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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Do you ever complain about anything and everything that refers to particular gender? In your world, is this drama titled "Murder One Person Wrote"?
  2. actly. Perfect example of the Antinomy, itself...
  3. In game of sports, quantity often turns into quality(more participants lead to greater numbers of better players). But in tourism market, often The Opposite applies... One iconic example.
  4. Better check out around as many as different banks(or their branches). This is Thailand, often lacking One Set Uniform Standard. One manager might say no. But with another, might be a different story. If you are over 50, there is one quote with which you can let them say Yes. "..Eyeing 800K deposit for my retirement here...”
  5. You are doing your part, to keep them corrupted LOL...
  6. It is a silly thing to do, isn’t it? Showing off own money in public, only draws wrong sorts of attention anywhere. Thieves, robbers, fraudster etc...
  7. Taking over of business. Pretty common phenomenon in this kingdom. "Owner just in name" often tries to steal it, once it looks successful, even without expertise to run it...
  8. Officials suspect he used a Thai national to manage the business, an offence under List 3 of the Foreign Business Act, ------------------------------------------------ Pretty common method to dodge that law here...
  9. Stun Gun. It is know for its effect to scare them away. Looks like they cannot stand for its electrical Crackling Noise. Once I have tried a portable(racket shaped) Bug Zapper. It really worked. Despite its pretty small noise, they instantly showed fear and run away. Stun Gun is certainly useful to deter dogs. But it come with an issue here; cops might seize it and fine you if they see you carry it in public(while some army surplus goods stores stock them). can you carry a stun gun in thailand in public/ - Google Search So, if you are looking for the tool to prevent dog attacks in a quite manner, handy Bug Zapper might be a way. 100% lawful to carry around & so easy to find and affordable. Don't forget to keep it fully charged it all the time, for the critical moment. Also, check the surroundings before you switch it on; No Flammable Gas around (as mentioned in its warning on its package)... Good luck.
  10. Hi, I used to carry around a few firecrackers & cigarette lighter(before I employ my current countermeasure). Smell of their burning fuse alone sometimes scared them away(as they generally hate smoke). And their hearing is 4 times better than man. So it was often effective to drive them away. Stick, doesn't always work; some mean dogs aren't scared away(they keep coming as they avoid its blow). I hesitated to use firecrackers late at night(disturbing the neighborhood while the are asleep). And surprisingly, some dogs, were not awed despite its Big Bang. Also, have to be careful where to use it; not near any flammables(can cause fire hazard, depending on situation). If you really like this method, there is something that might serve better. One piece comes with 13-14 small explosion(like a micro Cluster Bomb). It is Dragon Egg ไข่มังกร. Good demo video of that kind of firecracker. I, myself, have used it once for counter dog attack(worked well). User Discretion strongly advised; better to be used only in a deserted street; won't trigger any traffic accidents...
  11. In order to protect the Locally-Made Substandard Products from those made in Chiana?
  12. Even if you can't stop them roam around, you can at least prevent those beasts from harming yourself and others nearby. Make & carry a tear gas spray as seen in the video below. That's what I do.
  13. Actually, President of the United States is bit like the Elected King(even though not exactly the same as the absolute monarch; can be impeached and kicked out sometimes). With the capability to scrap existing laws at will. And so much influence on society. A lot more than countries whose political leader is the prime minister(not even the head of the state).
  14. When the Extreme Left hijacks the society/systems, always its counterpart pops up at the other end. And Vice-Versa.
  15. While it creates some employment opportunities on its site, overall losses to the society is far greater. It only sucks money out of the country; both at individual and social level. And brings in all sorts of garages both from inside and outside(organized crimes).
  16. Money motive. It is often the most effective factor to motivate/encourage Anyone to try hard(harder). Just like waiters/waitresses in USA, work hard for better tip...
  17. Looks like Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines didn't have written language of their own. So they started to use alphabet to make up for that(as the phonetic alphabet through their historic path of colonization by the west).
  18. Humiliating an adult in public. Regarded One Biggest Taboo of this kingdom. As Thais often take it very personally...
  19. Quite an Irony. By supposedly the often lowest educated demography in this kingdom...
  20. It is strongly linked to Thai history; has never been colonized by the west(namely British Empire). While all other ASEAN nations had been subject to foreign rule in the past...
  21. Nigerian Asylum Seeker Granted UK Stay After Joining Terror Group Stupid and misleading headline. Sounds as if Terror Group membership is the requirement for UK residency... Should rather say Nigerian Asylum Seeker Granted UK Stay Despite Joining Terror Group.
  22. He later explained that the couple had been arguing about household expenses... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, his worry is more than just about their household expenses. Causing serious damages to both people, and vehicles of others. Eye-popping amount of compensation demand around the corner...
  23. Fugitive from Turkey. PKK(terrorist organization) member?
  24. Does Thailand have a Chian-like law? In China, their birth certificate makes all the differences in the level of movement freedom(I have learned by now). Urban dwellers can move anywhere. But those born in rural areas don't have that right. If they move from the province of their birth, they lose their entitlement for public welfare(e.g. healthcare). Little had I expected this kingdom also has that sort of birthplace based restriction tor the people in the countryside.
  25. The only occasion we should be there, time to lodge report.
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