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Posts posted by coma

  1. The goldstone report

    Then I dont understand the references to previous resolutions mentioned being based on any facts from the Goldstone Report.

    I have been reading the Goldstone report today out of curiosity


    The report seems very specific in time period... & is long after the resolutions mentioned.

    So those resolutions could not have based on the Goldstone report.

    I am not saying the resolutions were right or wrong just that they could not have been based on the report.

    To implement its mandate, the Mission determined that it was required to consider any

    actions by all parties that might have constituted violations of international human rights law or

    international humanitarian law. The mandate also required it to review related actions in the

    entire Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel.

    With regard to temporal scope, the Mission decided to focus primarily on events, actions or

    circumstances occurring since 19 June 2008, when a ceasefire was agreed between the

    Government of Israel and Hamas. The Mission has also taken into consideration matters

    occurring after the end of military operations that constitute continuing human rights and

    international humanitarian law violations related to or as a consequence of the military

    operations, up to 31 July 2009.

    The Mission also analysed the historical context of the events that led to the military

    operations in Gaza between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009 and the links between these

    operations and overarching Israeli policies vis-à-vis the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

    The author of the report now says his findings were not correct.

    (CNN) -- The chairman of a U.N. mission whose report accused Israel of "actions amounting to war crimes" during its fight against Hamas says he would have reached different conclusions if the Israeli military had been more forthcoming and if he had known the results of subsequent investigations.

    "If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document," wrote Richard Goldstone, a former South African jurist, in a Washington Post op-ed column Friday.

    Why weren't they more forth coming if it was going to exonerate them ??? :blink:

  2. Have you missed Jings underlined word? it said Hamas, it did not say Israel Mr Neutral jap.gif

    Secondly, have you failed to read Jings post 47?

    so why would Israel cooperate with UN, when even the report's author now admits being wrong?

    So let me underline another key point which you possibly missed which was

    "While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."

    once again you ARE missing a point or a few. Resolutions were mainly based on the report which is now admittedly incorrect.

    That means resolutions are not based on the actual facts, which in turn means need to be re-examined.

    However since you are to busy again bashing Israel, could you please provide UN resolutions for Hamas and which ones they have cooperated on.?EVER

    Comprehension wasn't a strong point for you was it?

    That. And one just cannot negotiate with this one. A waste of space and time.

  3. Bashing Israel ?? :unsure: How do you come to that conclusion ?? I am not bashing Israel. I love the place. I just simply cut and pasted UN Resolutions, as above, to be objective and even up the arguement. So you are saying all the UN resolutions are null and void, and that these incidents did not occue at all because the report is flawed?? Is that correct ??

    One should not jump to conclusions so eagerly. As the Thais would say. Jai Yen Yen Kuffki. :D

    Is it a case of split personality disorder? or have you forgotten which name you used to post other posts?, since you have 2 at least.

    What i am saying for the 3rd time is that those resolutions are based on the wrong facts and must be revisited with new evidence coming to light.

    The report is flawed and incidents which took place were different to what has been reported.

    Now the actual author admitted the truth, which he has been denying for a while.

    He also went further and made a comment and Israel itself did an investigations while Hamas did nothing and continues in the same fashion.

    To be fair, resolutions should be put on hold and new evidence must be considered and verified-thats just common sense and normal legal procedure.

    HOWEVER as you sated you posted resolutions to be objective and you are up for an argument so why would you bring up resolutions against ONLY Israel and since you are a "lover " now why have you not posted resolutions against Hamas, even though i have asked you.

    Why have you not replied to what resolutions Hamas has complied with ever? as a matter of interest not only Hamas but Palestine as whole, what resolution or agreements have they honored and did not breach?

    Oslo agreement-breached

    Truce agreement-breached

    Anti-Israel propaganda -breached

    All UN resolutions-ignored and breached

    so please be objective and respond to the actual questions with answers not another set of questions

    Hamas ha been deemed a criminal / terrorist organisation. Therefore they do not need to comply with any law. Otherwise they would not be called criminals. They would be law abiding citizens to the contrary. You don;t see any UN resolUtions put out to Al qaeda now ,do you?

