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Posts posted by coma

  1. Real Americans don't want that.

    Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

    Trump and his fanboyz only know there's something about the Second Amendment somewhere but that it has to do with protecting and preserving gun lunatics. Sort of like how Trump knows "Two" Liviticus to the evangelical wingnuts.

    The gun lobby issue isn't a non event regardless of who is running for election. They won't have the power, even as president to do anything about it. Obama is the first to have has tried to change it but failed. Way too many American "gun lunatics" in the US to change their right to bear arms. Both Democrat and Republican gun nuts.

  2. I agree with - outsiders shouldn't get involved in the internal matters of a sovereign nation and all that. Gee I live by that and I will die by it. But when it comes to the United States of America I have to disagree. The USA is unique and pretty much the exclusive exclusion to this "rule" for mine and I will tell you why.

    Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

    Most of them are simply trolling.

    For the simple fact that when it comes to the United States, countries like Australia, Canada, the UK, some European countries and more do indeed have a "dog in the fight" when it comes to a US election. Because the fact of the matter is that the outcome will inevitably effect them also. The reason being is that these countries are continuously called upon, with increasing frequency, by the US to help fight its fights for her. In many cases they are indeed rail roaded into their support, spending their own money and sacrificing their own people for the good of the US and its foreign policy. The very least the people of the US can afford the citizen of the above mentioned countries is an opinion on US politics. They have earned it don't you think ? wai.gif

    "They have earned it don't you think ?"

    Not really.

    Each of those countries you mentioned have mutual defense pacts with the US. If they come under attack, the US will come to their defense.

    If our politicians railroaded their politicians into these arrangements, they should take it up with their own politicians.

    When these countries wage battle on behalf of an arranged political alliance, their politicians are the ones to put a signature on a treaty...and the guys that served like you have to pay the price.

    Take their complaints to the top of their own governments rather than try to tell US citizens how they should vote.

    PS: I notice the Bernie supporters have been awfully silent about Bernie's actions in the US Senate regarding the Veteran's Administration. See post #65.

    Nobody is telling anybody how they should vote. That is always a personal choice. All I am saying is the US and its foreign policy affects more than just US citizens. So if someone has an opinion on Us politics then that should be fine. From a personal POV I don't care who votes for who in any election anywhere. One doesn't become my friend or enemy by who they vote for.

    Reference your comments on defense pacts. True. But let's just put it into perspective. When was the last time an American soldier died in battle in the defense of Australia, Canada, the U.K or their interest ? Doesn't weigh up much does it ?

  3. I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

    Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

    Exactly right ! Trumps followers are a little different cuz he is different. That is the whole ball game. Different equal change. Change is what a lot of people want after decades of the same old same old.

    There has always been a radical difference between 'change' and creative destruction.

    Trump & Co are all about destruction however. Destroy the established order. Install a new odor.

    The whole package comes with the promise by Donald that he'll make everything fine again. Actually, that he'll make everything great again....everything will be just great again....the best....the greatest....only the best...take his word for it.

    The uniquely American Mussolini.

    The trains loaded with immigrants will run on time.

    Mmmm ! A bit Armageddonish to me.

  4. Real Americans don't want that.

    Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

    A real American wants his country to be better than it is, progress towards the future, be a place where his kids and grandkids can prosper. A real American would not try to make America like the 1950's again. He would have the basic intelligence to know that this is not possible.

    I do understand that .What you are saying. I truly do. But when was the last time America made progress ? Under Obama ? Bush ? Clinton ? Bush Sr ? Or will this progress finally come under Clinton ? Hillary that is. Democrats, Republicans, Democrats,Republicans... Bush,Clinton,Bush,Clinton.....? That doesn't seem like progress to me.

    Like it or not, Trump will change the dynamics. That is for certain. Anxious yet ? Everybody knows the country, and the greater world community for that matter, needs that change. And Trump is the only player selling it. Desperate times mean for desperate measures. If there is somebody more PC than Trump,more likeable, more 'finger on the voter pulse' than Trump and offers real change than Trump does, then where is this person ?

  5. I witnessed an assault today. 5 Thai young guys on a single Thai taxi driver. I saw one reaching for what was probably a knife in his pocket and another trying to take a bat away from the driver to continue the beating. The driver was seriously injured. Best I could do was video the incident as becoming a second victim would not have helped anyone. I am in contact already with police and hopefully something will come of my assistance. I wish I could have done more but it was a suicide mission. I wish I had been there when this foreigner attacked this women though. Those odds I am willing to accept. With relish.

