Yes, sarcastic, or at least insulting.
I think women fear seeing or being seen naked by men. I'm not sure why. I assume they've been taught that men can't control their sexual urges and might rape them.
Yes, and not just gender, but the whole gamut of LGBTQIA+.
I am not imposing my will on anyone. I am suggesting alternatives to allowing some to impose their will on others.
Yes, anyone would be able to walk in off the street and use a public shower I a public school, sports dressing room, etc.. If it's a private shower in a private home, school, sports dressing room, then, no.
And rather then continue to argue with you about this one small aspect of the topic of this forum, I will just say that LGBT(QIA+) is NOT "OVER." It has been with us forever, and even if the rights of those who identify with it are being threatened now, those people will not ever go away.