    Secondly. Being objective means showing another side to the debate. The post I referred to was saying that Hamas never listens to the UN. To be objective to that I would need to show that the opposite side of that arguement , that Israel also snubs its nose at the UN. Correct?

    And I will state again that just because the report is flawed it doesn't automatically mean the incidents ,or similar incidents, that forced the need for the resolutions I refer to did not happen at all. But I agree that they need to be re evaluated also.

    Lastley. The sentence you wrote that I highlighted, I don't not know what you are on about. Good night Kuff Kuff. ;)

    Hold on right there on the first sentence.

    But Hamas is the current government, and hence they are criminals and do not need to comply, why should Israel accomodate criminal state?or state run by the criminals?

    Why should Israel treat it any other way but ONLY as criminals as this is what they are according to your post?

    Plain and simple. At the moment the Palestinians, particulary in Gaza, see Hamas as the lesser of two evils between them and the Israeli government. Israel has tried suppressing Hamas by force but it simply hasn't worked. If Israel got smart and worked on a 'hearts and minds' campaign with the Palestinian people then they may find that it will be them that will oust Hamas for them. That is what is required in Palestine more than any other country going through the process. A popular uprising. Never going to happen by Israel continually using excessive force in a pride saving tit for tat bitch fight. . NEVER . It is time for Israel to grow up and show itself to be the more mature out of the two. Not continue on this road that shows them to be an lowly equal to Hamas. :ermm:

  4. Aside from the expense, the consternation, and the risk of an escalation, I particularly fear success. If the rebels force out Gadaffi, just who are they? Nothing leads me to believe that they will be friends of the West. We don't need another Iran or Taliban there.

    I agree 100%. The allied HUMINT on the ground there has already identified Al Qaeda operatives amongst the ranks of the rebels. I am sure they are not there to assist in establishing a western styled and backed democracy there. This point is particulary frightening and knowing Arabs the way I do,I can almost bet to my last penny that any rebel government that maybe established in the future will ultimatley turn not so friendly towards their ' liberators' as is the case in many other Arabs countries. This may sound a little harsh but needs to be said, Unfortunatley some parts of our world need to be governed with a firm hand. Sad but i believe it to be true. :jap:

  5. Bashing Israel ?? :unsure: How do you come to that conclusion ?? I am not bashing Israel. I love the place. I just simply cut and pasted UN Resolutions, as above, to be objective and even up the arguement. So you are saying all the UN resolutions are null and void, and that these incidents did not occue at all because the report is flawed?? Is that correct ??

    One should not jump to conclusions so eagerly. As the Thais would say. Jai Yen Yen Kuffki. :D

    Is it a case of split personality disorder? or have you forgotten which name you used to post other posts?, since you have 2 at least.

    What i am saying for the 3rd time is that those resolutions are based on the wrong facts and must be revisited with new evidence coming to light.

    The report is flawed and incidents which took place were different to what has been reported.

    Now the actual author admitted the truth, which he has been denying for a while.

    He also went further and made a comment and Israel itself did an investigations while Hamas did nothing and continues in the same fashion.

    To be fair, resolutions should be put on hold and new evidence must be considered and verified-thats just common sense and normal legal procedure.

    HOWEVER as you sated you posted resolutions to be objective and you are up for an argument so why would you bring up resolutions against ONLY Israel and since you are a "lover " now why have you not posted resolutions against Hamas, even though i have asked you.

    Why have you not replied to what resolutions Hamas has complied with ever? as a matter of interest not only Hamas but Palestine as whole, what resolution or agreements have they honored and did not breach?

    Oslo agreement-breached

    Truce agreement-breached

    Anti-Israel propaganda -breached

    All UN resolutions-ignored and breached

    so please be objective and respond to the actual questions with answers not another set of questions

    Hamas ha been deemed a criminal / terrorist organisation. Therefore they do not need to comply with any law. Otherwise they would not be called criminals. They would be law abiding citizens to the contrary. You don;t see any UN resolUtions put out to Al qaeda now ,do you?

