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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Interesting. From my personal observations, I've noticed different jobs seem to attract different ethnic groups. Filipinos, if given a choice, tend to choose work in care giving and nursing. And they are very good at it. Hawaiians are good as heavy construction equipment operators. Many Japanese choose carpentry and woodworking jobs. Caucasians, like myself, are found everywhere. I started as a carpenter and eventually became a licensed general contractor. My workers were a melting pot of ethnicities. Just saying.
  2. Okay strawberry picker, stop confusing the issue. The subject matter is illegals. My one experience with Mexican coffee pickers was awful. Because they were piece workers, they damaged the trees and picked both green and ripe berries. Never again. I grew up with sugar and pineapple workers who were unionized and made decent income with good benefits. Some were immigrant laborers and to my knowledge none were illegal. When the plantations closed many joined me in unionized construction work. So, I am not completely ignorant like you claim me to be.
  3. Enough of you nonsense. A guarantee from you is a joke. And a sad one at that.
  4. The native Hawaiian population was decimated by diseases from foreigners. The local population had no immunity to measles, STDs, etc. which had a devastating effect. It was a young American who helped King Kamehameha conquer the islands, along with the use of foreign weapons. Eventually, Hawaiian royalty married foreigners and the rest is history. There were also native Hawaiians who joined those in overthrowing Queen Liliuokalani.
  5. I didn't know official government statistics were generated from right wing sites. Right wing CBO? News to me. For your information, the diversion of funds to illegal immigrants are being decried by those directly affected in those liberal cities. They are being denied help because of diverted funds. If immigration laws need to be changed, then change them. Illegal immigration creates more problems. then it solves. Do you think the FBI is lying about the dangers of illegals entering the country?
  6. King Kamehameha I is credited for unifying the Hawaiian Island under one kingdom. How he did it is a story of treachery and the slaughtering of other Hawaiians. Yet there are statues of him in prominent places and no one in their right mind would suggest removing them. Throughout history this has occurred over and over with statues and monuments erected to these "heroes." Removing them accomplishes nothing, but satisfying those who think it does, for whatever reason.
  7. https://open.lib.umn.edu/principleseconomics/chapter/12-3-labor-markets-at-work If you read the link in its entirety, then you will see the whole picture and not just what you want to believe. Not my problem if you still don't understand.
  8. Just admit it. You do not understand how supply and demand applies to the labor force. Suspect what? Please elaborate.
  9. I didn't arrive at this conclusion; the CBO did. My take is the rule of supply and demand applies. Quite sure you know how that works. Or perhaps maybe you don't. And the costs continue to rise. NYC mayor asks NY governor for more bucks as his budget faces more shortfalls. She, in turn, is asking the feds for more money. Denver is cutting public services in order to fund illegal migrant programs. What's a million here and a million there?
  10. Two days after this post, the CBO in a 10 year budget estimate said the influx of illegal immigrants will force down wages in the U.S. Not good news for LEGAL American wage earners. Off course, according to you this will be offset by increased contributions by these illegals to Social Security and Medicare by these illegals. By the way, many illegals work under the table and pay no payroll taxes. And if wages go down, then payroll taxes go down. So, tell me how all this benefits this REAL hardworking Americans?
  11. Why did you post a link that has a paywall? Isn't that against forum rules?
  12. Try looking at yourself in the mirror. Be careful. You might cut yourself.
  13. Correction ,it's even worse, $6 trillion in three years. Since you are so knowledgeable and confident about the economy, if not this year, when?
  14. Biden continues to deny he has trouble with his memory. His latest remarks relating to the special counsel's investigation of his mishandling of classified material is not only defiant, but quite troubling.
  15. Many may agree with you. Time will tell just how many DISagree with you.
  16. If I recall, he gave 22 reasons saying not just one was responsible. Agree. I can think of several major ones, but prefer to keep them to myself. Trump has very little understanding how the real world works. We are now paying a steep price for the tax cuts he promoted.
  17. This is an update from Bloomberg about the U.S. commercial property market. Moody's has downgraded NYCB to junk status. Now Germany's Deutsche Pflandtriefbank and Japan's Azora Bank are being hit. Janet Yellen says the problem is manageable. Remember when she said the latest round of inflation was transitory. Hopefully, this does not spread to other sectors.
  18. From the man who continued his predecessor's cheap money policy for most of his first term before realizing inflation was here.
  19. My post was a reply about wealth and how people handle it. Exactly where do you see any connection to Donald Trump? Any spinning done is by you. If you want to promote Joe Biden and trash Donald Trump is up to you. Just don't use me to do it.
  20. Not disputing anything. https://www.nerdwallet.com/h/category/managing-credit-card-debt
  21. Never mind Trump. Why is he stopping you from contributing?
  22. Manageable credit card debt! That explains your misconceptions about finance and how the markets work.
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