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Posts posted by Jamesyboi

  1. Bill Gates died in a car accident. He found himself in Purgatory being sized up by God...

    "Well, Bill, I'm really confused on this call. I'm not sure whether to send you to Heaven or hel_l. After all, you enormously helped society by putting a computer in almost every home in the world and yet you created that ghastly Windows 95. I'm going to do something I've never done before. In your case, I'm going to let you decide where you want to go!"

    Bill replied, "Well, thanks, God. What's the difference between the two?"

    God said, "I'm willing to let you visit both places briefly if it will help you make a decision." "Fine, but where should I go first?" God said, "I'm going to leave that up to you." Bill said, "OK, then, let's try hel_l first." So Bill went to hel_l.

    It was a beautiful, clean, sandy beach with clear waters. There were thousands of beautiful women running around, playing in the water, laughing and frolicking about. The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. Bill was very pleased. "This is great!" he told God, "If this is hel_l, I REALLY want to see Heaven!" "Fine," said God and off they went.

    Heaven was a high place in the clouds, with angels drifting about playing harps and singing. It was nice but not as enticing as hel_l. Bill thought for a quick minute and rendered his decision. "Hmm, I think I prefer hel_l" he told God. "Fine," retorted God, "as you desire." So Bill Gates went to hel_l.

    Two weeks later, God decided to check up on the late billionaire to see how he was doing in hel_l. When God arrived in hel_l, he found Bill shackled to a wall, screaming amongst the hot flames in a dark cave. He was being burned and tortured by demons. "How's everything going, Bill?" God asked.

    Bill responded - his voice full of anguish and disappointment, "This is awful, this is not what I expected. I can't believe this happened. What happened to that other place with the beaches and the beautiful women playing in the water?"

    God says, "That was the screen saver".

  2. A blonde goes into work one morning crying her eyes out.

    Her boss, concerned about his employee's well being, asks sympathetically, "What's the matter?"

    The blonde replies, "Early this morning I got a phone call saying that my mother had passed away."

    "I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Why don't you go home for the day... we aren't terribly busy. Just take the day off to relax and rest."

    The blonde very calmly explains, "No, I'd be better off here. I need to keep my mind off it and I have the best chance of doing that here."

    The boss agrees and allows the blonde to work as usual. "If you need anything, just let me know," he says.

    A few hours pass and the boss decides to check on the blonde. He looks out over his office and sees the blonde crying hysterically. He rushes out to her, and asks, "Are you going to be okay? Is there anything I can do to help?"

    "No," replies the blonde, "I just got a call from my sister, and she said that HER mom died too!"

  3. A man was driving down the highway, and sees a sign saying "Sisters of Mercy, House of Prostitution, 10 miles"

    Thinking it is some sort of joke, he pays no attention, until he sees a similar sign reading "Sister's of Mercy, House of Prostitution, 5 miles."

    Still unsure, he drives on, until spotting a third sign saying "Sister's of Mercy, House of Prostitution, next exit". His curiosity getting the better of him, he takes the exit and parks his car outside the convent.

    He knocks on the door, and tells the nun who answers "I saw your signs on the highway, are they for real?"

    The nun answers "Yes", and tells him to give her $50 and follow her to a room.

    He enters a room, and a second nun requests $50, and leads him to a door. Once he opnes the door, he is quickly shoved outside by the nun.

    He finds himself behind the convent, where he sees the final sign, "Thank you for you contributions, you have just been screwed by the Sisters of Mercy."

  4. A husband and wife were celebrating their 50th anniversary.

    That night the wife approached her husband wearing the exact same sexy negligee she had worn on their wedding night.

    She looked at her husband and said, "Honey, do you remember this?"

    He looked up at her and said, "Yes dear, I do. You wore that same negligee the night we were married."

    She said, "That's right. Do you remember what you said to me that night?"

    He nodded and said, "Yes dear, I still remember."

    "Well, what was it?" she asked.

    He responded, "As I remember, I said, 'Oh baby, I'm going to suck the life out of those big boobs and screw your brains out.' "

    She giggled and said, "Yes honey, that's exactly what you said. So, now it's 50 years later, and I'm in the same negligee I wore that night. What do you have to say tonight?"