    Secondly. Being objective means showing another side to the debate. The post I referred to was saying that Hamas never listens to the UN. To be objective to that I would need to show that the opposite side of that arguement , that Israel also snubs its nose at the UN. Correct?

    And I will state again that just because the report is flawed it doesn't automatically mean the incidents ,or similar incidents, that forced the need for the resolutions I refer to did not happen at all. But I agree that they need to be re evaluated also.

    Lastley. The sentence you wrote that I highlighted, I don't not know what you are on about. Good night Kuff Kuff. ;)

  6. Am I being too cynical to conclude this arms shipment was perhaps meant to be found. If the Iranians really wanted to make sure something got through to Syria they could simply load it on one of their navy vessels.

    I'm sure that Iran will receive lukewarm condemnation over this and it evidently is not worried by sanctions so perhaps it's trying to encourage Israel to board another ship in international waters because we all know the shit storm that follows when they do that.

    You could be right. It is not exactly a prize catch so to speak.

    "60 Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifles, 14 BKC MG's , 8,000 rounds of 7.62mm short ammunition and not quite 2000 mortar bombs.

    To the everyday punter that may seem like alot of firepower but is isn't. You would be lucky to get a good ten minutes of sustained fire on a gun/ mortar line with that ammo. :ph34r:

  7. Broad minded people will find this artical an interesting read. Fellow American Ted Carpenter, with great credentials, has hit the nail on the head.


    Enjoy the read if you dare. I did. ;)

    Another point of view on your 'Experts' background in the Cato Institute.


    Not all agree they are what they want us to think they are, or are for.

    Interesting. It does not stop the fact that what he is saying will sound off alarm bells even to the most ignorant of individuals. Cuz he is correct in what he is saying in theis situation. :jap:

  8. Bashing Israel ?? :unsure: How do you come to that conclusion ?? I am not bashing Israel. I love the place. I just simply cut and pasted UN Resolutions, as above, to be objective and even up the arguement. So you are saying all the UN resolutions are null and void, and that these incidents did not occue at all because the report is flawed?? Is that correct ??

    One should not jump to conclusions so eagerly. As the Thais would say. Jai Yen Yen Kuffki. :D

  9. Let me know when Hamas welcomes UN criticism.

    Resolution 636: " ... 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

    Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): " ... 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.

    Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " ... 'condemns' Israel for "violence against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

    Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

    Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

    Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): " ... 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

    Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians

    Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

    And my favorite in response to your post is : Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

    Hahahahaha. Failure. :o

    Have you missed Jings underlined word? it said Hamas, it did not say Israel Mr Neutral jap.gif

    Secondly, have you failed to read Jings post 47?

    so why would Israel cooperate with UN, when even the report's author now admits being wrong?

    So let me underline another key point which you possibly missed which was

    "While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."

    No. I miss nothing. Just pointing out a few FACTS in response to post I quoted. Do you have anything to add about Israels apparent disregard for UN resolutions ??

  10. Pretty ordinary effort this one.

    A coalition air raid has killed 13 people, four of them civilians, about 15km east of the battleground Libyan oil town of Brega, a rebel civilian official says.

    The four civilians comprised an ambulance driver and three medical students from the second city of Benghazi, who were part of a rebel convoy of five or six vehicles, Issa Khamis, liaison officer for the rebels' transitional government in the town of Ajdabiya, east of Brega, told AFP on Saturday.

    The strike on Friday came as rebel fighters were shooting tracer fire into the air to celebrate the entry of an advance column into Brega.

    "It was a mistake (by the rebel fighters)," Khamis added. "The aircraft thought they were coming under attack and fired on the convoy."

  11. Yeah, you got it.

    Zionists -- evil, racist, murderous, paranoid, world controlling, monsters

    Palestinians -- angelic, freedom loving, super tolerant of diverse people, pacifists

    That's the ticket.

