/socialist part of me that I do add to my posts from time to time.
  2. Yes! You are correct in this last statement, except for calling them "good things." Nothing Trump does or says he'll do is a "good thing."
  3. I think if there are showers and sports leagues designated as only men's and women's, the men's should only be open to men and the women's only to women. The problem lies in how to determine if a person is a man or a woman. That determination should be set and made into law. Then, it will be the law and I will respect it, even if I disagree with it.
  4. Why? he is paying for it, very generous There are three reasons I can think of right now: 1. Trump is not generous, and any money he pays will not be his. 2. The White House doesn't need a ballroom. That's for frivolous activities. 3. Trump. Anything he does or says is despicable to me.
  5. 😁😁 😁😁 😁😁 😁😁 !
  6. I'm not necessarily in favor of this, but again, I have to ask: why is this proposal only for banning transgender athletes out of women's sports? What about transgender athletes in men's sports? Why is Trump being so discriminatory (as if that surprises anyone).
  7. Then maybe we should just have two sports categories: Open and Women's. What do you think about that? But we'd still have to have specifications, rules, and maybe even tests to determine who is considered a "woman" and who isn't.
  8. I think you are misinterpreting the names. And I don't blame you. The article uses "transgender girls/women" to describe someone who was born a man but now identifies as a woman. And, of course, vice-versa. I would think that the opposite description would be more appropriate. That is, someone who was born a man but now identifies with being a woman should, IMO, be called a" transgender boy/man," not a "transgender girl/woman." Anyway, my point is this edict only covers men who identify as women wanting to play in women's sports, but does not address women who identify as men wanting to play in men's sports. That is why I label it as "discriminatory."
  9. https://www.carnegie.org/our-work/article/11-barriers-voting/ highlight - right click - go to Thanks! That worked! But we used to be able to post links that you just had to click on. When did that change on Forums?
  10. If I explain, you will not believe me. I want to post a link to show that others, more informed then me, think that way too. So, how do you post a link? Below, I have found the site on the WWW, copied the address, and posted it below. It looks okay when I do that, but when I Submit Reply, the link is deactivated It didn't used to be like that. How voter registration rules discourage some Americans from voting
  11. I agree, but also think the claim is true.
  12. How voter registration rules discourage some Americans from voting Sorry! I'm trying to paste a link, but when I do, the link disappears. How do you paste a link? Things have changed recently.
  13. Okay, my mistake. I meant when I was 21, which would have been in 1967. What I was getting at was I registered to vote as soon as I was eligible.
  14. I lived in the USA for over fifty years before relocating to Thailand over twenty years ago, and I have been registered to vote in the USA since I was 18 or 61 years ago. Since my first registration, I have moved to different states and had to re-register, but doing that was not a problem. I don't think there has been a presidential election that I did not vote in. But, I was born in the USA, am a White male, always gainfully employed with a "permanent" address. Many that are not registered do not fit all those categories. Still, if they are a US citizen, they should, IMO, be allowed to register and vote. As I said before, I am now registered to vote in California at my last address there, now one of my daughters' address. I was easily able to request a mail-in ballot. It was sent to me by email as a .pdf. I had to print it, fill it out, sign it, and then return a photocopy of the ballot. I was notified that my ballot was received about an hour after I sent it and then notified that it was accepted the next day. But I still believe that meeting all the registration qualifications and finding a convenient way and place to vote might be difficult for some, maybe many, in the USA, especially in "Red" states. In any event, Trump won the election, so we'll just have to live with that for the next four years. 🥹
  15. Disgusting! But when it comes to Trump, that's nothing new or surprising. 🥹
  16. I am a Trump-hater, and I think this decision is discriminatory. It is described as only barring "...transgender girls and women from participating in female sports." What about transgender boys and men from participating in male sports? Why the gender discrimination?
  17. ... nuff said Yes, most of what I "know" has come from things I've read or heard about it in some way, not from my own personal experience. I'm sure it's the same for you and everyone else on these forums.
  18. I agree you should have to "prove" you're a US citizen to be able to register to vote. I don't know how hard it is to get an ID, but I have read that in some states, it's not that easy. An extreme example would be someone who is 'living on the streets" (has no actual address.) Also, in many states, even after you've registered, voting itself is difficult. An example would be vote by mail or absentee voting. Some states have a lot less voting access in minority areas, etc... Anyway, IMO, registering and voting should be made as easy as possible everywhere.
  19. Only ~78% of voting age are even registered, ~262M of ~335M - wiki & google Only ~58% bothered voting either, ~52M, of 262M voted for either - wiki Yes, those are very disappointing figures. Of course, some of those who should be eligible to vote are, in some states, kept from registering because of questionable qualification demands. However, I agree that voter registration and turnout are very disappointing. I voted here, online, from Thailand, and found the procedure surprisingly easy.
  20. Just tells you most voting US citizens are kwai. Actually, "most" voting US citizens did not vote for Trump. He only got 49.7%, so "most" of the voting US citizens voted for someone else. Harris got 48.2%, so she only lost the popular vote by 1.5%. 2024 Presidential General Election Results
  21. I don't hope that. Why would you want that? But if they do, I only ask that they don't eliminate the Social Security benefits from the money already taken from retired people like me.
  22. That "an even worse one that had received not one primary vote" got 47.6% of the popular vote, just 2.3% less than Trump. No one got the majority of the popular vote.
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