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Posts posted by coma

  1. We all know that the damage and casualties are minimal from these attacks cuz thier rockets are nothing more than homemade, ineffective projectiles and mortars only have a minimal range. That and the fact that they obviously have not much knowledge in how to employ these weapon systems effectively equals minimal effect. I note they fired a AT rocket at a bus [a disgraceful act I may add] with only one person injured thankfully. That in itself shows how ill trained they must be at employing such weapons systems, as a direct hit on a 'soft target' such as the bus with an AT weapon normally ends in complete and utter carnage.

    IMO right now both Hamas and the Israeli government a carrying on like a pack of school children, very immature indeed, therefore neither side can seriously be contemplating peace negotiations at this time. :annoyed:

  2. Interpol will not let these guys pay their ways out of anything here in Thailand. These scumbags will feel the full raith of the law. This is the second big raid of this kind in as many months. More to come too I would guess. These networks are like onions. Once you got one crew down the rest get found out as well and start 'peeling'. Good to see too cuz these guys are scum and make all foreigners here look bad. Time for these lads to pay the price for their activities and then head back to thier countries and start working a real job and living a readl life. :lol: Enjoy it! ;)

  3. I flew to Rome with Thai (not by choice) last year and it was crap. The plane was old and didn't even have entertainment units in each seat! Having said that, I did fly with Thai to Singapore about a month ago and the plane was fairly new (with entertainment unit). Don't know why they prioritize short haul flights with newer aircraft's?

    I haven't flown Thai Airways for nearly 20 years, as they always used to be one of the most expensive. In the end I even stopped bothering to enquire about a price from them.

    After reading this article I thought I would just dip check their current prices. As I say, this is a dip check but an economy flight to London on 30th Apr, returning on 30 May cost 102,745 THB. I use Etihad alot and so compared with them and flying on the same day is 45,335 THB.

    How on earth is this new price hike going to entice new customers?

    Anybody flown Thai recently? Is the service worth more than double the fare?

    From Jakarta to BBK... last year..............................TG434

    My flight was delayed cos the airplane couldn't land..........(TG433 From BKK to pickup passengers in Jakarta)

    as one of the wheels got stuck.... They flew around for 45 mins ... until they could make the landing...and

    then announced that the hydraulics failed to function properly they had to get them replaced but the delivery would get a couple of hours....... I can't trust their Quality anyway....

    they sent us to Gaurada... Have to make a transit in SGP...

    I realized that the planes in service are very old.....

    No more TG.....for me please...Don't wanna die too soon

    Sorry, but the transfer from Thai to Garuda because of a safety issue equates a transition from the frying pan to the fire.

    How is Garuda still allowed to fly has got me puzzled.:blink:

  4. The worst airline I have ever encountered, expensive, ill-mannered, Old equipment, poor service and the list goes on in every category. I am surprised anyone actually uses them other than those who dont actually pay for the ticket themselves.

    Should be shut down !

    i don't argree ...... with you the service and the foods are Ok...

    I also believe the service and food to be quite good also. Thais new airbus' A330-300's which I seem to be on the majority of my travels is modern and has all the personnal entertainment equipment. Albeit a little tight for leg room. However occasionally I do get caught on the old 747's and they are Jarrasic.

  5. It is indeed in a sad state of decline. Yet however, Mr Obama plans to raise 1 Billion $$$ to fund his re-election campaign. :ermm:

    That in itself could come back and bite him if the voter think hard and smart.

    A more democratic law would be that the final 2 Presidential campaigners should have the same budget; that would be fair and giving a more honest outcome.

    If all contributors would only donate their cash into one big bowl, to be divided by a commission amongst the 2 final campaigners.....would be fun :rolleyes:

    Now, the chap with most money is likely to win.

    A campaign WITHOUT television ads and speeches...now THAT would be fun since both campaigners have to visit all states and many cities and villages.

    Oh, I know....dreaming :whistling:


    Yes. You are dreaming. But it is a good idea. B)

    The fact of the matter is that the wealthy put people in the White House. Nobody can deny it. And they don't get a free ride either. The elected President is then put in a position where they must pay that money back in the form of 'political favours' to said wealthy people and in some cases other Countries. :bah:

  6. map_of_sudan.jpg

    Massive country. Lots of miles to cover. Millions of Sammy's everywhere. But nobody seen a drone over head.

    OP : In 2009, Israel executed a number of airstrikes in Eastern Sudan. The attack targeted a convoy of weapons smugglers who were allegedly heading to the Gaza Strip, an area controlled by the militant group Hamas.

    This incident has the exact MO as the previous airstrikes. Eastern Sudan,targeting weapon smugglers. F16 flies down the red sea low and fast. Pops up close to the coast and BOOM!!

