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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. USAID: The Big Exposure Reveals...the complete discriminatory and irresponsible actions of the Trump Presidency. 😞
  2. Dear BBC: Getting back to the topic of this forum, LGBT is NOT over. LG (lesbians and gays) are now readily accepted in most places, at least in my home country, the USA. Also, B (bisexuals) are no longer discriminated against. The T (transsexuals) are the hot topic right now, and as far as Q (questioning) goes, that speaks for itself. I (intersex) is someone who has had multiple types of sexual encounters. A (asexual) is also self-explanatory. So, it seems like the only one that is really the one that Trump and his supporters are attacking is T (transexuals). You can read more about all these here: LGBTQIA+ Meaning of Each Letter - Parade
  3. What do you expect when you hire a prostitute?
  4. Your experience sounds very bad, but I've never had any problems like this. Of course, I usually eat Thai food, not Farang food, and I usually go back to the same places I've been before. Anyway, I hope you are treated better next time.
  5. Your experience sounds very bad, but I've never had any problems like this. Of course, I usually eat Thai food, not Farang food, and I usually go back to the same places I've been before. Anyway, I hope you are treated better next time.
  6. By "doing it online" I mean I filled out and submitted all the applications online - although I might have had to fax them. I don't remember. Anyway, yes, you do have to eventually send in your old passport and receive your new one by mail.
  7. Lexi Thompson, from all I can gather on the Internet, is a biological woman and is not LGBTQIA+ since she is married to someone who appears to be a biological man. So, why is she allowed to compete in what is usually assumed to be a man's league? And if she can do that, why can't a biological man compete in what is traditionally thought to be a women's league? Is it because people like you believe that most women are inferior to men?
  8. If you look at the link, you'll find it is not about the fictional comedy... A League Of Their Own: Meet The Female Athletes Competing Head-To-Head With Men - Worldcrunch And, here's another link... Exploring the 7 women including Lexi Thompson who have played at a Men’s PGA Tour event
  9. There are plenty of them... A League Of Their Own: Meet The Female Athletes Competing Head-To-Head With Men - Worldcrunch
  10. So why, then, are some women allowed to compete in men's sports?
  11. What you have written above shows the discriminatory nature of this subject. Why would there be different rules for biological men and women, and then why would there be different rules for LGBTQIA+ people?
  12. The "LBTG" (LGTQIA+) is not a mob. It is a group of people who are being discriminated against by a mob. LGBTQIA+ people do not think no laws apply to them and that they can do whatever they like. They just want to be given the same rights as everyone else. Anti-LGBTQIA+ people are the bigots. a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group:
  13. I just answered this... There are many, but returning to the popular example cited over and over again on this forum, they are not allowed to use the gender-specific shower facilities that corresponds to the gender with which they identify.
  14. For example? There are many, but returning to the popular example cited over and over again on this forum, they are not allowed to use the gender-specific shower facilities that corresponds to the gender with which they identify.
  15. Those who identify as LGBTQIA+ are not treated the same way (equally) as other genders.
  16. What equals rights are those ? The right to be treated equally and to enjoy the same rights as everyone else.
  17. The equal rights of all those who identify as LGBTQIA+.
  18. Yes, sarcastic, or at least insulting. I think women fear seeing or being seen naked by men. I'm not sure why. I assume they've been taught that men can't control their sexual urges and might rape them. Yes, and not just gender, but the whole gamut of LGBTQIA+. I am not imposing my will on anyone. I am suggesting alternatives to allowing some to impose their will on others. Yes, anyone would be able to walk in off the street and use a public shower I a public school, sports dressing room, etc.. If it's a private shower in a private home, school, sports dressing room, then, no. And rather then continue to argue with you about this one small aspect of the topic of this forum, I will just say that LGBT(QIA+) is NOT "OVER." It has been with us forever, and even if the rights of those who identify with it are being threatened now, those people will not ever go away.
  19. Don't cough at lot while filling out your application...
  20. I'm sure you can, but I did mine online with ease.
  21. I think tourists in Thailand can expect fair legal treatment. It's not the same as the treatment the Thais get. Sometimes it worse, but sometimes it's better.
  22. I assume you did not know that because of your sarcastic remarks about Marx. I think fear is the main reason many women do not want to either see or be seen naked by men. Gender discrimination is the same as racial discrimination. It's assuming because people have different physical characteristics, they shouldn't have the same rights. My recommendations are not policies or edicts. But, yes, you do have to curb the selfish tendencies of some individuals to ensure a beneficial society for all. We are talking about public showers, those in schools, team dressing rooms, etc. Anyone can have a private shower in their home or other places.
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