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Everything posted by StandardIssue

  1. Another reason not to live anywhere near Pattaya. That's all I need is to run into a bunch of drunk Kuwaitis speeding around on motorbikes whilst I'm trying to get home from buying some groceries at the local Tesco or Big C. What a S#!t hole. I enjoy some fun now and again and to imagine these idiots have been anywhere in or around a possible fun girl makes me want to puke. I've had the displeasure of speaking with a couple of these types before. Entitled lunk heads. I understand they are "potentially" deporting the offenders. Rather than potentially why not actually deport them. Baffling, but you know what they say. TIT
  2. No branding necessary. This has been a pretty damn good way to describe Trump for quite a long while now. Example: At the Bitcoin conference in Nashville (which is attended by not only crypto enthusiasts but intelligent developers and intellectuals) He was claiming that Kamala Harris would be trying to push for a form of abortion that included execution of the baby AFTER it's born. How he could think any rational person would believe this crazy nut job weird BS is beyond me. Statements like that are beyond weird. To make such blatant lies is pure evil. Only someone intellectually challenged or mentally impaired would go along with such outrageous nonsense. He and Vance are WEIRD!!!
  3. Very helpful. thank you kindly. So it looks like I'll be suggesting Krungsri to my friend. Much appreciated. This kind of detailed information is very helpful and thank you for taking the time to post.
  4. There was also a farang at the Nana Sukumvit McDonalds complaining his fries were cold and that he ordered a hamburger not a pork burger. ALERT THE MEDIA!!
  5. That has been my experience but I refrain from using my US credit or debit cards because the fees are very high. 220THB on the Thai side. $13.50 USD on the USA side. My friend has no choice as a tourist so... that is why I made the OP. He wants to use a USA debit card. He doesn't really want to use credit cards because his credit sucks. Looking for the max he can get on the Thai side if he is able to set his US bank to allow a $1000 daily limit which looks to be the case. He can set the limit up by contacting his bank and telling them he is traveling and wants cash.
  6. Details please? Using what card? Out of country debit or credit? What country? OP is about using an out of country debit or credit card. I guess I should not be surprised that many of the "members' here don't really read carefully. Sorry my friend but why did you even post? There is no detail.
  7. Which bank? Do you have an account with said bank? did you fill out any paper work? You did not mention typing your PIN. Posting some details would be helpful.. otherwise it sounds like boasting in my humble opinion. How you dress is the least of my friends worries as he's not your average sloppy tourist in shorts, sunglasses and floppies.
  8. Thanks, but my OP is basically a question for a tourist with no bank account. Although it could also apply to an expat who is not interested in having a lot of eyes on the money he is bringing into country if you know what I mean. So certainly NOT depositing funds into a Thai bank account would be prudent in the last case.
  9. Thailand politics has nothing to do with my choice about living here. Respectfully your OP is widely general and, in my opinion warrants no reply as, again Thalands politics, which you say is right wing, has no bearing on expats political leanings. I'm not out there talking politics with Thai people for a couple reasons. 1) I speak Thai but not well enough to have a meaningful political discussion. 2) A huge portion of the population is working class and do not have much insight into the actual politics going on in their country. Respectfully people who make posts using such basic and general terms as "lefties" and "righties" are people who favor politicians of the same general mind set or .. again respectfully lack of an insightful mindset. DT being a politician with a very limited intelligence or good general education. A clear distinction is to look at the education and intelligence of Barack Obamaha. He was a CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER who was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. Meanwhile Trump was just a TV personality and failed businessman.
  10. Anyone looking for help with a drinking problem can just "check out" AA by attending an online meeting. This is completely anonymous. Most online meetings use the "Zoom" app and there are no fees, no requirements whatsoever to attend and just listen in. Showing your video is not required. One can just attend and listen in. Meetings are going on around the clock. Visit https://aa-intergroup.org/meetings/
  11. Yes, this dude doesn't interview well. The audience was laughing at him.. why? Because his answers were a joke! He is just not smart enough to do the job. His answers are so weird! Weird DT.
