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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Very sad news. Another one joins that Great Gig in the Sky. Got to see him once in Finsbury Park, he was a warm up for Neal Young. For me his greatest work was when he joined up with Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce for the BBM Album.



  2. 1) Freedom from oppression by women

    2) Freedom from oppression by the state

    3) Nice climate


    I will take your 3 and raise you.

    No income tax, no western PC BS, no Euro land socialist policies bleeding me, not paying to support illegal wars or illegal immigrants.

    And the list goes on & on & on. Hate the roads and traffic though.


  3. Sorry to say it, but you will find corruption in any government, anywhere in the World. Only more so in third world country's, where the law isn't enforced fairly and correctly.


    Well what you say is true.

    But in all fairness it is not that big of a problem to Asians.

    Only foreigners lose sleep over it.

    Be interested to hear your definition of fairly and correctly.

    Some how I think it would not fit the Asian definition. As I said they are a bit more accepting of it than westerners are.

    It is my belief that things will be better when Abhist wins the election and no longer has to fight well to do elites and there gangs of paid protesters and terrorists. I could be wrong but I don't think so. :) I see things getting better over a period of time. Not tomorrow as the room temperature IQ protesters seem to think it will be if they win the election.

    My definition of fairly and correctly. Without wanting to open a massive can of worms. Corruption up to the highest level. Investigate it and where necessary prosecute. Also look at all levels of bribary and extortion within the police and prosecute. I agree that certainly in Thailand this seems to be accepted as the norm. Doesn't stop me thinking it is a great shame. Mai-bpen-rai comes to mind


  4. Do you people neally think reform will happen in our life time? the ELITE will fight tooth ? nail as they have done before to stop any posible way they might loose control over the population, sent it to the courts and they will win every time,

    This is not a problem that is unique in the world. It exists always has and always will in most countries in the world.

    It is a ploy used by the wannabe's to gain power and once they gain it scrap the idea.

    The only thing that will help is when the rich themselves make moves to narrow the gap.

    The idea that taxing the rich for the various assets that they have and do not pay tax on will not narrow the gap. It will just put money in the government coffers. And that is a item for a different thread.:jap:

    The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Fact of life, always has been always will be. Perhaps you can add to that, the lazy, get what they deserve?


  5. 28 deaths out of 30, thought to be caused by cold, were in fact alcohol poisoning. Take away the cold factor. I would like to see their statistics for deaths by alcohol poisoning for the year. It must run into hundreds of thousands?

    I personally don't think it is so much Thai Whiskey, as the Lao Kaao they drink, pure fire water.


  6. Every morning from 7 to 8 and again in the evening from 5:25 to 6:00

    Just think yourself lucky that it is not 5.30 or 6-00 am as it is where I live. :(

    As said you ain't gonna stop it. It's the Phuyai doing his job. :guitar:

    Same as you Lite Beer, 5.30 - 6.00 in the morning. Also an issue with the bloody Cockerels, I think they woke the Phuyai. My solution I moved out. Still miss the house sometimes though.


  7. Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

    NO Most Thais would not have air fare ...... lol so one coming here to start a business i don't think so ...

    Living from a suitcase for 2 years would be crazy and too long not doing anything ....

    Running a busniess like a bar or coffee shop is not Alan sugar stuff lol.......

    YOU'R FIRED. Next Please. :cheesy:


  8. Heck it is getting confusing already, which carridge goes where. But yes the new ones on the Silom line are very bright and cheerful. But isn't this Thailand, they set something up, get it running well, then change the goalposts. Would be great to see it all up and running in August? Save driving to On Nut.


  9. Street Vendors will be able to sell at 201 sites around Bangkok. That's about 50mts of Sukhumvit then?

    In my humble opinion M/C Taxi's. The drivers/riders, should be licensed by the local authority (if not already)They should hold a current M/C license + Insurance and road tax, also the bike should have a 6month check over to make sure they are road worthy, Maybe another requirement for the license should be a reading & written test. If all this was brought into force, I think it would help to make the roads much safer at least. That is as long as the BIB enforced it properly? Hmm, sorry just a thought lol


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