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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. How is this even news worthy? I was just on Koh Samui for a month. My classmates and I went out on different occasions to Lamai and Chawang for drinks. In Lamai there is a central square of bars around a Thai boxing ring. On any given night there are perhaps 100 girls (and ladyboys), give or take, working at these bars. All of them dressed like hookers and dancing on the poles installed in each tiny open air establishment. Many were open and fairly brazen about what they were there for. I decided to do my own research and bought a drink for the 20ish looking waitress who had been serving us a drinks and said I wanted her to join me for a while. She spoke fairly good English. She went into sales mode instantly but I calmed her anticipated action and said I want to talk for a while first. She was actually 30 and has a 12 year old son and 8 year old daughter back home in Isaan. She had been on Samui for 6 months already and claimed she was saving to go home. (Grain of salt taken) I asked how much to spend the night with her. 300 baht to the bar and 1000 baht to her. I asked how many other girls do I have to choose from. "Any one you see" was the answer. I asked how many were local girls. "Not many" was the answer. I estimate, from what I saw, that besides these 100 or so in this square, there were maybe another 200 in Lamai and the club scene in Chawang having at least that many as well. Point being, how is a bust on one tiny club involving a whopping 13 girls even worth talking about? And as we all know, this does not even represent a real bust. Perhaps the proprietors missed a payment to the local cops or to the local mafia. At any rate, there are thousands of girls across Thailand selling their wares on a daily basis without even feigning discretion due to fear of being caught let alone needing to be "freed" from their "captors". Although many girls would prefer not to be doing this kind of "work", they are certainly not being forced into it. It is relatively easy money and easy to get into. Sympathy? Sympathetic about the whole situation, but these girls are making their own choices.

    Class Mates??


  2. More to do with one of Eric's contemporaries, I don't recall ever hearing Dave Gilmour play a bum note, does anyone have any recordings where a wrong bend or note is discernible?

    Dave Gilmour plays live around once every ten years,Clapton plays live around 10 times every year. But hey they are both great. Use to go and see Dave play in a band called "Jokers Wild" in Cambridge, when we were in our teens. :violin:


  3. What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as "racism" is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is "one" price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

    When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

    They then get all excited and huffy and don't buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

    That is the entire point of Ian's OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


    Bingo! Give thaihome a kewpie doll from the top shelf. He gets it.

    If I think my extrra 100 baht will help some Thai working his butt off for a pittance than I'll do so. However, I also use my feet when someone is over charging for something I know I can get for much less elsewhere. Thailand is FULL of anomalies. You pay more for most electronics and other imported items, but much less for most services. As someone already said... Thailand is the wild west where you are on your own and have to take responsiblity for your own actions. I like it for that very feature. A simple traffic fine in Thailand varies between 200 and 400 baht. ANY traffic fine in Canada starts at the equivalent of 6000 baht. Which would you rather pay... even if the Thai traffic offence is somewhat of a ripoff to earn tea money for the local police?

    Roll up, roll up, for the National Farang lucky dip. How much will you be charged this time?

    Would also like to add. We were at On- Nut the other day and decided to have a look around the market, near the BTS, my girlfriend saw a dress clearly marked at 150bt Not expensive, she thought about it, asked me my opinion, decided to buy it. The lady said 250bt. Girlfriend looked at her smiled, got hold of my hand and walked away. Ok so at 250bt not expensive. But racism and priorities.



    My wife the same. Good for you and especially your perhaps angry wife. 10 out of 10. A rip off is a rip off what ever country you are in. :)

    Sorry, must add. My wife read your post and said your wife real Thai lady and feel like sister. Cool eh. :D

    Trans Am, Thanks for the reply.


  4. What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as "racism" is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is "one" price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

    When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

    They then get all excited and huffy and don't buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

    That is the entire point of Ian's OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


    Bingo! Give thaihome a kewpie doll from the top shelf. He gets it.