  12. I saw the 25 note limit awhile ago on one particular bank machine. So to get 25000 from that ATM it would have to have enough 1000 notes to cover the withdraw. Thanks. But doesn't make sense to get charged 220THB + home bank international ATM withdraw charges for say a 5000 THB ATM withdraw .. of course. I wonder how many expats are starting to make ATM withdraws instead of Swift or Wise transfers these days with the new Thai tax BS.
  13. Thanks, yea I had seen the dispensing bill limit when I had tried a large withdraw. Some machines more than others. I'll look into seeing what his home bank limit is.
  14. Anybody with some cash, a couple good cell phones and $100 worth of lighting equipment bought on Lazada could start making their own. But be sure and not get caught making porn here in country. Thailand strictly forbids production of porn, although a lot of guys do it some get busted and go off the the Bangkok Hilton. As far as career moves goes. I think it is probably night an ideal choice 🤪 🤪... most porn producers don't do well these days. There are boat loads of amateur producers and tons of webcam recording footage out there. Who actually makes any real money making porn these days. it's a fools enterprise IMHO.
  15. Anybody have any experience with daily ATM withdrawl THB limits? A USA buddy of mine plans to visit soon and he wants to avoid fees and withdraw the max amount of THB he can for each visit to the ATM to avoid the per transaction fees. Looks like the flat fees are the same no matter the amount for each withdraw. Also, which Thai bank ATM allows the most THB daily withdraw? Which Thai Bank ATM has the lowest fees? Any experienced replies very appreciated.
  16. LOL, someone has drank the Kool Aid, bought more, and began using two packages and double the sugar. You really believe that GOP hyperbolic rhetoric? Wow. Someone got fooled by the propaganda.
  17. Yes, only the best people. That really helped him in Pennsylvania at that campaign rally. His best people allowed some kid to get on top of a shed and take a few shots at him. At the Bitcoin conference he also said Kamala Harris is a "very low IQ person". That she is going to allow, after birth, execution of babies and lifting the social security age. Truly outrageous falsehoods. He goes on and repeatedly stoops to play ground name calling. His use of the English language never really goes any higher than the vocabulary of a 12 year old. Truly mind boggling he ever made it to the highest US public office. It really doesn't reflect well on the intelligence of the American public in my humble opinion. How people can go along with his outlandish rhetoric and blatant lies baffles me.
  18. I'll bet there are still external CD/DVD reader drives out their that can be connected to a modern laptop via USB port. Apple still produces those from what I have seen. Probably $20 on Lazada. Or, better yet, don't throw away your old laptop just yet and copy all the CD/DVD data to USB thumb drives. They are cheap and have loads of storage space..much more than DVD's and CD's.
  19. AI is just another advance of technology that has always gradually changed the performing of services and making goods. AI is just another of the many advances of technology changing how human labor is involved .. this is nothing new. Ever heard of the Industrial Revolution? Come on.. You may be to young or never heard about this but for example.. there used to be legions of people that worked for the phone company. (mostly women) They were called "operators" They connected phone line to phone line and gave out phone numbers if you needed one. They were replaced by computers from about the 1970's on. Geez, technology will always change "labor" .. the world adjusts. AI and Robots won't "take over'. The onslaught of obesity in the world is not a problem that AI can be blamed for. AI might actually fix it. IMHO It is corporate greed and food corporations willing to sell crappy food to their costumers despite well knowing it is unhealthy and may well shorten their lives. My opinion is it is fast food, candy, uber processed food and government regulation being very liniment on the production of crappy food abd drinks which is the problem. This kind of food is almost like cigarettes and liquor. IMHO there ought to be a warning. Many people in countries were education is low don't understand that drinking sugar soda and eating fast good is very bad for health. They simply don't know any better. There is a push in some western progressive governments to put warning labels say on Coke/Pepsi and fast food. Because it is very unhealthy to consume. Much like cigarettes are known to produce cancer and excessive liquor consumption can lead to addiction and health problems.
