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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Sounds like "referred pain' from a pinched nerve or herniated disc.
  2. Duan must be a super salesman. How gullible to front that kind of money.
  3. "Put up or..." Or what? The youtube clips are no surprise. They document what is actually going on. Hamas is in survival mode and will feed their troops before the civilian population. Do you expect Hamas to publicly announce this fact for the whole world to see?
  4. Why would Israel stop now? https://www.foxnews.com/world/hamas-launches-rocket-barrage-israel-rafah-sounding-alarms-tel-aviv
  5. The Germans need to get their act together. https://www.msn.com/en-news/world/germany-s-ambitious-military-plans-hit-financial-hurdles/ar-BB1mrFn3r As for Turkey, why the delay in okaying Finland's and Sweden's entry into NATO. Religious views should not have even been considered. And the Kurdish problem was a poor excuse. On top of that, Turkey does not want to lose Russia as a trading partner. Another poster already explained why Hungary is untrustworthy.
  6. Germany and of course, Turkey and Hungary will do nothing even if there is a Russian military incursion into any NATO country.
  7. Same thing could be said of Stalin. He helped the allies in defeating Nazi Germany.
  8. Houthi attacks have dropped in recent weeks due to U.S. airstrikes. Because the attacks are not as frequent as three months ago I am assuming that that it will happen, albeit not as quickly as we would like. The U.S. has to be careful to avoid civilian deaths, aka collateral damage, otherwise they will be accused of committing some type of "atrocity," similar to what Israel is facing. The Saudis had that problem. What a screwed up world we live in. I say if you are going to fight a war, fight to win.
  9. I was hoping for the U.S. to step up its interdiction of drone and missile components from Iran and also continue to hit launching sites. Unfortunately, this will not happen overnight.
  10. Send them to Gaza where they can joint Hamas and actually fight the Israelis.
  11. Another link with a paywall. Plus more of your sarcasm which, evidently, is free.
  12. From my previous post: "The U.S. military has suggested its airstrikes and interceptions of Houthi fire have disrupted their assaults and chewed into their weapon stockpiles." Seems plausible.
  13. Update: https://www.yahoo.com/news/yemens-houthi-rebels-claim-attacking-122107315.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  14. Taking antibiotics for viral infections is part of the problem. It only kills friendly bacteria unnecessarily.
  15. Haven't heard from the former CIA case worker for a while. I wonder if his former employer has anything to do with his silence?
  16. Corruption is corruption no matter which scale you use.
  17. Sponsor needs to provide an affidavit of support with documentation of financial ability such as verification of income and/or substantial assets to provide support. IRS verified income tax returns may be required along with certified copies of bank statements, etc.
  18. IMHO, it it's saying that their man is the solution to Biden's economic, immigration, energy and foreign policies. Difficult to push Trump's agenda without mentioning what Biden has been doing. And no, I am not choosing sides.
  19. There happens to be many well educated and talented people from countries that are going through perilously rough times trying to immigrate to the U.S. Venezuela is a good example.
  20. Overstay statistics are among the criteria in what determines the strictness in tourist visa requirements. I know that Thailand and the Philippines are high up on the list of overstayers.
  21. How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a Trump fan? I have never, ever defended Trump when he has obviously broken the law. Defending someone and comparing their crimes with others are TWO DIFFERENT things. Thank goodness the agency got rid of you. You're worse than a broken record.
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