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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Did anyone answer my question? If we have this amazing safe and effective vaccines that saving all these lives, why are so few taking it?
  2. Ok mods get ready to close this thread for all further replies, because we have verified facts here: I had two tickets for having no car tax. Both tickets were obtained outside the province I live in. I just went to my local province to pay my current tax and they accepted it without mention of the unpaid fines. I didn’t even seem like she got on a computer. I swear there is a gene in humans that makes them suck up to governments and almost feel proud to give in and pay the shakedown artists. Why are you like this?
  3. That’s just like, your opinion man. Go look at a chart for historical April temperatures.
  4. I say even if masking did help, it is still overreach. Yes. Literally… even if masking saves lives, you still don’t force people to wear masks. It doesn’t seem like people understand the framework of the above sentiment. Think of it like the 4th amendment and the right to be secure in your home. Just because it would save lives (perhaps it would) for government to be able to invade your privacy, it doesnt matter. You see, that’s how right works. If you trample on them the system is broken and you have bigger problems. so again, even if people die, you still should not enforce masks
  5. I always wonder if the vaccine is so great why are so few people getting boosted
  6. Who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes.
  7. Condo management is so not there to help residents. They exist to make money. And all their behavior and actions transpire accordingly.
  8. Like they care. Maybe they could stop their roadside cash shakedowns for a month or two to ease extorting the poor for a while
  9. Thailand weather has always identified itself at hot
  10. They should get advice on this forum. A lot of experts on here.
  11. The crazy part to me has been, all the hysteria all those years, and currently covid still exists, but the hysteria disappeared. People swallowed all the fear hook line and sinker
  12. Yeah. I was thinking I could do this in issan. I think they still use typewriters at my local office, and maybe sparrows for mail. I doubt this info has made it out there.
  13. Not to disrail your question but that’s part of my issue. My last ticket was “pay us 500 baht cash now and we won’t give you a 1000 baht car tax (written ticket)”. To me it’s clear extortion and should never be paid. Even if they do inquire about it when I pay my tax I will bring up they tried to extort me for cash on the side of the road. Not that this would help my case I’m just making a point.
  14. That’s according to some horrible “news” articles. Do you have any experience with the systems actually being linked. Supposedly people are reporting you can simply go to another province and pay the tax anyway, even with the linked system. Sounds about right for Thailand tbh
  15. I dont know who I’m stealing this quote from and I hope I don’t butcher it too much, something along the lines of “in all of history, the side that does the censorship has never the correct side, they’ve never been proven right”.
  16. At the end of Mr. Bridgen’s address, a public gathering outside of the parliament listening ROARED IN APPROVAL TO THIS SPEECH. And the head of the parliament whats her name actually went out of her way and took measures to quiet them down. I suppose what we can take from this is the people in power don’t like it when we express our approval as taxpayers and citizens. You can hear this at 14:52:39 in the video from the original post.
  17. We all know the vaccines are perfectly safe and perfectly effective. But this Andrew Bridgen character is discussing excess deaths in the UK Parliament. It’s at 14:33:00 if you want to listen to his outlandish claims. https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/168f642a-5708-4b1a-9857-d8eacf475252
  18. I will go look for a counterfeit tax display before I will pay it. In fact that may be my next thread
  19. Can you pay car tax at any dept of land transport you’d like throughout Thailand? Anyone know. Thanks for the posts good to know.
  20. Can I just not pay the ticket I got for not having car tax? I suppose I will find out soon as I need to go get the car tax for this year, hopefully they don’t ask about the newly issued ticket. Serious question though, what if I just don’t get the car tax and just keep wracking up fines every now and again? It’s a shakedown system the way they accept cash onsite, I actually feel like not paying is my duty as a good visitor but just curious of the actual realities.
  21. We’ll know in about ten years, just about the time frame we figure out the dangers of most other vaccines
  22. The nobody else is the people not taking the booster. Go look up the booster uptake, it’s not like I’m making this up. And no. No it doesn’t.
  23. I don’t eat bread in Thailand. They fooled me the last time back in ‘97
  24. If you could somehow do an experiment where taxpayers got to check boxes to send their taxes to Ukraine, or keep them at home (and they will see the benefits) to fund roads, schools healthcare… who is going to check the Ukraine box? Nobody. Not a single person. If you do actually give the benefits to only the taxpayers who checked the keep money at home box. There is no argument here. Nobody actually supports this stuff, they just pretend, virtue signal and are led astray by propaganda.again, If they saw the actual benefits in real life, there would be no discussion
  25. Freeze it. i stopped buying market meats and tend to buy at grocery stores. Maybe it’s not any better idk. But at least there’s some type of refrigeration. I figured a way to freeze things that is vacuum sealed quality without a vacuum sealer. You just buy plastic wrap and wrap it up very well and squeeze out all the air pockets and I’m telling you, you can eat stuff months later from the freezer. No freezer burn.
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