  20. Thank you for the "thanks" reactions. It's my experience that there are a lot more promises than what some people in AA meetings call the "12 promises". Those are in actuality the 9th step promises. There are promises for every one of the 12 steps in AA and my blog post points some of those out. I have had the benefit of good sponsorship from men who really studied the AA approved literature thoroughly and passed their knowledge on to me. IMHO -- This is why it's a good idea to read (even better to study) the AA book Alcoholics Anonymous and also go to meetings for any alcoholic looking to get recovery from the fatal illness. My advice is to stick with official AA literature. It is time tested and works. There are many authors seeking to profit from publishing their own recovery books that, in my experience, are a distortion of the true program outlined in the good old AA basic texts. Some meetings have many people with good intentions but many of them don't take the time to really study the literature of the fellowship. The book "Alcoholics Anonymous" and the book "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions". The best thing that ever happened to me is I stumbled upon a man who was in a meeting of AA when I was floundering in recovery. I was not drinking but not very happy.. I had no sponsor so I asked this fellow to sponsor me. His sharing was no nonsense and was different than the usual. He bought me a a large text AA book and told me that if I wanted his help that we were going to study it. It was a huge turning point in my life; all for the better. We studied that book sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph. I thought I was a smart guy but I learned something humbling. That I missed a lot just reading the book. In fact I missed most of it! Until I studied it with this man, who gave his time freely, I never really knew the true program of AA. Now I understand just how much of a blessing I was given. I'm not religious but it changed my life spiritually. Life really took on a new meaning and, better yet, I was now able to help other alcoholics in a way I never knew I could. So I pass this message along to anyone looking for recovery from alcoholism. AA has a way. It may not be the only way but is sure worked well for me so far.
  21. It's not any different than multiple life sentences given to say, Americans convicted of multiple homicides. How long have you been living in Thailand? I've not been here long and I think the answer to your second "real" question is pretty obvious at this point. That being said. Be careful when f&#kin6 about in Thailand. Tread lightly and keep a low profile if you intend to try to skate the rules or commit any crimes. Or even worse cross so called "officials" that are involved in graft or other things. Look, let's be plain. Look what goes on in Pattaya. You think even the highest officials there are going by the book? Be careful, keep a low profile, don't cross anyone and you can enjoy a nice retirement in Thailand. Try to act like an entitled Westerner or a self righteous activist and guarantee you'll regret it.
  22. Yes, as an American I'm not proud to say I'm fairly sure a lot of it has to do with American fast food and crap 7-11 food.
  23. Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Krispy Kreme, Pizza Hut, Dominos, 7-11 fast food. Is anyone surprised? I have been traveling here for over 20 years. There are more overweight Thai's now than before. Same as USA. Lot's of rolly polly humans waddling around the supermarkets and sitting in their cars at the McDonalds drive in. I'm American but I'll be the first to admit that fast food brought into other countries is USA corporate encroachment. The USA bringing crap food fast food chains into theses markets is ruining the health of the world population as well as it's own. IMHO it's very similar to the sale and use of tobacco products.
  24. If the you think the budget US airlines I bad and can't imagine what it's like to fly on a budget Indian airline. Gawd!!! They age of budget airlines is upon us and wow, what a crappy way to fly. Charges for everything... if you'd like a meal that will be extra... flying with baggage? Well that will cost you buddy! Next they will be weighing everybody. Mark my words... I believe there will be weight class ticketing and scales at check in. Please step on the scale sir to verify your weight class. Ah sir you gained a few pounds since you bought your ticket... too fat sir that will be an extra 50 Bob.
  25. If anyone with a drinking problem or thinks they may be alcoholic is interested there is a book available at https://aa.org titled "Alcoholics Anonymous" The first portion of this book contains the AA 12 step program for recovery from alcoholism. Within that text are a number of promises given for following the instructions. I maintain an AA discussion blog. If anyone is interested in some highlights of the hopeful message it has given to millions of recovered alcoholics world wide I invite you to read my post which extracts all the promises corresponding to each one of the steps. Cheers and I hope anyone with a drinking problem or may think they have alcoholism might find some hope with AA. The promises associated with each step as found in the book Alcoholics Anonymous
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