    Again he looked up at her, and he replied, "Mission accomplished."

  5. A bear is chasing a rabbit through a forest. They find a bottle and decide to rub it. A genie pops out. He says "I will grant each of you three wishes."

    The bear says "I wish all the bears in the forest were females." *poof* It's done.

    The rabbit says "I wish for a motorcycle." *poof* It's done.

    The bear says "I wish all the bears in this country were females." *poof* It's done.

    The rabbit says "I wish for a lifetime supply of carrots back at my house." *poof* It's done.

    The bear is thinking to himself "why is the rabbit wasting his wishes on stupid small things? oh well." "And for my third wish, I wish that all the bears in the world were female." *poof* It's done.

    The rabbit says "For MY last wish, I want the bear to be gay." And he rides off on his motorcycle

  6. One day a secretary is leaving on her lunch break, and she notices her boss standing in front of a shredder with a clueless look on his face. The secretary walks up to him and asks if he needs help.

    "Yes!" he says looking and sounding relieved, "This is very important."

    Glad to help, she turns the shredder on and inserts the paper. Then her boss says, "Thanks, I only need one copy."

    A blonde was swerving all over the road and driving very badly, so she got pulled over by a cop.

    The cop walked up to her window and asked, "Miss, why are you driving so recklessly?"

    The blonde said, "I'm sorry sir, but wherever I go, there's always a tree in front of me and I can't seem to get away from it!"

    The cop looked at her and said, "Lady, that's your air freshener!"

  7. Three sisters decided to get married on the same day to save their parents the expense of separate weddings. As a further step to reduce the price tag, the three sisters resolved to spend their honeymoon night at home.

    Later that night, their mother couldn't sleep, so she went to the kitchen for a cup of tea.

    On her way, she tiptoed by her oldest daughter's bedroom and heard her screaming.

    The mother thought to herself, "That's normal, especially on her wedding night."

    She snuck by her second oldest daughter's room and heard her laughing.

    "That's normal too," she said, smiling to herself.

    Finally, she slipped by her youngest daughter's room where she didn't hear a peep, but she thought nothing of it.

    The next morning in the kitchen, after the husbands had gone out, the woman asked her eldest daughter about last night's noises. "Well Mom," she replied, "you always said if it hurt I should scream."

    "You're absolutely right sweetheart," the mother assured her, turning to her middle daughter. "Now why were you laughing?" she asked.

    "You always said if it tickled, I could laugh," she answered.

    "True enough, honey." The mother smiled, remembering her newlywed days. "Now it's your turn, baby," she said turning to her youngest daughter. "Why was it so quiet in your room last night?"

    "Mom, don't you remember? You always told me never to talk with my mouth full."

  8. A man is in bed with his wife when there is a knock on the door. He rolls over and looks at his clock -- it's half-past three in the morning.

    "I'm not getting out of bed at this time", he thinks, and rolls over. Then, a louder knock follows. "Aren't you going to answer that?" says his wife. So, he drags himself out of bed and goes downstairs.

    He opens the door and there is man standing at the door. It didn't take the homeowner long to realize the man was drunk. "Hi there," slurs the stranger, "Can you give me a push?"

    "No. Get lost, it's half past three. I was in bed," says the man and slams the door.

    He goes back up to bed and tells his wife what happened and she says "Dave, that wasn't very nice of you.

    Remember that night we broke down in the pouring rain on the way to pick the kids up from the baby-sitter and you had to knock on that man's door to get us started again? What would have happened if he'd told us to get lost?"

    "But the guy was drunk," says the husband.

    "It doesn't matter," says the wife. "He needs our help and it would be the Christian thing to help him."

    So the husband gets out of bed again, gets dressed and goes downstairs. He opens the door and, not being able to see the stranger anywhere he shouts: "Hey, do you still want a push?" and he hears a voice cry out "Yeah please."

    So, still being unable to see the stranger, he shouts: "Where are you?"

    And the stranger replies: "I'm over here, on your swingset.