    Have you read the tread today about taxi Thai drivers ?

    p.s I don't condone gang bashing. Cowards way of dealing with a bad situation.

  6. I thought not wearing a shirt was a serious offence and attracted a 100thb fine. Like that innocent and harmless idiot with a water pistol at Songran time.

    Commonsense seems elusive in Thailand. Just pick him and redirect to the airport for the next flight out of town (or jail) After he has paid compensation to the lady he jabbed in the eye.

    You're one of those people that uses common sense and Thailand in the same sentence. giggle.gif

  7. This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

    Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

    Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

    I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

    Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

    Exactly right ! Trumps followers are a little different cuz he is different. That is the whole ball game. Different equal change. Change is what a lot of people want after decades of the same old same old.

  8. This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

    Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

    Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

    I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

    Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

    Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

    Most of them are simply trolling.

    I agree with - outsiders shouldn't get involved in the internal matters of a sovereign nation and all that. Gee I live by that and I will die by it. But when it comes to the United States of America I have to disagree. The USA is unique and pretty much the exclusive exclusion to this "rule" for mine and I will tell you why.

    For the simple fact that when it comes to the United States, countries like Australia, Canada, the UK, some European countries and more do indeed have a "dog in the fight" when it comes to a US election. Because the fact of the matter is that the outcome will inevitably effect them also. The reason being is that these countries are continuously called upon, with increasing frequency, by the US to help fight its fights for her. In many cases they are indeed rail roaded into their support, spending their own money and sacrificing their own people for the good of the US and its foreign policy. The very least the people of the US can afford the citizen of the above mentioned countries is an opinion on US politics. They have earned it don't you think ? wai.gif

  9. Anybody that has ever fought in a war, and still has some scruples left would never want to have to go do it again if it can be avoided. More of the same traditional Republican/ Democrat stuff surely means more wars. Seeing as US politics is without an independent, Trump with his neutral Israeli policy and basically saying to Japan and S.Korea, here is what you need your on your own, seems to be the man for most vets with scruples.

    And here here too. It is time to but out and let other people's fights and wars be fought by other said peoples.

    Go the Trumpinator !!!

  10. It does seem apparent now however, that slowly but surely there is a internal movement against Bibi. Everyday Israelis are awakening to the fact they have a madman at the wheel. The time for him to fall on his political swords is getting closer. clap2.gif

    Apparent how? coffee1.gif

    Once the press have a politician in their sights it invariably ends bad for said politician. I can hear it now. violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

    Perhaps, but "the press" is not exactly "internal movement" in this case. Further, these allegations are not new, some go back to the beginning of Netanyahu's career. As for the supposed power of the press - two senior ministers in the current government were the target of corruption investigations, and very much in the press "sights". In one case the investigation came to naught (effectively, that is), in the second, the culprit served time only to return to his old position.

    Last time "the press" was confused with "internal movement against Bibi" he won the elections.

    Anything other than unfounded generalizations to offer on this? coffee1.gif

    Nah. I know you like to have the last word on everything so... The prosecution rests. coffee1.gif

  11. I understand that tourists pee the local population off in most countries. Look at the Chinese and the sex tourist here in LOS. Most Thais outside the tourism industry despise these types. But, given the current economic climate, where else is Spain going to get its cash from ? The manufacturing industry across the globe is still in a rut and that means more pain for Spain and other countries that rely on such exports.

  12. Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

    Care to provide some evidence about the existence of this "immigrant free loaders package? Or are you going to going entirely fact-free on this thread?

    He can't provide anything. The guy lies almost as much as Trump. And that's saying something.

    I have served and continue to serve my country. I therefore have hundreds, if not thousands of friends that are military or ex military. To live in a brotherhood, one learns things that outsiders will never learn nor understand. It is something I cannot explain here or to anybody that hasn't served their country on operations abroad. Nor would I care to explain. Of course I don't expect you to believe me. This is the internet. I could be one of the many imposters that, for some sad reason, feel they have earn the right to call themselves a veteran without ever having so much as fronted for and enlistment medical exam. But you can do what you want with it. wink.png

  13. It does seem apparent now however, that slowly but surely there is a internal movement against Bibi. Everyday Israelis are awakening to the fact they have a madman at the wheel. The time for him to fall on his political swords is getting closer. clap2.gif

    Apparent how? coffee1.gif

    Once the press have a politician in their sights it invariably ends bad for said politician. I can hear it now. violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

  14. Oh boy, another rant.

    Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

    Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

    Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

    The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

    You are so wrong it is scary. Do you think that the Palestinians would act any different if it were Hindus, Buddhists or Christian that moved in, stole all their land and treated them less than dogs ? Please.

