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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. You are way off. I had a mate in there long term paying that. Also had a mate stay short term for 1 month in a 2 bed - 40k (not xmas either).
  2. The UK has given me a lot. Happy to give back 😇
  3. At least with condos you could base the price on what other units are renting for, within reason. I guess a renter pays about 7% rent. 25k month rent = 4.2m property value ?? Not far off i think.
  4. Old people are just naturally pessimistic about the future. Its some kind of projection of their end of life inevitability. Envisage being in 2009 during the GFC and a 74 year old insists the world will never be the same again. And yet....
  5. Maybe they should make it means tested. My parents don't need it and i won't either.
  6. Yeh he was definitely pinching tight arses ...all under 18 though 🫢
  7. Why you up at 3:13am though? ...is electricity cheaper or something? 🤣
  8. Tight arse to a whole new dimension though. So tight they squeek when they walk.
  9. Bunch of penny-pinching tight arses.
  10. Its 2am and i'm back from walking street. Rocking in the places i go to. Poor old miserable retirees not welcome! They let the scruffy buggers in but not really welcome.
  11. Lucky you're here. So much knowledge. My whole career is banking.
  12. Really? What about the other 10 income streams you've missed? Obviously never worked in banking.
  13. Think how a bank makes profit. You probably don't know. How does that free checking account make a profit. Clue - it doesn't.
  14. The biggest change is ibar, which i used to like. Although, it started getting polluted with arabs in its pre-covid years and they are generally unpleasant to be around anyway. Myst and republic are the 2 now. Again too many arabs, as most of the western tourists are old guys. They don't get going until >1am. I think a whole load of freelancing girls just left the scene and never returned after covid.
  15. Last month, bangkok hotel wrote down my visa expiry date (obviously from passport). I got a deep wai and an oooooooh! when they spotted it had a 5 year expiry ...and a room upgrade too 😋
  16. What flavour is the kool aid?
  17. And not a scratch on it. Remarkable!
  18. Can an opinion be wrong??
  19. Smarten yourselves up though. Most of you look like you've been dragged through a dumpster. Nobody wants to see your feet or watch you picking your teeth either!
  20. The overuse of the word disgusting by dumb forum people. This would make a better topic.
  21. Perfectly describing the old retired expat 😃
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