  9. A ducks walks into a bar and asks, "Got any grapes?"

    The bartender, confused, tells the ducks that no, his bar doesn't serve grapes. The duck thanks him and leaves.

    The next day, the duck returns and says, "Got any grapes?"

    Again, the bartender tells him that, no, the bar does not serve grapes, has never served grapes, and, furthermore, will never serve grapes. The duck, a little ruffled, thanks him and leaves.

    The next day, the duck returns, but before he can say anything, the bartender begins to yell: ''Listen, duck! This is a bar! We do not serve grapes! If you ever ask for grapes again, I will nail your stupid duck beak to the bar!''

    The duck is silent for a moment, and then asks, ''Got any nails?''

    Confused, the bartenders says no.

    ''Good!'' says the duck. ''Got any grapes?''

  10. A good looking man walked into an agent's office in Hollywood and

    said "I want to be a movie star."

    Tall, handsome and with experience on broadway, he had the right credentials.

    The agent asked, "What's your name?"

    The guy said, "My name is Penis van Lesbian."

    The agent said, "Sir, I hate to tell you, but in order to get into Hollywood, you are going to have to change your name".

    "I will NOT change my name! The van Lesbian name is centuries old, I will not disrespect my grandfather by changing my name. Not ever."

    The agent said, "Sir, I have worked in Hollywood for years. you

    will NEVER go far in Hollywood with a name like Penis van Lesbian! I'm telling you, you will HAVE TO change your name or I will not be able to represent you."

    "So be it! I guess we will not do business together" the guy said and he left the agent's office.

    FIVE YEARS LATER..... The agent opens an envelope sent to his office. Inside the envelope is a letter and a check for $50,000. The agent is awe-struck, who would possibly send him $50,000? He reads the letter enclosed...

    "Dear Sir, Five years ago, I came into your office wanting to become an actor in Hollywood, you told me I needed to change my name.

    Determined to make it with my God-given birth name, I refused. You

    told me I would never make it in Hollywood with a name like Penis van Lesbian.

    After I left your office, I thought about what you said and I decided you were right. I had to change my name.

    I had too much pride to return to your office, so I signed with another agent.

    I would never have made it without changing my name, so the enclosed check is a token of my appreciation.

    Thank you for your advice..


    Dick van Dyke

  11. The Pope dies and, naturally, goes to heaven where he's met by a reception committee of angels. After a whirlwind tour, The Pope is told that he can enjoy any of the myriad recreations available.

    He decides that he wants to read all of the ancient original text of the Holy Scriptures, so he spends the next eon or so learning the languages.

    After becoming a linguistic master, he sits down in the library and begins to pour over every version of the Bible, working back from the most recent "Easy Reading" to the original handwritten script.

    The angel librarian hears a loud scream, and goes running toward its source only to find the Pope huddled in a chair, shaking and crying.

    "The R! They left out the R!"

    "What do you mean?" the angel librarian asks.

    After collecting his wits, the Pope sobs again, "The word was supposed to be CELEBRATE!"

  12. An Amish woman and her son are walking through a mall for the first time, totally stunned by everything they see.

    They are especially fascinated by two silver walls which slide together and then apart.

    They both walk up closer to the sliding silver walls. They see a fat, little old man waddle inside and watch as the doors close behind her.

    The mother and son can't believe their eyes when minutes later, the silver doors open and a tall, well-built stud strides out. The mother then turns to the son and says, "Son, go and get your father."

  13. There once was pirate captain who, whenever it looked like a battle would be imminent would change into a red shirt. After observing this behavior for a few months, one of the crew members asked him what it meant.

    "It's in case I get shot. I don't want you crew members to see blood and freak out."

    "That's very sensible, sir." At that moment, the crew member spotted eight hostile ships on the horizon. The captain all of a sudden looked very concerned. "Get my brown pants."

  14. A math teacher and his wife were both 54 years old. One evening the wife came home and found a note from her husband. It said: ''My dear, you are 54 years old and there are some things you are not giving me, so I am at the Holiday Inn with my 18-year-old student. Don't bother waiting up for me.'' He returns home that night to find a note from his wife: ''You are also 54 years old and there are things I need that you're not giving me. So I am at the Motel 6 with one of your 18-year-old students and you (being a math teacher) should know that 18 goes into 54 way more than 54 goes into 18, so don't YOU wait up for ME.''

