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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Sponsor needs to provide an affidavit of support with documentation of financial ability such as verification of income and/or substantial assets to provide support. IRS verified income tax returns may be required along with certified copies of bank statements, etc.
  2. IMHO, it it's saying that their man is the solution to Biden's economic, immigration, energy and foreign policies. Difficult to push Trump's agenda without mentioning what Biden has been doing. And no, I am not choosing sides.
  3. There happens to be many well educated and talented people from countries that are going through perilously rough times trying to immigrate to the U.S. Venezuela is a good example.
  4. Overstay statistics are among the criteria in what determines the strictness in tourist visa requirements. I know that Thailand and the Philippines are high up on the list of overstayers.
  5. How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a Trump fan? I have never, ever defended Trump when he has obviously broken the law. Defending someone and comparing their crimes with others are TWO DIFFERENT things. Thank goodness the agency got rid of you. You're worse than a broken record.
  6. Interesting how you dismiss the gravity of the crimes committed by Ames and others compared to what Trump has done. Please explain or is this information only privy to CIA operatives? And why did the FBI allow a Chinese spy to join Trump's exclusive club? Could it be so that they could spy on her?
  7. "You still haven't answered the details of your termination." Exfil?
  8. Exfil? Seems as they missed someone who continues to shine the spotlight on his brilliant career.
  9. Guess you never heard of Aldrich Ames. Then there's Edward Lee Howard, David Henry Barnett and others.
  10. What I don't understand is why you have to keep on boasting about your illustrious, dedicated service. What you fail to mention are the monumental missteps made by the agency, let alone the traitors in the ranks.
  11. Sad, very sad that it bothers you so much. Get a life.
  12. Why are you so obsessed with sex. Most men who constantly talk about the subject are usually poorly endowed or poor performers, or both.
  13. You're right. According to Fox News, out of 33 people arrested at George Washington University only 6 are students. The other 27 protestors must be part of "the forces of darkness."
  14. I have no idea what you are talking about. Get a life.
  15. Whether the person in question may or may not be a Palestinian supporter should not determine if this person should be arrested and charged for criminal property damage. It has been widely reported that not all of these protesters are bona fide students and some have appeared at different universities throughout the country. Are these the dark forces you are referring to?
  16. Seems you are the one who made the error by commenting without knowing all the facts. All of the major news outlets have reported and documented the damage done by these criminals. Seems as if your source for news is faulty or downright incompetent.
  17. Hope all you want because the cops did what they were supposed to do; maintaining law and order by arresting these criminals.
  18. Funny how you seem to find what you want to find. https://www.nbcnews.com/us-news/columbia-university-professor-says-negotiations-protestors-stalled-sch-rcna149755
  19. Correct. Nineteen brothels are licensed in the state of Nevada.
  20. Not just weird, but totally illogical. Then again, many laws make no sense at all except to the lawmakers.
  21. Supposedly, there were 50 million doses available when Biden took office. When the production caught up with demand, Biden took credit for that. What a snake! Pfizer developed its vaccine without government funding, so ramping up production was necessary to recover its investment. Biden believes government intervention and funding is the only way to go. Typical liberal mentality.
  22. What do you expect when you comment on a post that was directed to somebody else? Quite obvious you will attract attention.
  23. Who are the other four on your list, and why are they on your list?
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