    I got it too.

    Palestinians -- evil, racist, murderous, paranoid, world controlling, monsters

    Zionists -- angelic, freedom loving, super tolerant of diverse people, pacifists ;)

    Glad I am not ither one. B)

  12. Bangkokeddy:

    Do you ever feel you are a phonograph player and your needle is stuck?

    What is your point?

    My point is you keep regurgitating the same old meaningless garbage over and over.

    We all know how you feel about the Middle East situation, even though you have likely never been there, so if you simply said..."ditto"... every time you made a post it would save all of us quite a bit of time.

    That's my point.

    This whole Israeli- Palestinian story is regurgitated material. That is the problem.:blink:

  13. Regarding the biased anti-Israeli Goldstone report, there is now BIG news.

    Now even Goldstone himself is openly admitting he didn't have the evidence he needed to come to an objective conclusion, and that his own report was unfairly biased against Israel.

    "We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the UN Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report," Goldstone wrote, adding: "If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document."

    The former South African jurist said that while "Israeli evidence that has emerged since publication of our report doesn't negate the tragic loss of civilian life, I regret that our fact-finding mission did not have such evidence explaining the circumstances in which we said civilians in Gaza were targeted, because it probably would have influenced our findings about intentionality and war crimes."

    While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."


    Surprise, surpriseunsure.gif

    Where you been Kuffki. I missed you. B)

  14. Let me know when Hamas welcomes UN criticism.

    Resolution 636: " ... 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

    Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): " ... 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.

    Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " ... 'condemns' Israel for "violence against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

    Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

    Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

    Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): " ... 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

    Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians

    Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

    And my favorite in response to your post is : Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

    Hahahahaha. Failure. :o

  15. WARMONGER : Asked about the rebel ceasefire offer, White House spokesman Jay Carney appeared to indicate that the administration of US President Barack Obama does not want the conflict in Libya to end with Gaddafi still in power

    Nothing in the UN mandate about this is there ????????????? It is infact a personnal issue that the US has with GaddafiIn Washington,

    Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world.

    It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power "

    How do you know that? Have you spoke to the apparent large amount of pro Gaddafi citizens ????

    And it is NOT your position to decide if Gaddafi should stay in power or not.It is that of the Libyan people.

    "We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya" he said.

    If this was the case there would be no ongoing civil war you fool.

    At the western entrance to Ajdabiya, 54-year-old reservist and rebel Abdelkarim Mansouri explained: We're implementing a new tactic. We don't want any more kids to die. War is not a game These are the orders of the military council.

    Is this news to the rebels? War is not a game? Sending kids off to fight, some of them will inevitabley die.

    Look I am against the US being involved in Libya, but goodness, you are really going off the deep end here. So what if Obama thinks Gaddafi should not remain in power? What has that to do with the UN mandate? That is his opinion, and as such, the opinion of his administration.

    And do you really think he is just saying that in a vacuum? Of course he's getting reports, and even a simpleton can see that at least some Libyans don't want Gadaffi in power anymore.

    I have to stress that I don't want the US in Libya, but Obama's remarks are nothing remarkable. He is just stating his opinion, and all this hate and consternation calling him a liar and such is just plain laughable.

    He is just stating his opinion you say ??? :lol: Very strange way of looking at it considering he gave his consent to military intervention which has killed more Libyans. Libyans that live on the other side of the world to the White House. Opinions are words and do not hurt anybody. Acting as he has on his opinions does hurt people. And he is GUILTY as charged your honor. B)

  16. Secretary Gates said the military mission did not call for deposing Gaddafi and suggested ultimately it would be economic and political pressure and Libya's people - not coalition air strikes - that would topple him.

    This is what I meant by total rubbish. See the link in post 128 if you have the time please. Then I would hope to hear your opinion on this article if you would . Please. :jap:

  17. Broad minded people will find this artical an interesting read. Fellow American Ted Carpenter, with great credentials, has hit the nail on the head.


