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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. The cream of the crop with supermodel looks, the head turners. 99% don’t score a western husband. Because the girls are so sexy. Many of my friends and their wives back in the UK were obviously triggered, some said some nasty things. It intimidates people in different ways. Arousing, jealousy, envy. Nobody will admit it.
  2. Ask yourself how would a Thai male handle the situation. And then do as what he would do. They are much more experienced with the Thai women and their promiscuous ways.
  3. Seems relatively unprovoked. The LB wasn’t attacking them physically.
  4. social Hunter 22 scroll down it is about the tenth clip.
  5. Hard to tell with all the background noise but he sounded British when he was screaming F… off in the first couple of seconds of the clip. I hope I am wrong.
  6. Are you saying he is lying? Pretty straightforward to me. Dhedhis fault, reckless.
  7. Soi 6 No description of the perps whatsoever. Usually comes in handy in tracking them down.
  8. Millions How many Cambodian migrant workers are in Thailand? Around 1,262,175 In December 2020, there were officially 1,574,324 Burmese migrant workers in Thailand's labour registration system. Two years later, there were 1,981,739. Significantly more are thought to be working unregistered and informally. A report published in February by the Vientiane Times said approximately 228,000 Laotians were working in Thailand, including 70,000 without permits.
  9. No it was just an observation. You are now backtracking and admitting that I didn’t actually say it, but in your mind you imagined I “seemed to be suggesting it”
  10. No, others have differing opinions but it isn’t argumentative. You are argumentative. Not an opinion, it is a fact. playing the victim are we Lou.
  11. What is odd is you misquote, or twist to simply cause an argument. You had sisters as a child? You are entitled to your opinion.
  12. just the travel costs were keeping her down. tough being a single mum with 5 kids in the Philippines Sounds like you are annoyed about the rules. It’s complicated
  13. Growing up in poverty, widowed, family to support and caught out by Covid. Not everyone grew up in a nanny state, wrapped in cotton wool on government benefits.
  14. As do millions of Cambodian, Burmese and Laotians in Thailand
  15. He loves to argue and will twist words or even completely change them to get an argument in when there was none. it is his style. I knew what you meant. Everybody knew what you meant, if he did.
  16. Doesn’t change things, who said it does? The uncertainty and confusion of that time might have been the reason she overstayed. Might have been love, work, family or something more complicated. Nobody was predicting back then it was going to drag on for years. no need to reply with “ well she should have got a Covid visa extension” or any of your other arguing thoughts.
  17. I visited Pattaya over a decade ago. I stubbed my foot on the footpath and a couple of days later it was infected. So I thought I would wash it out in the sea with the salt water. I only waded in to my ankles and spotted three used condoms, a dead frog and other assorted rubbish. Amazes me people swim in the filth. A mix of turds, urine and semen from all different corners of the globe.
  18. Yeah right, and his mother was a virgin and his dad was Santa Claus. The cost of living is smashing many back home now, we shouldn’t be wasting tax payers hard earned dollars on religious nutters. Get rid of them all.
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