    If I think my extrra 100 baht will help some Thai working his butt off for a pittance than I'll do so. However, I also use my feet when someone is over charging for something I know I can get for much less elsewhere. Thailand is FULL of anomalies. You pay more for most electronics and other imported items, but much less for most services. As someone already said... Thailand is the wild west where you are on your own and have to take responsiblity for your own actions. I like it for that very feature. A simple traffic fine in Thailand varies between 200 and 400 baht. ANY traffic fine in Canada starts at the equivalent of 6000 baht. Which would you rather pay... even if the Thai traffic offence is somewhat of a ripoff to earn tea money for the local police?

    Roll up, roll up, for the National Farang lucky dip. How much will you be charged this time?

    Would also like to add. We were at On- Nut the other day and decided to have a look around the market, near the BTS, my girlfriend saw a dress clearly marked at 150bt Not expensive, she thought about it, asked me my opinion, decided to buy it. The lady said 250bt. Girlfriend looked at her smiled, got hold of my hand and walked away. Ok so at 250bt not expensive. But racism and priorities.


  5. I have never used it myself. But some time back we were staying with friends in Chaing Mia. We went to a park there. The guy showed his Thai driving Licence and got in for Thai price. Said he does it all the time. I didn't have mine with me.


  6. Well, 20,000 euros, in many parts of Thailand, would build and furnish a nice little house. Did I not also read that a Rolex was also taken? If not a copy, that would probably buy a Ria of land if not more in some places. Now compare that to where you come from = a lot of money.

    I just love the conspiracy theorists, keep it up, you are turning this thread into the laugh of the day. :cheesy: Cheers


  7. Hi,

    I don't know where Bangrak is. But basically anywhere close to BTS is good. Plenty of places in your price range, from On Nut to Thong-lo. I do know a place at On Nut Rd (Suk77) soi8. I think it was called Golden On Nut. Stayed there myself for a while. New building rooms from around 7,000 to 10,000 a month.


  8. I think I read somewhere once, that a foreigner could own land as long as it was over 40mill but what currency I don't know. The op does have a point though. Now if some entrepreneur was to get together with a consortium, he could be on to something here. In the UK some years ago people formed a cooperative to buy land and build houses. Each member had to have a useful trade. I will watch this space?


  9. Hi All

    I live near Bang Na (Bangkok) On the news a couple of nights ago, they showed, scenes at a gold shop near us that had been robbed that day. Ok today we were walking past the shop, the bib were all over the place, along with reporters and TV cameras plus a large crowd, it looked like a celebrity, shop opening. I asked my girlfriend what was happening. She told me that the police were bringing the man back to the shop. Why I asked. In Thailand they do this, is the best answer I could get. So my question is does anyone know why they do this. I thought maybe a crime reconstruction? But they've got the guy, surely it is just a matter of Court, guilty, nick. Or maybe not. Any answers will do. :unsure:

  10. Your Thai wife can't just kidnap your children and take them back to Thailand legally without recourse.

    Hee hee, I notice you use the word your and not his. Not sure this is not a Troll.

    If not why is he asking this question on a forum, instead of to a solicitor. I believe you can go and ask advise from one, something like £5.00 for 15 minuets.


  11. Is this a spoof post?

    Officers would be able to return to their normal duties...... Scamming an extortion

    Will help the force not having to train new officers after the promotion season??

    Put the right man to do the job........ It has been operating since 1994. Ok

    Which department they need to contact......... Fire, Police, Ambulance. Hmm difficult

    With PROFESSIONAL OPERATORS In place, fake callers will have to deal with the consequences of taking the police force lightly.

    Hmm Yeah ok


  12. It is or at least WAS the world over. My dear old granddad was a poor farm labourer, worked many years for peanuts (no pun) until he decided to better himself, moved to the big City and got a job on the railway station. Cleaning the gents toilets. He did manage to save enough money to put down a deposit on a 2bed house. Price of house £60.00.

    We need to remember that Thailand is around 60 years behind the developed world. I am sure it will come to them, if they get off of their backsides and fight for their right to a good living. Then watch the cost of living soar.


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