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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. In the first world, their judicial system is often too soft; not punishing enough. So better make them suffer in rather hellish jail here. That's what those scu* bags really deserve. Sexual offenders are said to rarely change their sick behavior...
  2. He must have thought Thai police only got short memory...
  3. Vegan leader on the run for senseless multiple killings? Perfect example of what Amino Acid Deficiency (declining of intelligence) causes. In USA, majority of the murder cases are said to be committed by those with very low IQ. Amino Acids are essential to keep proper brain function. And some types of essential amino acids are only in animal food...
  4. Busted while chasing his wife for reconciliation in a car full of illegal drug? No wonder his wife wants to get away from him if she is straight...
  5. Similar case seen in the 1st world as well. Police often don't take it serious when the woman involved in prostitution is Raped. And in Thailand, especially in a red light district, a Bar Girl often also means Prostitute.
  6. Is the rice price going down here? A decade ago, the cheapest rice was 75B/5kg. But now, it is no less than 140 for the same amount.
  7. Thai nationals wishing to enter these entertainment complexes to hold at least 50 million Thai Baht in their bank accounts... And came out with Zero balance when they are out?
  8. So, even Pheu Thai is concerned about the problem of gambling addiction among own population...
  9. Casino, only for foreign tourists. Sounds pretty much like South Korean practice. can a local enter casino in south korean casino? - Google Search
  10. That's exactly what I felt, too. While vice-versa is too far too common here(and in the whole SE Asia)...
  11. In case of old foreign men and (younger) Thai women, The Latter looks more common...
  12. Wife and husband living apart for 2 years. Usually, it is deemed Break-Up...
  13. her British husband, Ian, of swindling her out of her life savings and committing infidelity.... Is this one of the Rather Rare Cases while the opposite often takes place here?
  14. More than 40 years ago, I was taught No Valuables and Large Amount of Money in a suitcase. Keep them all with me while in the unfamiliar places. Suite case is nothing like a Safe Storage Space...
  15. Some Cooking Hack again. When you want some soup noodle, but no stock at home. And you don't feel like going out for another shopping, or no food vendors in your neighborhood at that time... In such a case, a few slices of bread can help. Texture of bread changes dramatically when cooked in hot boiling liquid for a few minutes; turns out like rice noodle. So shred your bread thinly, and put it into your favorite soup, and cook as usual. This way, you can create some noodle soup look alike. And soup-soaked bread is also a lot more filling than eaten dry; you won't be hungry again too fast...
  16. Hi, thank your for your follow up again. So, 2 of the nations got a bilateral agreement/joint operation against scamming crimes. Very interesting development while their recent political relationship often looks tense...
  17. A bit of Home Cooking hack. If you prepare your meal at home on regular basis, good to stock certain amount of pre-cooked meat and vegetables you often use, in your fridge. This way, you can save your cooking time. This method particularly suits one-person household. Do you have any empty jars of used up jam or mayonnaise at home? They serve well for this purpose. Put the food stuff and cook in a microwave(with a non-metal cover on its top). Time duration depends on its contents and amount. These Thai jars are made very tough(thick), and never damaged while heated up in a microwave (in my experience). Wait for it cool down, and into fridge. No contact with water while it is still hot; will crack. Hope this info helps to make your daily cooking more enjoyable and time efficient.
  18. Good morning. Today's breakfast: Chunky Soy Milk Bread Porridge with tuna and vegetables. Fast, easy and filling one dish meal. Ingredients: 2 pieces of white bread(chopped into small dice), soy milk, canned tuna, Chinese cabbage, okra, onion, pumpkin, spinach, and water. All vegetables are pre-cooked with microwave. Bread can be any kinds. Soy milk can be substituted with milk. Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy, oyster, and fish sauce, grated ginger. Cooking time:4 minutes at 500w(if all the vegetables are pre-cooked).
  19. The country under attack, certainly cannot afford any Political Vacuum. As it only benefits Aggressor.
  20. Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. It came with the secret agreement(teaming up for invasion of Poland). German and USSR had 20 years of Honey Moon Period, since 1920(from the time of Weimar Republic, before Nazi takeover). During that time, Germany researched and developed military Hardwares banned by the treaty of Versailles (e.g. machine guns, fighter planes, and tanks) inside Soviet territory. As well as the study of military tactics(tank and infantry units combination). That is why their style of land warfare at WW2, looked very similar.
  21. Since late 2005, I have been in Chiang Mai. And I have never felt unsafe here either; I can walk the street before dawn(to go to local market for grocery shopping) without any fear. It is often told that the best of this kingdom is found in the north(including Chiang Mai). And I have never heard of any theft cases in the apartment I live in. In contrast, I have heard of the foreigner(in Pattaya) who has been burgled 4 times in just 3 months(sometime around 2007). Level of safety certainly seems to be different from place to place within Thailand. Do you keep your door open expecting some intruder? In my room, the only possible Intruders are very few mosquitos and a couple of...
  22. Good afternoon. Today's lunch: Teriyaki Pork and Stir fried vegetables bowl(rice underneath). Ingredients: Lean pork, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, and shredded garlic shoots. Seasonings: Soy & oyster sauce, sugar, grated garlic, sugar, and tiny amount of chili powder (for pork). Marinated in sauce overnight before cooking.
  23. A trolly pushing ice cream vendor's daily turnover is often below B500-. So, losing 1000 must be quite a damage. Poor victim. Here, fakes notes are often in a high denomination(like 500, 1000). That's why small scale sellers often refuse these banknotes. Very careful and smart move indeed. When I go to local market, I always prepare a few of the B100 notes and the smaller as the courtesy.
  24. Depends on which nation, as well as from individual to individual. Some are civilized. Som are Not. Thailand doesn't seem to be the safest place in the world, according to the following statistics. thailand peace index ranking - Google Search But to me, it is Safe Enough; I have really never felt any dangerous atmosphere( in terms of violent crimes) while here(since late 2005). And I am more sensitive to danger above average. Most part of this kingdom seems safe enough, as long as we live according to our common sense and exercise reasonable level of security precautions.
  25. Hi, thank you for your follow-up info. So Malaysia and China got an agreement of Prosecution based on the extradition of the foreign criminals(another country punishes foreign nationals instead of their home country)? Or they were simply prosecuted because of their past crime in China itself, in the case you mentioned? Anyway, nice to know those lowlifes ended up in Chinese prison(where they face the harsh enough environment that fraudsters really deserves. Always felt that the modern 1st world is often sick enough to be too nice to those unforgivable bast*rds. Their stockade conditions don't look punishing enough. There should be no such thing as Comfortable Punishment for those ruined other people's life(physically, psychologically, and/or financially.
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