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Posts posted by coma

  1. You could go to DK books store and have a look at the dotted-line Thai handwriting font exercise books there.They used to have a good collection of them that you maybe able to sort through and find what you are looking for. That is where I got mine from, albeit going back quite a few years now.

  2. So on average 90+% of those surveyed where whinging about other drivers lack of traffic disciplines, only observing the rules when traffic police are insight and drivers playing Line , smoking, and using mobile phones while driving. But when it come to the question the question of invoking Section 44 [ harsher penalties] to deal with traffic violations,  only 50.09% agree. What is wrong with this picture?

  3. 4 hours ago, dru2 said:

    Chiang Mai's after hours club scene? Is this really the case, or just a "catch all". I'm unaware of it, and if I were aware of trafficked children in such circumstances, I would report it. And I'm sure most normal people would too. And where is Phuket and Soi Bangla in the list?


    The fact of the matter is this OP is all about window dressing. Pattaya, Bangkok [sex tourist areas] Phuket etc etc would not even be the tip of the ice burg when it come exploiting and trafficking children in Thailand. It would near rate as non existent in comparison to the dark nooks and crannys of the Kingdom.The vast majority of this type of criminal activity is conducted in poor villages in the north, North-East and in neighbouring Myanmar and Cambodia. And are trafficked through a plethora of border towns far far from the reaches of those places mentioned in the OP. But the FBI and Thai government knew that already. Right ??

  4. 11 minutes ago, dexterm said:

    >> The "global community" which you seem to have appointed yourself a spokesman of, could do with some history lessons.


    The global community I refer to is the 70% of UN member states (with more to follow) who have already recognized the Palestinian State. My opinions are my opinions...no-one else's.


    My motivation is basically that the injustice Israel has done and continues to perpetrate upon the Palestinians is wrong, exactly the same way that European colonialists treated the resident populations in other colonial enterprises...N America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa. Global awareness of the indigenous plight in those instances came much too late, and attempts to redress those injustices are finally now being attempted. Zionists left their colonialist run about 100 years too late to get away with it, and they are still in a state of denial that they are behaving exactly the same way that other European colonialists have done before, albeit dressed up in all this right of return baloney and David and Goliath revisionist history perfect narrative nonsense, that Israeli apologists on this forum continually push.


    When I see those images especially of Palestinian kids killed, I know in my heart that something is rotten and decidedly wrong here.


    The politicians (US in particular) are messing up yet again in a too little too late scenario, as always in a desire simply to get re-elected and not upset too many of their voters. No vision; no commitment to what they know in their hearts is right.


    Yes, I am one sided, because I know that the Israeli propaganda machine is very powerful and insidious...attempts to suppress BDS, labelling criticism of Israel as anti semitism, trying to suppress the word "Zionist" (even though its the corner stone of the state of Israel and the name of the Israeli opposition party), and in your instance labelling Israel as racist as somehow inflammatory hyperbole. In this thread alone and others I have learnt that give the Israeli apologists an inch and they will take a mile, so I tend not to give an inch even though of course I am aware of the shortcomings on both sides. That's probably why you find my stance so vehement.


    >>This stems from most relevant countries operating not according to one-sided emotional take on things, but following more realistic, balanced and interest driven approach
    ... I challenge you on this point. Don't you feel as you look back on some of the major human rights issues in history, that mainstream politicians were often way behind the cue ball. The Wilberforces, Pankhursts, Luther Kings were pilloried but now considered being way ahead of their times, and are now lauded. 


    I feel future students of history will regard the Isreal Palestinian conflict in the same light, and ask why didnt the major players and countries do X Y Z  years before they reached a final consensual peace agreement.

    Obama and Clinton are smart enough to know what's right and wrong in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how to resolve it. They just haven't got the guts to make tough decisions that may threaten their power base. Trump is too narcissistic to have a clue of what's right unless he personally benefits monetarily or gains adulation for it.


