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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Cheers JB

    I dont know why they seem so hard to come by. I have found a place in Pattaya that does a lot of the fittings... but not everything I need...

    Just going to have to keep searching

    Thanks again

    As I said. Good luck

  2. Someone once in the UK done a survey on a bowl of peanuts that were on the bar in a pub and found that they contained, I think it was 7 different strains of urine. So I'm told.


    isn't it a well known fact some citizens of the perfide Albion prefer to pee in bowls containing peenuts and that's the reason why they called peenuts? :ermm:

    If you say so :bah:


  3. Not knowing the situation, weather you were intimidated or not. But if you had a proper rental agreement? Why did you hand any amount of money over + put your in laws house up for surety. I feel for you, your plight, but can't help feeling that you have been scammed. Sorry


  4. Hi, There is not much over here in the way of the type of fittings that you are looking for. When I was looking for those items myself, I did find a few in the better Builders yards? (In Korat)Tank connectors I couldn't find, I did find a few compression fittings, even some copper to Iron. But It sure wasn't easy. They are more into plastic here. Good kuck


    I don't think they dare use copper. It will only get nicked.

  5. More to do with one of Eric's contemporaries, I don't recall ever hearing Dave Gilmour play a bum note, does anyone have any recordings where a wrong bend or note is discernible?

    Dave Gilmour plays live around once every ten years,Clapton plays live around 10 times every year. But hey they are both great. Use to go and see Dave play in a band called "Jokers Wild" in Cambridge, when we were in our teens. :violin:


    Clapton is willing to take chances and not stay solely in the safe spot, which is also the boring spot and not from the heart. In this area an occasional clunker is to be expected, but also amazing flights of invention can happen. I'll gladly take the risk of a clam for the possibility of incredible improvisation.

    Well said animatic. Couldn't have put it better myself.lol


  6. I'll bet the show was fantastic! Besides being a great musician himself, Clapton has one of the great backing bands around, Chris Stainton on keys, Willie Weeks on bass and the incomparable Steve Gadd (think Steely Dan Aja drum solo).

    For those who couldn't make the show and for blues guitar lovers in general, I would highly recommend:


    Spee, Thanks for that. I was wondering which band Steve Gadd, originated from.


  7. 6months deposit should be able to get me some clean people while offering them very expensive furniture and interior design at a fair price

    You will wait a long time to rent this place out asking for a six months deposit, maybe years.

    I doubt someone that isn't a teacher could not afford to dump a little 6months deposit on a 20-25k house that has the furniture of a 200k per month place? Cheaper to do this even if it takes a little time to find someone then having to replace 200k worth of furniture wall stains after someone dirty lives there for a year and runs away leaving me only 40k What stops them from taking my 100k tv and selling it right before going back to their country?

    Obviously people who live in pastel houses with the standard 6000baht 32" tv, cheap tesco showers and thai kitchens wouldnt know what im talking about. Class has a price

    Oh dear, Me thinks that someone is in for a rude awakening. I let property in the UK. A word of advice. Magnolia and as little furniture as possible.


  8. If you want to sell your product in other Provinces, I think you will need to get in your car and move yourself about. You could try trade & craft fares. Whatever it will take a lot of effort and hard work. I know a group of people from Saraburi (Thais) who make their own jewellery, Silver and semi presious stones. Real craft stuff and very good. I have watched them making it. They bring it to Bangkok and sell it to shops. All they really make is a reasonable living out of it.


  9. clearly anyone saying thai women are above average have never visited some of the world's biggest cities

    And those with a yellow fever have never visited tokyo/taipei/seoul

    even the less attractive women there are far better looking than the average goofy faces we see here (that looks super scary when you remove the 150baht of makeup that is put on everyday) but then again most of the guys making the calls are old or ugly and being delusional to themselves. Not saying that its not better than your hand back home or a fatty, but the thai women are no where near the the top of any region of the world in terms of average look, only in availability to the lower quality of white males and to the old men who want to have some fun.

    I lived in Taipei. I ran a restaurant there. Taiwanese, Chinese and Mongolian employees. OK but nothing to write home about.

    Was stationed at Camp Zama for a while. Sorry Japanese women are bowlegged and have short legs relative to their body length. And they make funny noises during *** that I find very distracting. Japanese men like Thai women better too but not for marriage partners because they are hung up on ethnocentrism.

    Korean women have flat faces and odd body shapes I used to work with a lot of Korean girl bands.

    Thai women are different because they have Asian bodies that are proportionate to Western women's bodies only smaller.

    I may have given the impression that I liked to be with beautiful Thai women and that is not true. I realize most Thais consider me a second class citizen. I will give all the beautiful women to Thai men. They are snotty anyway. Much like beautiful women of any culture. The real treasure of Thailand are the not beautiful women but the 2nd rate women available to us 2nd class citizens.

    I think most of us could agree within reason about a 1 and a 5 and a 10 in almost any country. Now pay attention because this is important. In North America or the UK ask any woman between 2 and 10 if they are fat and ugly. With me so far? OK. No woman in the UK or US between 2 and 10 is going to tell you she is fat and ugly. I am taking this slow because I realize not everyone posting on this thread is over 12 years of age.

    Now ask Thai women under an 8 if they are fat and ugly. 90% between an 2 and 8 will tell you they are fat and ugly. This is what makes Thailand so great. In the US a 5 thinks she is beautiful. In Thailand a 5 thinks she is fat and ugly. In the US this is called female empowerment in Thailand this is called psychotic.

    Yes and that should just about rap the show up for tonight folks. Well said :clap2:


  10. clearly anyone saying thai women are above average have never visited some of the world's biggest cities

    And those with a yellow fever have never visited tokyo/taipei/seoul

    even the less attractive women there are far better looking than the average goofy faces we see here (that looks super scary when you remove the 150baht of makeup that is put on everyday) but then again most of the guys making the calls are old or ugly and being delusional to themselves. Not saying that its not better than your hand back home or a fatty, but the thai women are no where near the the top of any region of the world in terms of average look, only in availability to the lower quality of white males and to the old men who want to have some fun.



  11. Unless, they start paying the police a better wage, then grafting in the police force will not be stopped any time soon.

    I believe they pay the top cops a good wage and the top cops are the most corrupt. Methinks one should look to Singapore for an example. Singapore in the 1960's was very much like Thailand. What happened to change things?

    mark45y. I believe that what you say is very true. If they are really serious about putting an end to corruption. What they should do is bring in an outside agency, say from Singapore, give them total authority to carry out a full investigation and act on recommendations? Hey but watch the cost of living spiral.


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