  7. Ok, How about you, Hammered and the North Sudan government? I think South Sudan may not share your outrage in view of the genocide which resulted in their independence from the North.

    I don't even know what you are trying to put across with this post. But it does seem quite off :offtopic:

    However i can tell you that I don't feel rage so much as some other people. It is an emotion without benefit. One minute you are implying I am a peacenik and the next breath I am siding with a government that openly kills its own people. One could do well to make up ones mind and stick to it. :cheesy:

  8. Interesting point of view chuckd. Much better than previous post.

    The F16 has a radiasof 2,280 NM (2,620 mi, 4,220 km) with drop tanks. What about the logistics of having a predator on station for god knows how long in the middle of Africa waiting for said terrorists to be engaged? Without anybody seeing it ??

    Predator drones are highly visable vehicles, slow and alot easier to engage than an attack aircraft. Ask the residents of Wazistan. They see them almost every other day. There they are on station all the time as they are forward deployed out of the Ghan.

  9. Were are people getting thier intelligence from confirming that they were transporting chemical weapons ? I guess Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was packing a chemical weapon in his a&$e when he got whacked in Dubai also. :)

    Don't be silly, packing anything in one's arse warrants the death sentence under Sharia. I do note how quickly you decide to believe the Sudanese account of events, even though they can't make their minds up whether it was a plane or a missile that carried out the hit. You also choose to believe an unofficial Israeli news source as it suits your agenda, though there has been no official confirmation on the part of Israel.

    So Israel is practicing sharia law now are they. :lol:

    That is Israels policy. No neither deny nor confirm any covert activity that they conduct. Considering the article states that an AA crew fired on a unidentified aircraft. Then yes I do assume an aircraft was the platform that fired on the target. At the very least in was incuring on soveriegn land. Again. Furthermore, considering the fact that Israel have conducted this sort of activity in Sudan in the past, then yes it is safe to assume that is was indeed Israel. I like the use of the word, you ,you, you in this quote as if I am in the wrong and everyvbody else is correct. ;)

    Use of the words, 'you, you, you', in the context you used seems quite appropriate.

    Do you have anything to put towards Sudan blames Israel for airstrike that kill two people ? :offtopic:

  10. Were are people getting thier intelligence from confirming that they were transporting chemical weapons ? I guess Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was packing a chemical weapon in his a&$e when he got whacked in Dubai also. :)

    Don't be silly, packing anything in one's arse warrants the death sentence under Sharia. I do note how quickly you decide to believe the Sudanese account of events, even though they can't make their minds up whether it was a plane or a missile that carried out the hit. You also choose to believe an unofficial Israeli news source as it suits your agenda, though there has been no official confirmation on the part of Israel.

    So Israel is practicing sharia law now are they. :lol:

    That is Israels policy. No neither deny nor confirm any covert activity that they conduct. Considering the article states that an AA crew fired on a unidentified aircraft. Then yes I do assume an aircraft was the platform that fired on the target. At the very least in was incuring on soveriegn land. Again. Furthermore, considering the fact that Israel have conducted this sort of activity in Sudan in the past, then yes it is safe to assume that is was indeed Israel. I like the use of the word, you ,you, you in this quote as if I am in the wrong and everyvbody else is correct. ;)

  11. I bet EU countries such as France and Germany along with the UK are starting to wish that there was no European Union. Portugal,Greece, maybe Spain in the not to distant future, are becoming a major problem for the Union. Hence the dramatic fall in the value of both the Euro amd the UK pound. Punters earning those currencies for exchange out here in LOS must be livid right now. :huh:

  12. 101% predictable response and yet again no coherent, relevant answers or ability to even suport the claims.

    You are not worth one. You are feral when it comes to this topic and as I stated MANY times already.You cannot be reasoned with.

    In closing I would like to remind you that this topic is about Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in Gaza. Not the Goldstone report.

    I will let you have the final word as you always do. As far as I am concerned. We are done. :mfr_closed1:

  13. It seems as though the 'coalition' over estimated the rebels ability to over throw the Gaddafi regime.And has grossly mistaken the numbers that were/ are loyal to that regime. End state being they will not over throw this regime without more 'support'. Looks like another Afghanistan. All the US SF on the ground assisting the Northern Alliance to overthrow the Taliban. Ten years later look what is happening there. As I have said soooo many times before. We NEVER NEVER learn from our mistakes or past experiences.