    Enjoy the read if you dare. I did. ;)

    Actually, not interesting at all. He is just stating commonly held concepts that many people believe. I believe most of it myself, but this article, even taking into account that it is dated, is hardly earth-shattering. WIth your "if you dare" comment, I was hoping for something with a little more meat to it.

    You read it. So it had the desired effect.

    There are other posters here that don't share this view. Fair enough as all are entitled to their views. However this guy has hit it right on and I hope the NON believers see past "the

    old Jedi mind tricks " that are simple political lies to push an agenda that other people don't agree with. ;) George Bush used this method, right out of the text book to get his War in Iraq. Lies, Lies and then more lies. Administrations change every 4- 8 years. Bad habits and policies don't . :annoyed:

  18. Does anyone know if the results have been published ?

    They are NOT going to publish the results online. You must go to pick them up ด้วยตนเองที่กระทรวงศีกษา ฯ A real pain in the arse too I might add. :annoyed:

    Just went to BKK to pick up my results.

  19. More innuendo and false statements. It's rather pathetic.

    In denial of the facts is pathetic, http://news.ninemsn....opose-ceasefire :lol:

    Did you even bother to read what you posted or were just relying on one line?

    Key points are;

    - A Libyan rebel conditional ceasefire offer has been spurned by the regime of Muammar Gaddafi

    Gaddaffi declined a ceasefire. No surprise there.

    - Transitional National Council leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil said "The goal of the revolution is the liberation of Libya, the unification of its territory and to have Tripoli as its capital."

    Oh my.

    - The US Presidential press secretary Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world. It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power. "We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya," But I don't want to speculate about outcomes of potential ceasefires or negotiations."

    Nothing dishonest there. they want him gone but are not speculating. A prudent measured comment.

    - a column of 10 Russian-made BM 21 Grad multiple rocket-launchers heading for Brega on Thursday night.

    OMG how'd Russian weapons get to Libya Robbie nz insists its the Americans that provided all the weapons.

    As the rebels called for heavy armaments to match the superior firepower of Gaddafi's army, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates asserted they needed training more than guns but suggested other nations do that job.His French counterpart Gerard Longuet said providing weapons was not part of the UN mandate, and NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen also ruled out such a move. "We are there to protect the Libyan people, not to arm people," Rasmussen said.

    So much for boots on the ground or heavy arms support theories from the Gaddaffi regime support group of Midas, Coma and Robbienz.

    And now for a dose of reality that will hopefully drive home to you why you are wrong and why you will always be wrong on Libya;

    Secretary Gates said the military mission did not call for deposing Gaddafi and suggested ultimately it would be economic and political pressure and Libya's people - not coalition air strikes - that would topple him.

    Total Rubbish.

  20. WARMONGER : Asked about the rebel ceasefire offer, White House spokesman Jay Carney appeared to indicate that the administration of US President Barack Obama does not want the conflict in Libya to end with Gaddafi still in power

    Nothing in the UN mandate about this is there ????????????? It is infact a personnal issue that the US has with GaddafiIn Washington,

    Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world.

    It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power "

    How do you know that? Have you spoke to the apparent large amount of pro Gaddafi citizens ????

    And it is NOT your position to decide if Gaddafi should stay in power or not.It is that of the Libyan people.

    "We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya" he said.

    If this was the case there would be no ongoing civil war you fool.

    At the western entrance to Ajdabiya, 54-year-old reservist and rebel Abdelkarim Mansouri explained: We're implementing a new tactic. We don't want any more kids to die. War is not a game These are the orders of the military council.

    Is this news to the rebels? War is not a game? Sending kids off to fight, some of them will inevitabley die.

  21. Slightly different problem, in that i dont get any notifications to any of my subscribed to threads

    Email settings are as usual and havent been changed

    I get that one also. About oce a week or so I don't get any notafications for about a day. The all of a sudden BOOM! They all come in in one big hit. :blink:

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