    In all the years and all the posts on TV reference the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this post is by far the best. It literally hits the nail on the head. It is the most accurate and correct summing up of the situation that I have read. Hitting like button alone would not give this post enough justice. A true pleasure to read. Thank you sir.

    If only the political boffins around the world would see things as clearly. I am sure the world would be a much nicer place than it is. :thumbsup:

  5. 8 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    The only thing this sociopath wants is to be the center of attention. Conceited, boastful, given to wild mood swings, abusive, bullying, manipulative and self promoting. His behaviour screams out narcissistic personality disorder.  Have a good long hard look at  this man's history.  He has left a trail of destruction and engaged in anti social behaviour for decades. He uses people. There is a reason why he used to get the crap  kicked out of him when he was a kid: He was always telling people what to do, pushing people around and trying to control them.  He got older and found away to be the center  of attention. Unfortunately, in doing so, he was probably responsible for the  death and torture of hundreds if not thousands of people who were named in his leaks as being opposed to the Taliban or jihadists or Baathists.  You are defending a bully.



    What ? Were you his old school buddy ? You sure do seem to know a hell of a lot about the man. 


    I would much prefer to not label him or anybody else the things you just have unless I seen it with my own eyes. That's just me.

  6. 2 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    Assange says it was consensual sex. His victims say it was not.   Assange would not co-operate with the police investigators (as was his legal right) in their initial investigation. However, he also  did his utmost to derail and sabotage the investigation. The Swedish court said there was sufficient evidence to warrant his being questioned.  He indeed ran away because he refused to cooperate with the Swedish investigators AFTER the Swedish court said he had to meet with the police.  Your hero stands accused of sexual assault.


    At its core, this is why the Swedish government is holding firm. The  women victims have a right to justice. Their human rights and dignity has standing. All you are giving is Assange's position. What of his victims. or are you one of those people who blames the women? You know its 2016 and we have  moved beyond the era when women were blamed for being raped.





    Maybe they were raped. Maybe they were not. The only people that know if they were or not are the women making the "allegations" and Mr Assange himself. Not you, not I nor anybody else. You are all too keen to judge and declare him guilty when you have no evidence to back up your claim. No wonder the guys is all gun shy. What hope would he have of getting a fair trial with people like yourself branding him guilty when you couldn't possibly know if he is or isn't. At the moment as it stands these "victims" as you put it are in fact alleged victims. At best.

  7. 5 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    You are of course fully entitled to you world view. However, IMO, it's worth considering it would not be of benefit to the 'West' for Afghanistan to fall back under control of rabid Islamist 'Taliban control. In addition currently 90% of the world's supply of illegal heroin is sourced from Afghanistan, though the "West' has done a piss poor effort in this regard; plus of course massive undeveloped natural resources.


    You know Pakistan is nuclear armed, its very much of interest to the West to have some degree of influence, with India being the next door neighbour with future huge trade expansion, wealth and a degree of counter balance to China. Accordingly it would be a disaster for Pakistan to fall under control of the Islamists.



    Like it or not. And I have been saying this for years. Afghan WILL fall back into the hands of the Taliban. If not the Taliban then some other, bigger and more powerful group of thugs will run the wild west. That is Afghanistan. We Westerners are just prolonging the inevitable and the financial and human loss. Similar to a war back in the 60's and 70's in SEA. Prolonged the inevitable for 10 years with over 58000 US troops killed, hundreds of thousand wounded and who know how much money spent. Just so the "enemy" could reunite their "own country" in 75 and live nothing but a peaceful and prosperous existence right up until today.


    As for Pakistan. If the Indians aren't worried about it then why should a foreign government from the other side of the planet be worried. If they step outside their box to do us harm them we make them pay BIG TIME. But until that happens then let them be. We may even make less enemies willing to harm us in the meantime.

