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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. When are we going to see more of these 'smart' terminals, where all you need to do is scan your passport and away you go thru immigration? I have seen some in the VIP/invited guests area so what about us peasants huh? With all this technology surely these machines can raise alarms for overstayers and the like. Last time I came in there were no officers at all in the 'goods to declare/duty' halls. I was rather surprised by that. Things immigration have moved forward.. Just. But nothing to really speed up the process. Bit like the local immigration office. Great staff and very helpful but talk about paperwork for the sake of paperwork. Where the heck do they store all this stuff? Scan it and then burn it? Otherwise they would need a huge warehouse. The mind boggles.... 21st century huh?
  2. Sounds a bit like Myanmar... Maybe not. Anyone that's not military seems to be the minority over there.
  3. Whereas the GGs wife looks like Madge Allsop (Dame Edna's offsider)
  4. Geezus, what a bloody nightmare. Maybe I'll stay single.... Less paperwork!
  5. My partner/missus/GF. put me onto Wise (Formerly known as Transfer Wise) a few years ago. Talk about a leap forward in customer service. It's a real easy app to use and no crazy fees, unlike some other outfits (Western U for example). Some countries aren't yet on board and I believe Thailand is one of them. Which means no credit card facility available. Not sure if debit cards are. Once you have an account, you can open up foreign currency accounts with your wise account and convert/transfer funds to them. A debit card is provided and can be used in the contactless POS terminals. Wise is based in the UK. Magical system and quick transfers.
  6. Yes Kiwis can work in Oz without any visa requirements. And it's reciprocal. Mine work can be tough, open pit mine not so much. A lot of the work is mechanical although I'd be looking at being a Cat 777 (Dump truck) driver. All good.
  7. A Chinese national who owns/runs a cafe.... check her work visa!
  8. If the Guinness is flowing, add one to the final tally. I'm warming up the car now....
  9. I like your train of thought... About 5 years ago I was living here reasonably happy on a retirement visa. I buggered off back to NZ to earn more cash. Now I'm back but it seems that even now I still need more funds. I'll probably end up using an agent to get retirement visa again but are seriously looking at employment in the mines in Western Australia. 5 years working there will definitely set me up for 'retirement'..... Till that money runs out!
  10. Ummmm your next door neighbour isn't far off what you're saying. NZ Government Super (pension) is paid out if you reside in NZ. But if you are out of the country more than 26 weeks then look out. Either it will drop significantly or stop completely. And they will hound you if you are 'over paid' that is if you have received pension after the 26 weeks that you weren't 'entitled' to. Military pensions aren't so archaic... and continue to be paid regardless of where you live.
  11. And this is just the start.... Next week the boys with knives will lose face when they turn up to another confrontation, but this time the opposition will be armed with guns. Silly boys
  12. His body was recovered before being taken to a local hospital. Im glad it occurred in this sequence... Actually would it be possible to take his body to a local hospital before recovering it? 🤔
  13. I did an extension in Korat today. While I was filling out the many forms TM7 included, I noticed several people were also filling out forms as the ones that they had filled out online weren't acceptable. It appears everything has to be done on one's own handwriting. I find this a bit backwards in some ways as my handwriting is very close to chicken scrawl. It has been a while since I last applied for an extension. I'd forgotten how many different forms you need. Official immigration website just mentions TM7 and providing a photo. No mention of certificate of residence, copy of house book, copy of missus ID card, notification of residence, Form acknowledging penalties for overstay. And a few others I can't remember. No longer a simple process but I did manage to get it all done on second visit. Only took an hour on the second visit. Not really looking forward to applying for retirement visa... Might take the easy option via an agent.
  14. And why is that? Possibly because their home country is too stingy to pay a decent pension that will fall into the requirements of Thai Immigration rules. Possibly because a previous wife may have cleaned out their savings. Possibly because that's the only way they can get to stay is this wonderful country (that is bending over backwards for them... Bull<deleted>e) or Possibly cause they are bad bastards that are wanted by police back in their home country. There are many more reasons.... Now which one, if any do I fall into? I personally don't care how people get to stay in Thailand, as long as they behave themselves and are basically good people. I've met some right tossers that should have been moved on years ago.... But they manage to stay. Others may have all the right intentions but end up getting frustrated with rules that change with the wind. Some just say stuff it and migrate elsewhere. Each to there own is perhaps what I'm trying to say.
  15. Looking at her smile I'd say she doesn't.... I didn't notice any chipped teeth!
  16. I see the local gold shops are doing a roaring trade with a few falangs being dragged along to show their love in baht weight. I suppose refrigerators and saucepans arent the go anymore.... Well at least they were a bit more practical!
  17. Thanks for that.... Its a new one to me. I was of the understanding you had to have a tourist visa not a visa exemption. Good to know differently.
  18. What print/design would they put onto Camel Toe pants? 🤔🤔🤔
  19. To add to my last.... I arrived back in Thailand in Nov 23 from NZ. Visa exempt on arrival. Only allowed 30 days so I then had to leave, went to Vientiane and got a tourist visa. This is good for 60 days. Now I am going to get 30 day extension at local immigration.
  20. Hmmm, it would be the same as land crossings. In that you need a stamp in your passport to show that you have entered another country. I use to do the same years ago when in Chiang Mai. Went up to Mae Sai border, crossed over the bridge, paid US$10. Got a stamp in the book, did some duty free grog purchases and returned to Thailand. You couldn't walk halfway across the bridge and return. Thai immigration would ask where you have gone... No stamp. If you had a tourist visa then a simple extension of stay at Thai immigration can be applied for. Visa exemption cannot be extended however.
  21. I've heard alot about shop owners claiming that the frontage belongs to them. While I can understand their reasoning behind it ie it's for paying customers or for service vehicles (deliveries) I came across a situation about 2 months ago that just astounded me. I was in Vientiane getting a tourist visa (Prior to applying for retirement visa once back in Thailand). While the missus was having a cigarette near the Thai consulate, I crossed the road in order to be in the shade and out of direct sunlight. After about 30 seconds, the shop owner came out and said 'You cannot stand here'. I replied 'Pardon me, it's a footpath and I'm not obstructing access to your store'. He was having none of it. So I asked where his footpath ended. Naturally it was where the sun was beating down. It wasn't worth causing a big commotion over but later, when waiting to go into the consulate. One of the local touts said that that man always causes trouble. No wonder that he never had customers. Very strange fellow.
  22. He certainly ran into the back of the 'bus' at speed. What a mess to both vehicles. Luckily none of the kids were killed. Freakn idiot pickup driver.
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