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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. I also wonder why these manufacturers needed indemnity for their obviously safe and effective product. This is all such a mystery
  2. Good luck. These management companies are basically just shakedown artists. You’ll never get what you want. They will just stare at you as you talk with an occasional nod of the head.
  3. Its ability to think for yourself. take Biden supporters for example. Zero intelligence. Anyone who can support that is obviously not capable of thinking on their own terms. All they do is ingest what others spoon feed them. That’s lack of intelligence
  4. Jesus that is a lot of holidays
  5. Prob have the part you need on lazada. Cheap too I’m sure. It doesn’t seem like it would be a difficult repair.
  6. I’ve noticed this pattern myself. They let their hunger pains dictate if they will stamp your visa or not. Best to come back after lunch.
  7. Yes because it’s a shakedown. Nobody actually cares if you are legal or if they can see it or not. Anything to get you to cough up dough. That’s why I’ll never pay. See we have things like seatbelts and license plate lamps cops can shake you down with back home. For obvious reasons, here they do t have that. So they use the one universal method they have: car tax. But yes the good part is if you have it up to date cops don’t have too much leverage here short of their stupid speed “radar” traps where they dont even take radar they just tell you that you were over.
  8. I have a huge pet peeve about these people who have indestructible hard case carryons. And then they slam them in the bin, as if everyone’s luggage was hard case. And seriosuly push and jam it in. People bring fragile items on the plane. That’s the whole point. And these people assume everyone’s luggage is hard case. I could let loose on one of these morons one day
  9. I’ve had this happen too. And the border was so small I didn’t feel I could reenter the line. I mean she was my only option. Funny it could possibly be the same lady lol. Maybe mid 50’s and skinny? I guess that describes most of them haha. She told me “you cannot cross here again” and I went back there next time and she wasn’t there so didn’t have a problem. My big question was, what if I would have told her I will stay in Cambodia overnight? Would that have done it? I never understood how she could legally deny me exit.
  10. I know these forums are prone to exaggeration but I walked over 2km today in the sun to get to a government office. Was it fun? No. But I mean I could have kept going. Did I get a taxi back? Yes. But that’s not the point. Ha. This was midday too. I just seriously don’t think it’s too hot. It’s humid here so the temps are confined in a small range. Deserts can get bad, I mean they actually can get way out of control hot, which I just don’t feel like this is, myself. It’s just interesting to discuss though. Idk maybe next year I’ll think this is hotter than I did this year, who knows.
  11. How many people died last year, or the year before? Did you bother to look. More than likely it’s just a normal year. But hey, that’s just the numbers… never mind those. Much better to get hysterical feelings involved.
  12. Without exaggeration I’m at my place right now. I get morning sun in this room and it’s not fun I’ll admit. Sun is off to the other side now. No ac. I’m fine. I would not say 100% comfy but it’s not anything I feel is crazy. In short, being inside it’s not bad at all. Being outside walking or sitting near pavement that’s baking all day can be brutal I’ll admit, but that’s usually easy to curtail unless you’re somehow stuck there with work or something.
  13. Everything I said is 100% factual. Just because you get your news from anderson cooper isn’t my problem
  14. This story is just like covid but for the weather
  15. Yes ido that often too. I did not want to pay the tax because I thought they were going to hit me with 2 old tickets. So then… I went to pay the tax and they said nothing about the old tickets. Despite the fact that every government Bootlicker in here will tell you “they connect the systems in April there was a news article about it blah blah blah”. so now I have got the tax sorted and didn’t pay the tickets. Another Happy ending in Thailand. My new thoughts on the matter are Thais do not pay these tickets. They just slough them off. Like we are supposed to. Other point is think is noteworthy is NEVER PAY ROADSIDE IN CASH. for a ticket. It’s just a shakedown. Never do it. If you really do wanna pay demand you get an actual written ticket. Just tell them you have no cash idk why people have a hard time with this stuff “mai meee kap”
  16. The fluctuations are small on a graph. Your feelings don’t count. Actual numbers and averages do. It’s normal… keep in mind those number are averages! That means some years it was hotter, some cooler. It’s mind blowing people don’t get simple numbers.
  17. Rand Paul has accused Fauci of lying and even said he should be in prison. I guess there is one or two politicians who are not bought off
  18. This thread has been closed. I do have insurance I just got my updated tax display for this year. You don’t have any idea what you are talking about.
  19. Get rid of the ridiculous car you have is my advice
  20. I will never use DHL. Ever. idk what the bell you are talking about. If you can bring it with you. What on earth are you blathering about. You wanna expose yourself to more government corruption. Go right ahead. As far as I’m concerned when I’m coming in I bring whatever I want. If you come in at an odd hour the customs people aren’t even there sometimes
  21. If I had to pick between a nazi supporter and a Joe Biden supporter, it would honestly be an easy decision
  22. The news dramatizes normal weather events as extreme. It makes perfect sense for them to do so if you think about it. These are more or less normal temperatures. If you don’t believe me go look at some historical charts
  23. Maybe next year you’ll get your wish and they will have their systems up to date and they will ring up my old fines. Idk why you’d want that. Silly. But to each their own I suppose. As for now, eat it sucker. Go pay your fines.
  24. I’m on such a high. Nice lady rang me up in 30 seconds. Idk why it was so uncrowded on a Friday but it was empty. And no word on the wracked up fines. Solid. Viva la Thailand
  25. Bro, typical highs in April 36 degrees C. Current temp: 37 degrees C. its just normal. I have no idea why people blather on and on about nothing. Thailand is hot, it’s always this hot, give or take. You have no point. You’re wrong. Numbers don’t lie.
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