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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Whats that phrase the leftists here use…ah oh yes, “lock him up”!
  2. Hes in the minority of folks here who leave the west but still care about it, most here just wants the west to collapse already
  3. I assume youre british?
  4. All countries except the US are in danger of collapse
  5. I didnt know either, until i read the opinions of the non americans here. Im all in on trump cutting everyone else off
  6. Given how ungrateful the rest of the world is, about time america helped itself
  7. Looks right to me. Shows the outperformance of bitcoin to gold and that gold is a waste of time
  8. Thailands highways are like a real life version of death race
  9. As opposed to the faux outrage the media programs you with, normal people like myself are more concerned with how the left now supports terrorists and not america
  10. This chart speaks for itself
  11. He saved my country, and hes trying to save your country too. But youve been in Thailand so long your IQ has assimilated with the local population and you cant distinguish yourself who the good people are
  12. Asia has an undersexed problem. Asian guys with no money arent gettin none
  13. Center left? Thats some sort of myth these days. Doesnt exist
  14. Im independent. The left forced me to take action. Im not the only one
  15. From now on im only renting, for the rest of my life. The things you own always end up owning you
  16. Im not comfortable with any amount of my money in a thai bank. Thai people in control of my money? The idea is absurd
  17. Lefties only have themselves to blame. Trump has all this power now only because your ideology has failed so spectacularly
  18. And the democrats are out. Nobody left to finance the war, that means that both wars will end, and lefties will have nothing left to have violent protests over
  19. Whats not absurd though is how the world will return to peace now that the warmongers are no longer in power
  20. I agree, naming the restaurant here is pointless. The problem is systemic
  21. Next four years are gonna suck for you, america basher
  22. Who else is going to lead the world? Europeans here are too busy comparing themselves to americans to catch up much
  23. Trudeau and the people who vote for him deserve it
  24. Tariffs still on the table. Trump isnt giving an inch to communists
  25. Thats a polite opinion, i think hes a communist
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