  15. A man was sitting on a bus looking ashamed. The man next to him noticed and asked what the matter was.

    He said that when he went to buy the bus ticket, the woman serving him had the most unbelievable breasts, so he got flustered and asked for two tickets to Tittsburgh instead of Pittsburgh. The man next to him laughed and said, ''Don't worry about that. We all make Freudian slips. This morning I was having breakfast with my wife. I meant to say, 'Pass the salt,' but I accidently said, 'You ######ing bitch, you ruined my life.'"

  16. A Doctor was addressing a large audience: "The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago. Red meat is awful. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High fat diets can be disastrous, and none of us realizes the long- term harm caused by the germs in our drinking water. But there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have, or will, eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?" After several seconds of quiet, a 75-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, "Wedding Cake."

  17. At New York's Kennedy airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a public school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a setsquare, a slide rule, and a calculator.

    At a morning press conference, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement. He is being charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.

    "Al-gebra is a fearsome cult, "Gonzales said. They desire average solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value.

    They use secret code names like 'x' and 'y' and refer to themselves as unknowns, but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, "There are 3 sides to every triangle."

    When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, "If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes."

  18. - It is always possible to park directly outside any building you are visiting. -A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.

    -If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone you bump into will know all the steps.

    -Most laptop computers are powerful enough to override the communication systems of any invading alien civilization.

    -It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts - your enemies will wait patiently to attack you one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors.

    -When a person is knocked unconscious by a blow to the head, they will never suffer a concussion or brain damage.

    -No one involved in a car chase, hijacking, explosion, volcanic eruption or alien invasion will ever go into shock.

    -Police Departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is their total opposite.

    -When they are alone, all foreigners prefer to speak English to each other.

    -You can always find a chainsaw when you need one.

    -Any lock can be picked by a credit card or a paper clip in seconds, unless it''''s the door to a burning building with a child trapped inside.

    -An electric fence, powerful enough to kill a dinosaur will cause no lasting damage to an eight-year-old child.

    -Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at that precise moment you turn the television on.

  19. A guy heard from his doctor that masturbating before sex could help him last longer. So he decided to try it. He spent the rest of the day thinking about where to do it. He couldn't do it in his office, so he thought about the restroom, but that was too open. He considered an alley, but figured he might get mugged.

    Finally, he was inspired. On his way home, he pulled his truck over on the side of the highway. He got out and crawled underneath as if he was examining the truck. Satisfied with the privacy, he undid his pants and started to masturbate. He closed his eyes and thought of his lover. As he grew closer to orgasm, he felt a quick tug at the bottom of his pants. Not wanting to lose his mental fantasy or the orgasm, he kept his eyes shut and said, "What?"

    He heard, "This is the police. What's going on here?"

    The man replied, "I'm checking out the rear axle, it's busted." "Well, you might as well check your brakes too while you're down there because your truck rolled down the hill five minutes ago."

  20. A fireman is polishing his fire engine outside the fire station

    when he notices a little girl next door in a little red cart with

    little ladders hung on the side and garden hose tightly

    coiled in the middle. The little girl is wearing a fireman's helmet and has the cart tied to a dog and a cat.

    The firefighter walks over to take a closer look, 'That's a

    lovely fire engine,' he says admiringly. 'Thanks,' says the little


    The fireman looks closer and notices the little girl has tied one

    of the cart's strings to the dog's collar and one to the

    cat's testicles.

    'Little colleague,' says the firefighter, 'I don't want to tell you how to run your fire engine, but if you were to tie that rope around the cats collar, I think you could probably go a lot faster.'

    The little girl pauses for a moment, looks at the wagon, at the dog, at the cat, then shyly looks into the fireman's eyes and says

    "You're probably right, but then I wouldn't have a siren would I?"

  21. A young businessman had just started his own firm. He had just rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.

    He saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments.

    Finally he hung up and asked the visitor, ''Can I help you?'' ''Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines.''

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