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Everything posted by SMIAI

  1. But here you are, telling us how attracted you are to Japanese men 🤭 No wonder you aren't interested in discussing women. Wrong thread for you methinks.
  2. That's what she told me that she did. Might be disgusting to you, but she was clean and there is nothing disgusting about being clean 😊 Disposable this and disposable that. I guess you don't realise that much of the world has to live in a sustainable manner. We somehow managed. We don't use toilet paper after a shower. We have a towel for that. Likewise after using washing facilities in the bathroom, we had a special towel for that. Was an incentive to do a good job.
  3. Guys here call that dating 😊 I call it 'shooting fish in a barrel'.
  4. I don't know anything about lefties nor testosterone, but I know I pull twenty year old+ women in the wild with no need for compensation. Can you say the same?
  5. Back to your 'leftie' obsession again. You seem a little 'touched'. I guess that's why you are here. No social skills, so need to pay for your company. Am I right?
  6. She did. It was her flat. Lovely girl. Would even peel grapes and feed them to me.
  7. I had a Muslim(not practising) girlfriend from the former Yugoslavia for whom it was the norm. She had absolutely no embarrassment in using the washing facilities in a public toilet in order to do so. At home we had a special white towel to check that everything was clean after washing. Cleanliness everywhere has always been the norm for me.
  8. No, they don't...if you put them in their place. You are just too weak to do it and so end up b*tching about western women on here. P.S. In order for them to know their place, you need to create solid and unwavering points of reference. Then they will respect you.
  9. It's completely separate from that. AIS/3BB hotspots around town.
  10. 5 equals approx 625 MB/s
  11. The USB-C port to which you are referring will be either 5Gbps or 10Gbps. ACER is 5Gbps, but the ASUS, dependent on the specific model, might be 10Gbps. 10mbps wouldn't be much good 😊
  12. Take your pic: https://www.alottechs.com But the only Unlimited packs there are TRUE 6Mbps and 15Mbps for 2,499 baht and 3,399 baht respectively. https://www.alottechs.com/product/select-true6mbps https://www.alottechs.com/product/select-sim-thor DTAC and AIS have capped speed packs(6 Mbps to 20 Mbps) limited to between 50 and 100GB per month, though you can add Unlimited data packs to any of their SIM. Up to 10Mbps in both cases. Not the cheapest, but a way to have Unlimited data on DTAC and AIS. Example limited data pack with AIS: 50GB at 15Mbps, unlimited calls to any network and unlimited hotspot Wifi at 200 baht per month. Not a bad deal considering their Marathon pack for 2200 baht per annum contains just 50GB at 15Mbps on a monthly basis. No free calls nor Hotspot WiFi. They have a Marathon pack of 100GB at 15Mbps for 12 months for 2750 baht. Unlimited 6Mbps data with AIS costs 3500 baht per annum. Those are the results of my research 🙂
  13. If your AIS service is active and working, you simply need to turn Mobile Data on your phone to the ON position(and/or to activate it on the SIM if it has previously been turned off). But that would use up any credit that you have. Better value to add a data package. An 'always on' data pack will prevent you from using up credit accidentally and allow you to communicate via Chat applications via text message. You can get such a package for as little as 29 baht per month. This one is 33 baht. https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/prepaid/add-ons/internet/33ul128kbps30dwebpre That can act as a back stop. If you need a faster connection whilst out and about, you can add a day pack on top of that for a few baht. Alternatively, you can buy a 30 day duration pack(that auto-renews every month) containing 800MB of data, for 27 baht. https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/prepaid/add-ons/internet/5g27b800mbmthwebpre
  14. Try to discuss something on the topic. Whining like a bitch female dog about nothing, is unbecoming of a man.
  15. Strange? You think that Biden should have given permission for Ukraine to pound Russia with American weapons from the beginning...and all the Russian threats should have been ignored? Another one sitting comfortably in their armchair, posting without thinking.
  16. I guess you need to make a decision between: https://www.powerbuy.co.th/en/product/ACER-Aspire-Lite-15-Notebook-15-6-AMD-Ryzen-7-RAM-16GB-512GB-AL15-41P-R47V-NX-J53ST-001-303852 and Asus Tuf Gaming F15 FX506LH-HN002T Also, you should take note of the condition of the second hand device. Gaming machine might be more robust, but of course it's already been used. Probably has a better screen. Either way, the Acer should be able to handle the described tasks.
  17. Not interested in scoring points at all. That came from your own imagination. Do not attempt to attribute it to me. It's all yours.
  18. The i5 ASUS edges it: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/3425vs4158vs4156/Intel-i7-9750H-vs-Intel-i5-10500H-vs-AMD-Ryzen-7-5700U The Ryzen 7 has a better CPU but a poorer graphics capability. The Ryzen 7 uses the AMD Radeon Graphics 512SP solution. To give an idea of a comparison between the AMD Radeon Graphics 512SP and the NVIDIA GeForce GTX1650, TechPowerUp rates the standalone graphics at more than 2.5 times superior overall. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-graphics-512sp.c4023 So now you need to check if his games are CPU based or Graphics based.
  19. Avoid the CPU with a U appending, if you want performance. Those use less power and are used for laptops for longer battery life.
  20. I think in the light of this information, the OP @TimBKK should request Admin to modify to topic title to remove reference to Supermarket.
  21. There is no peace deal. You act as if no one was interested in peace before Trump. It's quite disingenuous of you...as per usual. They simply had a different strategy and that was to put Ukraine in a stronger bargaining position. But Trump and the Republicans sabotaged that effort by withholding military aid and allowing Russia to take more ground. Now Trump is continuing with that to try to pressure Ukraine into making concessions. It's disappointing that you choose only to see one side of the argument...ever. Not ever a balanced debate, but only extremes. When was the last time that you actually agreed with anyone else who wasn't already pushing the same propaganda as yourself? Let's see how it all pans out. He might do some good, but he will also do a lot of harm. Remind yourself of that, before you go full disciple mode. They are already backtracking by announcing that Musk is not responsible for the firings and losing good people, but then stating if the managers don't do it, Elon will. What exactly will these people do if they lose their jobs? Didn't we want people to be employed? If they cannot pay their rent or mortgage, what then? There seems to be no aforethought, but only sensationalism for his followers, like yourself. Hateful until the bitter end.
  22. You've gone back into ranting mode again. Trump haters etc The hate comes from you. That's why you are ranting and becoming emotional. For me, it's not personal. For you, you it seems as if you are defending your boyfriend. We are simply discussing our perceptions of the world. If you are actually hating someone, that's a problem isn't it? I replied to your questions. No point in ranting at me further. It's my opinion. There's no being perfectly right. We might be right on some things and wrong on others, simply because we don't see the big picture. But we have the luxury of being able to discuss them to the best of our ability without being the ones to make decisions that affect so many lives. That would be far more interesting than the awful abuse that takes place here. Such an unpleasant environment 😊 Just throwing 💩 at each other all day. The real planet of the apes.
  23. For me, this is just conversation. We are just writing, seemingly far away from the reality. I am certainly not advocating war. We are simply discussing current events. I don't think we are going to affect the outcome and so I don't need to try to figure out a solution. Especially when I don't have all of the information.
  24. In order for you to understand the evidence behind the link, you need to have attained a certain level of intelligence. He was asked about it and could not provide an answer. His answer of them having workers there would be enough security is clearly not enough for Europe and Ukraine. I guess, like your club member james105, you would prefer for them to capitulate. Yes, he's the US president. Didn't you know? Yes and I asked you about the details of the peace agreement with Russia. Are you aware of such an agreement and can you tell me what it contains?
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