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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. "Fridges, power plants, car and maritime engines" all pollute. Heat is one of the main types of pollution.
  2. My perception is narrowed because it is focused on the truth. Any perception that humans benefit this planet or the universe and should be sustained is just a delusion. We are like a cancer on this planet, and any attempts to spread humans to other planets until we learn to live both socially and environmentally compatible on this one should not be called "colonizing" but "metastasizing."
  3. I agree, but it is still produces pollution and is a danger to the environment - as are all human technologies.
  4. All the energy sources you list above are not "green" (not harmful to the environment). They all produce more pollution than usable energy. Fusion is less polluting than fission, but it still produces nuclear waste.
  5. I don't know if this incident is a sure sign that global warming will end the world, but the continuing human destruction of the Earth's environment will eventually result in the extinction of humans and many other species. We are now "over the cliff" on that.
  6. The only one that surprised me is: 5. Unaccompanied Minors: Children under 5 years old traveling without a guardian. I'd think the minimum age should be more like 16.
  7. There is no such thing as "clean energy." All technology used to harvest energy (not "create") and then transform it into a form usable by humans results in pollution (materials and energy that are discarded or unusable).
  8. This is where you are wrong. There have ALWAYS been transgender and LGBTQ+ people. You can find them referred to in many historical accounts. Also, the rest of the animal world also has individuals that are not 100% male or female. It's just part of nature.
  9. Well, DEI isn't "much like" racism. It is the very definition of racism. It prioritzes candidates for jobs/university places etc. based on race. Can't get much more racist than that. What next? The front seats on the bus? Like Liberals, the name "Progressives" and "anti-racists" chose for themselves is the exact opposite of what they are. DEI is much the same as Affirmative Action, which was an attempt at a REMEDY for racism. It doesn't "prioritize" candidates based on race (or gender or transgender). It only asks the employer to CONSIDER the DEI of their workplace when choosing among candidates. That would make race, heritage, gender, transgender, etc., one of the candidate's attributes to be considered. We are "progressive," "anti-racist," and "woke."
  10. Trump’s National Security Adviser Firm on Hamas: “They Will Never Govern Gaza” I could agree with that, as long as it is also stated that Israel will never govern Gaza or the West Bank.
  11. I think "neo-Nazi" would be a more appropriate term for people today, such as Trump and his supporters. "Neo-Nazism Neo-Nazism comprises the post–World War II militant, social, and political movements that seek to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. Neo-Nazis employ their ideology to promote hatred and racial supremacy (often white supremacy), attack racial and ethnic minorities (often antisemitism and Islamophobia), and in some cases to create a fascist state.Neo-Nazism is a global phenomenon, with organized representation in many countries and international networks. It borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including antisemitism, ultranationalism, racism, xenophobia, ableism, homophobia, anti-Romanyism, anti-communism, and creating a "Fourth Reich". Holocaust denial is common in neo-Nazi circles. Neo-Nazis regularly display Nazi symbols and express admiration for Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders." (Source: Neo-Nazism - Wikipedia)
  12. I think all the DEI and transgender resistance is much like racism. Many people still believe anyone who is not the same as they are, or as they think people should be, is inferior and must be either changed or segregated. Sad...
  13. Yes, I agree... a "grotesque display" and abuse of power. But this is just the start. We'll have to endure things like this for at least the next four years.
  14. I am a US citizen and don't agree with this action. Of course, I don't agree with just about everything Trump has proposed and will do. I think the US is in for a very castatrophic four years...
  15. A question for you... When you write "white man," you do not capitalize the "w," Why? If you wrote Black man, wouldn't you capitalize the "B"?
  16. Could someone help me? It seems like the AseanNow Forums have changed the way they post links in the past couple of days. I copied the link above from my browser, and when I insert it in my comment, it looks okay. It's a live link. But when I post it, the link portion disappears. This seems to happen on some links but not others. I'll try a couple below... Los Angeles Fire Department Los Angeles Fire Department - Wikipedia Both these are live links now, before I post it. But now, after I post it, only the Wikipedia link is live.
  17. I assume "LAFD" is the term for the Los Angeles Fire Department. I have no idea what the DEI makeup of the department is. I looked it up online, and of the 12 lead officials they showed, three were female, including the Fire Chief. Of the other nine, all appeared to be male; five appeared to be White and four non-Whites. (That's what I assumed from their photos.) So, this group seems to be very DEI of the Los Angeles area, don't you think? There could be more women, but, again, that is only if they meet the minimum qualifications. Here is the link I went to: Organization | Los Angeles Fire Department
  18. Quotas Yes, but they are no quotas set by the government. They are quotas set by the employer depending on the characteristics of the community or communities the employer's business is in. That could be the entire country or just a small town.
  19. What you describe above sounds like Affirmative Action, which was a law and did have legal penalties. DEI is not a law and failure to apply it does not have legal penalties. I am now 79 and also grew up when Affirmative Action was in effect. I supported it then and never had any problems with it that I knew of. I was never denied a job or an educational opportunity because I was a male Caucasian. I agree that the social problems both Affirmative Action and DEI are trying to remedy are not new and definitely have not gone away, but DEI is a suggestion to be considered, not a law to be followed with penalties for not doing so.
  20. No, all applicants must meet the minimum requirements for the job. "More qualified" is a judgment. An example would be if at least 5 years of prior work experience in a similar field were required, and one applicant had 8 years of experience and another 6 years. Both meet the minimum requirements, and whether or not the applicant with more years of experience would be considered "more qualified' is a judgment of the employer.
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