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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Don't know if I'd want to be doing much in Myanmar.... Its a bit unstable methinks. Although others maybe able to confirm what it's like for foreigners. Could be a bit risky.
  2. Hell, I'm tempted to check the Certificate of Fitness of any bus I get on, after all the vehicles that have apparent brake failure. Seems to be a regular occurrence. Either poorly maintained or just a cop out excuse for terrible driving.
  3. I think immigration has been handing out viagra without people knowing..... Cause most of them are hard to understand at the best of times.
  4. This prik should have a warning shot placed between his eyes. Absolute scum bag. He didn't give a <deleted>e about these people. Feed him to the sharks.
  5. Or maybe non binary (whatever the fak that is)
  6. Wrap a bit of insulation tape around it before cutting. Then you get a smoother edge/cut.
  7. As long as I've got my 2 minute noodles I'm happy. 😊
  8. When I was in a Chiang Mai condo there was a portion of the bill which was part of the body corporate fee (electrical), but nowhere as steep overall compared to your bill. I'd do as others have suggested. Turn off your main switch and ask to view your meter. It shouldn't be spinning. If it is then requested to have MEA inspect and/or replace it. Hate to think if some toe rag has latched onto your supply for free!
  9. Yes it's the 'middle' ground that tends to tip them off. Not quite light/dark enough and the sensors work overtime. Other option is to go for motion sensor lights that you can adjust for both daylight and amount of time you want the light to stay on.
  10. They will be upto their necks in seamen....
  11. And am I correct Crossy, in explaining that a switched neutral is when some one has wired the neutral wire to the wrong terminal? I. E. put the N wire onto the P (live) terminal and put the P wire onto the N terminal.
  12. Love the look of the Vespa but I'd put money on the Honda lasting the distance.
  13. One would think schools would be teaching kids how to swim... But being pissed probably wouldn't help. Senseless waste of life really.
  14. Why is the perp hiding behind paper... Normally always in plain view. Maybe embarrassed because he had to wear Mickey Mouse T shirt?
  15. I bet their guardians are none to happy having to stump up 5000. I think the young fellahs will be doing a bit more than a weeks dishes for this incident. What's the saying... If you cant do the time. Either that or don't get caught!
  16. It's a bit over the top really. At least ask first... But for water! Customers have to pay for soda and so should the courier rider/driver. In saying that, my local LEX rider is excellent. If the front gate is closed he'll call and wait outside. If it's open he'll ll bring the goods into the yard. Very polite and professional fellah. Good guy. What's the saying? Pay them peanuts and you'll end up with monkeys.
  17. Unfortunately the same applies if you put a deposit on a house. If you can't complete the transaction/contract then the seller has every right to retain the deposit. This occurs worldwide not just in Thailand.
  18. Well there's the German Knuckle which is either roasted or deep fried. And the local one which is stewed I suppose you would call it. Both are damn fine in their own right. Nice by themselves or between some good slices of bread with or without other fixings. And to those people that don't eat pork... You'll never know what you're missing. I enjoy both pork and venison. Tried crocodile... Not sure on that one. Antelope was OK as was smoked monkey. Even snake is good. But a good pork knuckle is nice with a few beers.
  19. MY Beer is produced by the Singh Corporation. I haven't seen the bottle stock but tried a can of it a few weeks ago. I won't do that again. Some like it, but it's not for me.
  20. I feel sorry for you.... M. Y beer! My standards are low but that's scrapping the bottom of the barrel! 😉
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