    Why openly lie about this gig in Libya?? It has made the Obama lose even more credabilty. They are playing this like a bunch of college students in a Frat House. :bah:

  14. I'm afraid the U.S haters conspiracy theories are blown out of the water if any of the following is true.


    The United States has quietly withdrawn its air and sea assets from Libya and virtually ended its military intervention against Muammar Qaddafi's armed forces. This action over the weekend exposed NATO and its leading powers Britain and France as badly short of the air and sea capabilities necessary for halting Muammar Qaddafi's military advances, enforcing a no fly zone over the territory he controls or maintaining a sea blockade on Libyan ports

    It also leaves France and the UK in a tricky position.

    Don't be so nieve. :ph34r:

  15. I will change the wording for you Kuff Kuff cuz it seems you are having trouble comprehending what I am getting at again.

    There is no reasoning with the likes of yourself. I put forward a new idea and a new way of looking at things going forward and you want to have no of it. You are non negotiable when it comes to the subject. The Palestinians and those who advocate for them and for them to have a free homeland are at fault,wrong,the enemy without exception in your eyes. This attitude unfortuately is not only carried by you but by the entire Israeli government and a large portion of thier population. There for there is NO end in sight to this conbflict. Simply because the likes of yourself will NOT negotiate a truce, peace or the outline for a 2 state solution. Cuz everybody EXCEPT your like are WRONG in your eyes. Your llke are like a race horse with the blinkers on. All you see is one way traffic. :( I admire your passion. I am sure you would be of good use in alot of other fields because of it. But in this area your passion is over kill and indeed nothing short of ignorance.

    This is the longest troll post i have seen!

    i see you have picked up some tricks along the way of scapegoating, blaming others for your inadequacy and inability to express yourself.

    If you can not express yourself or do not know the difference between negotiating and debating, please do not blame me. It is solely your fault and responsibility.

    Secondly, i am in NO position to NEGOTIATE what Palestinians should or should not have, neither are you.

    However i could be wrong and you may well be in the position, in which case looking at your inability to express yourself or even provide simple coherent response to a question would explain the reason for the problem in the region.

    Last but not least, there was no discussion at any time about Palestinians having homeland.

    The discussion was about UN resolutions and Goldstone report. If you unable to follow simple thread or provide coherent response to the ACTUAL question in debate, again do not blame anyone else but yourself.

    I have asked you simple question 3 times now and yet to see coherent, clear, relevant response.

    i have asked you other questions and again(as always) instead of responding, i got rather irrelevant response.

    and finally, please provide a link to where i expressed my opinion on Palestinians NOT having their own state or that i was against it.

    I really doubt i would get a relevant response addressing anything raised, but i am sure it will be again my fault for not accepting change of subject, made up theory's and whatever else no doubt you will come up with.

    :cheesy: You are joking. :cheesy:

  16. Have you missed Jings underlined word? it said Hamas, it did not say Israel Mr Neutral jap.gif

    Secondly, have you failed to read Jings post 47?

    so why would Israel cooperate with UN, when even the report's author now admits being wrong?

    So let me underline another key point which you possibly missed which was

    "While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."

    once again you ARE missing a point or a few. Resolutions were mainly based on the report which is now admittedly incorrect.

    That means resolutions are not based on the actual facts, which in turn means need to be re-examined.

    However since you are to busy again bashing Israel, could you please provide UN resolutions for Hamas and which ones they have cooperated on.?EVER

    Comprehension wasn't a strong point for you was it?

    That. And one just cannot negotiate with this one. A waste of space and time.

    i was not aware we were in negotiations, so please enlighten me what were we negotiating?

    Also i know its easier to jump onto a troll train post when you dig yourself into a hole, but please if you do not mind respond to questions put to you instead of changing subject or trolling

    I will change the wording for you Kuff Kuff cuz it seems you are having trouble comprehending what I am getting at again.

    There is no reasoning with the likes of yourself. I put forward a new idea and a new way of looking at things going forward and you want to have no of it. You are non negotiable when it comes to the subject. The Palestinians and those who advocate for them and for them to have a free homeland are at fault,wrong,the enemy without exception in your eyes. This attitude unfortuately is not only carried by you but by the entire Israeli government and a large portion of thier population. There for there is NO end in sight to this conbflict. Simply because the likes of yourself will NOT negotiate a truce, peace or the outline for a 2 state solution. Cuz everybody EXCEPT your like are WRONG in your eyes. Your llke are like a race horse with the blinkers on. All you see is one way traffic. :( I admire your passion. I am sure you would be of good use in alot of other fields because of it. But in this area your passion is over kill and indeed nothing short of ignorance.

  17. Why weren't they more forth coming if it was going to exonerate them ??? :blink:

    Simple , Previous experience of the U.N and it's agencies probably led Israel to believe they would be wasting their breath to try.

    Your reply # 67 to mine post was this "No it's neither plain nor simple." :lol:

    That said this quote a very ordinary excuse. Even you can do better that trp out a 'cop out line' like this one.B)

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