  8. Obviously the US is not up to the task in Syria. Or don't want to be. Firstly they allow their local pit bull [Israel] to enter the fray only days after the ceasefire started. And now this absolutely appalling airstrike killing 62 Syrian soldiers and injuring a hundred more on their own soil, defending it from and attacking IS force that had them surrounded. Then to having Ms Power accuse the Russians of pulling "a stunt" at the UN. This sort of action makes one's blood boil. The United States of America at its best AGAIN. Destroying peoples lives and countries. When on earth will the blind see ? Time for Russia to step up its involvement in Syria. Cuz the US involvement is a farce. :bah:

  9. Well it appears that the US and her cronies will stop at nothing to make sure Mr Assad's attempts to put down a terrorist uprising in his country fail.


    Will the State department be paying off the families of these murdered men as they did the Italian journalist's family killed in the drone strike in Pakistan ?


    "Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and a hundred others were injured in these strikes."


    Air strikes blamed by Moscow and Damascus on the US-led coalition hit a Syrian army position in the east on Saturday, killing more than 60 soldiers, the Russian army said.




  10. 4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Understood, but this post is about him avoiding going back to Sweden to answer questions about a possible rape.  He's using excuses to avoid that.  Credible or not, they are still unverified excuses.


    Please Craig3365. Do you honestly think he is that concerned about potential rape charges in Sweden ? If that is all this is about, I am sure he would be dying to get back there and clear his name.

  11. When Mr/ General Prayut first installed himself as head of the country, I must admit I was a bit of a fan and believed he did have nothing but good intentions and did do a lot of good things for Thailand at that time. Things that were so desperately needed for the country to go forward. And he did steer the country out of some very dark times indeed. But now as time goes by, I feel that he is now causing the place to start 'marching time'. He is so caught up with himself and the power of authority that comes with being a leader of a country that it scares me. And that causes, as he puts it, hate amongst his constituents. Fortunately this guy's days are numbered. A few more years at best. The current status quo here in Thailand cannot go on forever, it is humanly impossible. And when that status quo does come to an end, so will Prayut's rule. What happens after that occurs is anybody's guess. Things may get better. Or things could get a whole lot worse. We may all be gone with him. Interesting times ahead.

  12. 4 hours ago, simple1 said:


    The group who claimed they carried out the murders, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, are aligned to the Afghan Taliban and and appear to switch allegiance between Al Qaeda & Daesh; they are a threat to Western interests.


    Not whilst blowing up Mosques in Pakistan.


    And the West will have the West believe that every group or person that isn't Western/er is a threat to the West.

  13. 9 hours ago, Morch said:


    Not that the quote above actually supports what you posted earlier, and obviously the whole thing is off topic. But if you insist to post on the matter, you might have included all of the relevant quote (cont. from where the above stopped):





    Fair use policy ?? I provided the link. You obviously read it in its entire form as will other interested members.:thumbsup:

  14. 12 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Not quite:




    The bulk of US supplies arrived after the ceasefire. And, of course, not a word about the massive military resupplies sent to Egypt and Syria by the USSR at the same time.


    Not quite Lord Morch ? The Israelis were $hitting their pants at the thought of defeat and made preparations to go nuclear. Whether that was really on the table or a threat to the US to get them to start backing Israel up shows that Israel believed that defeat by the Arab coalition was imminent. English ain't my first language but I can read your own link provided and got this............




    During the night of October 8–9, an alarmed Dayan told Meir that "this is the end of the third temple."[292] He was warning of Israel's impending total defeat, but "Temple" was also the code word for nuclear weapons.[293] Dayan again raised the nuclear topic in a cabinet meeting, warning that the country was approaching a point of "last resort".[295] That night Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton-of-TNT (84 TJ) tactical atomic weapons for Jericho missiles at Sdot Micha Airbase, and F-4 aircraft at Tel Nof Airbase, for use against Syrian and Egyptian targets.[293] They would be used if absolutely necessary to prevent total defeat, but the preparation was done in an easily detectable way, likely as a signal to the United States.[295] Kissinger learned of the nuclear alert on the morning of October 9. That day, President Nixon ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, an American airlift to replace all of Israel's material losses.[296] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger told Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear"   


    And to use the great words of Forrest Gump... That's all I got to say about that.



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