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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. There is a big school down the road from me.

    Everyday I see hundreds HUNDREDS of underage school children riding motorcycles to school, many of them three-up and almost all with no helmet.

    Things only get said when tragedies like this occur but as long as there is widespread corruption and as long as the Police keep on doing the fine job they're doing, then nothing will ever change.

    Two kids got killed going to school 2 months ago, hit by a songtheiw loaded, nay, overloaded with kids. The Police decided to man the school gates but after a month they stopped. Probably too busy doing important work (collecting money)...

    That just about says it all. There is plenty of law but no order. When I arrive home after going out in my car, I feel a big sense relief, that I made it ok.Apart from the odd occasion when I have had to pay some louse tea money.


  2. Hi All'

    As I recall, when I moved here in April 2008. I had to go to Thai Consulate (in Hull)to obtain non Immigration "o" Visa plus police records check.

    When I arrived at Swampy I received a 3 month stamp.If my memory is correct that is when I should have shown the UK police records check, which was never asked for, I did however need to show a doctors medical,carried out in Thailand. Stating that I had no infectious diseases, such as yellow fever, syphilis,etc. The reason for the medical in Thailand, I think is in case you travel through a country which has yellow fever, whilst in transit.


    Forgot to mention no fingerprints

  3. My guess is non certified scaffolding and it was not inspected by a qualified inspector before being used by the workers who should be using a Permit to Work"with a job safety analysis that is issued everyday.

    Most of the scaffolding here in Thailand does not use the proper certified clamps that is international standard worldwide. They use a hook type connection that simply lays over other scaffolding.

    You can drive anywhere in Bkk and see worker at heights riding on top of crane loads(a big no no), using non certified scaffolding, no proper full body harness for working at heights ,etc. I could go on and on about field made wire rope slings that cranes use that have not be load tested or inspected visual but I would just bore everyone. Until both contractors and clients are held responsible for workers accidents you will see no change.

    Hence no Health & Safety. But that would push the price up. As we all know life is so cheap. So why bother??????? R.I.P


  4. It's an act of nature; how could the Thai government have mitigated against it? What are you suggesting they should have done, ask god to turn the tap off?!

    For a start they could have taken notice of weather reports and warn people of the threat, also offered advice?

    In the larger Towns, they could make sure that the drains and storm drains are cleared of rubbish and silt.

    Just maybe could have helped??????


    ...now the what if brigade chimes in. Give us a break. Hindsight can always save many lives from natural disasters.

    There is a quote "forewarned is forearmed. Your point is????????????????

  5. It's an act of nature; how could the Thai government have mitigated against it? What are you suggesting they should have done, ask god to turn the tap off?!

    For a start they could have taken notice of weather reports and warn people of the threat, also offered advice?

    In the larger Towns, they could make sure that the drains and storm drains are cleared of rubbish and silt.

    Just maybe could have helped??????


  6. Hi I am seeking some advise, if anyone can help.I moved into a new apartment today. Talking to the guy and his wife who own the building. He asked me if I knew how they could get their daughter into university or some type of higher education in the UK. She is looking to get into some form of graphic design or maybe phycology. At the moment she is grade 12 and will be leaving school at the end of the year, as far as I understand.

    The question is does anyone know the procedure they would need to go through. The wife does know some one in the UK, I don't know the relationship, also I don't think money is to much of a problem.I would be thankful of any information. Cheers


  7. a street cleaner spent forty minutes yesterday trying to get my cat to pick the lottery numbers.

    I mentioned this to my wife. She didn't even raise an eyebrow at it, then told me how the ladies in the village use a turtle to pick numbers. I didn't get it all, but they put a turtle in a box with numbers on pieces of paper. Somehow, a number is selected and off they go! And since none are the richer, I am guessing it doesn't work very well! :lol:

    Hi, In the village I used to live, in Korat, I saw a group of ladies looking at a Frogs belly, one was bubbing it. I asked the girlfriend what were they doing. She explained they get it drunk on Lao Kaao, rub talc on it's belly, to get lotto numbers. They all came up with different numbers????????


  8. as there is no gluten in rice or rice noodles as far as i know from various friends who share your dislike you should be able to eat just about anything here in regular thai restaurants or street stalls including soups ,except for pastry and breads of course .:D

    Hi All,

    Be very careful when ordering anything noodles, in restaurant or street vendor. As many do contain wheat (bpeeng-saa-lii Spelling?) Egg noodles normally contain wheat, also noodles that are crinkly and yellow in colour also contain wheat.


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