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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. my god, is this woman serious, she wants the army bunkers to have pink cutains and soldiers to not carry weapons, what a wacko. I can see it now, the reds attack the army and they throw flowers at them in defence while the reds blow them

    away with the weapons yl takes away from the army.

    Someone needs to stop this woman before she totally screws the country, sorry, she has already done that, make that, someone needs to stop here before she turns everyone into "pretties" like her.

    I must have missed it. can you show us where she said pink curtains.


  2. The amount of beaches in Thailand I'm willing to go have a swim at is steadily decreasing. Soon it's holiday in Cambodia/Myanmar/Malesia if I want to go to the beach, I suppose. With the living costs going up all the time and the constant political BS here .. the value of Thailand is getting lower.

    You could always try Yarmouth (UK) last time I swam there a turd came floating past me. That was about 30yrs ago. lol


  3. where's the sense in going on a world tour to tell others of what's going on ? all these countries have embassies in Thailand that monitor the situation and I am sure somebody in there follows all media too (including social media)... :-)

    It gets them out of the country for a while. Plus there is always the chance to catch up with some much needed shopping therapy. (will Yingluck be going) ?


  4. Why this concern with what the outside world thinks hardly the usual Thai attitude ?

    Yes, I would agree. However, in te context of the Thai economy being increasingly reliant on foreign investment , it is imperative that this be done. The international connection is of scant interest to Suthep and the cronies. Ironically, the greatest losers from a loss of confidence in Thailkand as a place to invest will be the very people who seem to be giving him some support. Thailand runs the serious risk of reverting to being a nation of " hewers of wood and carriers of water"..The rest of ASEAN...laughing their <deleted> off

    Unfortunately very true.


  5. I don't know if this has been said already. I have just joined the thread. But I was just wandering, how many of those vehicles and drivers are road legal?


    You've already had some well deserved answers. However chances are the farmers operating their tractors, Etan trucks and Iron Buffaloes also have drivers licenses to drive their pickups. However this being Thailand there's a good chance many are operating on the chance they won't get stopped. Road legal is a western term and is more loosely used here.

    When you have a convoy of 200 or more carrying hundreds of angry farmers, it would be a brave policeman who would hold them up for such a technicality.

    Say high to Jack for me.

    Correct me if I am wrong. But I was of the opinion that I only made an observation. Most probably correct. To be road legal more than just a drivers licence is required.

    As for mention of Thailand's finest stopping them. cheesy.gif

    If someone you know was seriously injured by one of them, would you still see it as only a technicality. Or would it just be a casualty of war. thumbsup.gif


    • Like 1
  6. I don't know if this has been said already. I have just joined the thread. But I was just wandering, how many of those vehicles and drivers are road legal?


    I think you may be a contender for most irrelevant post of the day. Congratulations

    You must be the same as me then. Just joined the thread.

    Actually on reflection I feel that my post could be very relevant. Especially if some ones child or in fact anyone was to be run over and seriously injured, or god forbid killed by one of them. If you have spent much time in Thailand, you would know that quite probably not many of them would be road legal

    Just go back a couple of pages and read some of the Infantile posts. Ooopps I hope yours isn't one of them.


  7. OK so I take it this protest is now legally peaceful and has the complete backing of the courts?

    So now they can really shut Bangkok down. Whooppeee skips.

    There is a line in a Chicago song (I forget which one) that goes the whole World is watching. It is a crowd chant during student riots, where I think around 17 of them were shot dead.


  8. Hello,

    I was wondering if I can use the Kies installed on my computer for more than one Samsung device (not both at the same time) What I am thinking of is updating plus adding photos.

    I am a bit of a Techno phobe.



  9. Govt told to urgently sell stockpiled rice

    By Digital Content


    BANGKOK, Feb 8 – The caretaker government was recommended to urgently release 18 million tonnes of rice from the state stockpiles to secure money to pay farmers.

    Att Pisanwanit, Director of the Center for International Trade Studies (ITS) of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC), said the government should accept losses by selling rice at US$350-400 per tonnes, lower than the price currently offered by Vietnam, to earn about Bt200 billion which should be more than sufficient to pay the current Bt130 billion overdue payments.

    The government can spend the remaining Bt70 billion raised to help farmers in other agricultural products such as rubber and tapioca, he said.

    Mr Att, dean of the UTCC Faculty of Economics, said that in the last decade since the Thaksin Shinawatra government in 2001, the Thai government has allocated a total of Bt1.5 trillion to help farmers and the Yingluck Shinawatra government has become the biggest spender at Bt700 billion, or more than half of budget expenses.

    Production costs for Thai farmers between 2006 and 2012 have increased 60 per cent, from Bt4,000/rai to Bt9,000/rai but the yield per rai has not been higher.

    Thailand’s yield per rai for rice production is only one-third of the Vietnamese, he said, adding that Thai farmers produce 450 kg of rice per rai while the Vietnam’s rice production is one tonne per rai.

    Mr Att said the government should adjust its long-term assistance policy for farmers by refraining from rice trading intervention and offering appropriate assistance options for farmers. (MCOT online news)


    -- TNA 2014-02-08

    Sorry, but I think the government has bright enough brains to figure out this at their own. They are not totally embissiles.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Do they glow in the dark. cheesy.gifburp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif


  10. 200 million bt from the sale of rice is nowhere near enough for the government to pay the farmers the 130 million bt they are owed.They need their cut.


    Billion not Million Baht!
    Are you sober :-)

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    OMG Can I ever be forgiven.

    Million, Billion the figures are the same.

    Just a slight hiccup? Lol


    Sent from my GT-I8160 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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