    Is the only reason why Palestinians have a problem with Israel because the majority of Israelis are Jewish ? Is that what you are saying ? Come off it. You are the one that brings the Jewish thing into everything Israel. Get over it and get on with it.thumbsup.gif

    Actually I think your entire premise is wrong.

    The Jewish people are INDIGENOUS to Israel.

    It's the "Palestinian" Arabs that are the latecomers.

    Palestinian Arab identity as a specific thing didn't even exist until modern times.

    I see you fail to address my point about France. Fantastically high level of hatred against Jews there. Jews. Not Israelis. In France, and nine times out of of then the lame excuse is because of Israel.

    Where your line strays far from credibility is acting like these realities don't exist.

    That fails to acknowledge the deep NEED for the creation of the Jewish state after thousands of years in the diaspora being periodically subject to expulsions and genocide. The Jewish people going HOME to Israel was absolutely a completely rational thing to do and the movement started many decades before the holocaust.

    The toxic hateful B.S. that Israel is equivalent to the history of South Africa (or Belgian Congo, talk about HORRIBLE genocide) is completely wrong. White Europeans were not indigenous to Africa. They were not persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora.

    Again, there are indeed two sides, and the Israel demonization agenda promotes hatred and racism by falsely insisting there is only the one side.

    As usual you choose to miss the entire point because it flaws your agenda. That point being the Palestinians do not have a personal grudge against Jews because of their religion. They have a grudge against those that steal their land, oppress them and treat them less than human. Which, in this particular case, like it or not, is being enacted upon them by Israel. FACT not FICTION !!!! Which, unfortunately for your argument, Israel is predominately Jewish. Palestine is NOT being worked over by Hindu, Buddhist, Christian etc etc societies, nor by South Africa,Belgian Congo, France or any other country you which to drag into the equation. So people like yourself always pull the old, JEW HATRED card. You are ethically and immorally wrong to accuse everyone here, there and everywhere, Jew Haters. Get over it.

  15. Oh boy, another rant.

    Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

    Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

    Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

    The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

    You are so wrong it is scary. Do you think that the Palestinians would act any different if it were Hindus, Buddhists or Christian that moved in, stole all their land and treated them less than dogs ? Please.

    Is the only reason why Palestinians have a problem with Israel because the majority of Israelis are Jewish ? Is that what you are saying ? Come off it. You are the one that brings the Jewish thing into everything Israel. Get over it and get on with it.thumbsup.gif

  16. I think in most nations there is NO CHANCE that a PM, a PM's wife, a president, etc. is ever going to prison or even face criminal charges except if they go out in the streets and start shooting up citizens (as Trump has suggested he could do and not lose his support base and he's probably right). So I think Israel is admirable in this way ... not perfect, but better than most. Oh no! He said something positive about the Israeli government and justice system. Big trouble now.

    Loose the chip mate. No one is suggesting she's accused of fiddled things because of her ethnic background or religion.

    Fact is there are a number of senior politicians and former high office holders facing charges in a few countries. And so they should if the police have investigated and found evidence which the public prosecutors decided warrants progressing in court.

    Israel is one of the countries where there is a justice system, free speech, freedom of the press and where the public will demand action against corruption. The countries that have state controlled justice systems and repress freedoms of speech and the media are the ones that should be condemned, whatever their race, religion or political hue.

    What are you on about? I never suggested the accusations in Israel were made because she's a Jew. That is INSANE.

    But you'd have to be blind not to notice every topic about Israel attracts HATEFUL posts.

    Did you see the one about dropping her by copter? Come on now. No chip. Just eyes.

    She's not even the PM. She doesn't make policies.

    I don't see you coming to the defense of Trump when he attracts "HATEFULL" posts in all the threads about him. Why is that ?

    You're right though. She aint the PM. But just picture the bad press Obama would get if Michelle did the same thing ?

  17. Amazing how these people can believe such crap. Trump supporters have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. And I'm trying to be nice.

    And posts like this illuminate your intelligence?

    Maybe this guy is in receipt of an immigrant free loaders package. Obviously never served the US in its military or in any military or "real" combat zone, so his/ her opinion on the subject is wafer.

  18. What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?

    Everything Trump says is a fact? Ummmm.....

    That's the problem, low-info wingnuts, believe this <deleted>. And California doesn't have a drought.

    Instead of Breitbart:


    Where did I say everything trump says is fact. Are you insinuating I am a " low-info wingnuts " ? You have a personal issue that I can't help you with. So stop trolling and get some help.

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