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Posts posted by coma

  1. While I can understand that the families concerned would like to know where their lost kin remains may be there is not going to be any remaining tissue .

    Now why is there such a powerful drive to locate this aircraft?

    Besides Boeing wanting to know what caused their aircraft to dissppear ? The whole world.

  2. I personally find them much safer than the streets in my place of birth-Australia.

    Interesting observation. I have spend quite a bit of time in OZ myself. The only thing I worry about whilst there is all the alcohol fuelled violent street / pub brawls. But as far as murder is concerned, IMO it fails in comparison to the amount of homicide going on in Thailand and Indonesia. The incidence of foreigners getting murdered by known associates for financial gain in Thailand must be fairly high. The US is another country where I would say that murder for financial gain once again would be high.

    • Like 1
  3. Definatley a program with merit. My main concer though is ....... Will there be some sort of contract so that the student will, with degree in hand, work in the region he or she originates from for a protracted period of time? Applying their knowledge for the better of rural Thailand. Or will they be allowed to run off with their free education and work in Bangkok for the good of nobody but themselves ?

    Why such a crime if they get a good degree and decide to work in Bangkok? This could still be good for Thailand... and maybe they could make more money to send back to their family than working nearer to home.

    They come from a farming background. I guess Agriculture in Thailand needs them is all I am saying. Put something back into the country.

  4. Seems the good General was retired at just the right time. For somebody other than him.

    That said, it isn't just a case of faulty equipment, but a systematic failure of para ops. In particularly the training side of things. These two lads should have been trained backwards and forwards in malfuction drills. Yet neither seemed to possess the skills to save themselves from spudding in. I mean from the vision I seen of the incident, neither one even attempted a malfuction drill.

    Therefore it is not just some engineer asleep at the wheel. But infact the training manual is obviously flawed and that happens way up the chain. Some big boppers must be sweating bricks about it.

    "these two lads should have been trained and backwards in malfunction drills"

    All very good, exept from the fact they jumped with a line bought in the local hardwarestore for 9 baht/meter instead of using the real stuff at 90$/meter.

    They lost their lives because someone (clearly "untouchable") wanted to pocket the difference!!sad.png

    All true. But at the end of the day, one shouldn't be up there in the first place without the skills required to save one's own life when everyone and everything else has failed you. Peroid !!!!!

    • Like 1
  5. Definatley a program with merit. My main concer though is ....... Will there be some sort of contract so that the student will, with degree in hand, work in the region he or she originates from for a protracted period of time? Applying their knowledge for the better of rural Thailand. Or will they be allowed to run off with their free education and work in Bangkok for the good of nobody but themselves ?

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  6. What an eye opener they're in for. 555

    I think everyone is in for a very rude awakening on this site. I can't believe how all these armchair detectives have figured out the whole case when they know absolutely zero facts.

    I have read posts where posters have seen the gruesome photos and determined the young migrants are to small to do this terrible body mutilations. I say, How So? Sucker clubbed game over.

    I read how the armchair critics have figured its a cover up and a frame up. Where did that dream come from?? Pure speculation! Does anyone really know any of the facts that the RTP or the coroner has? I think not!

    The previous posted news story here with the media reporting what some say may be misconstrued facts when on and on for 30 pages of posts one after the other surmising, guessing, speculating. fantasizing and downright dreaming up false facts.

    Now here we go again doing it all over again here on this new news release and now I must wonder about this 100,000 name petition. How did that many people get inflamed??? Could it have been the back and forth media reports and the police media releases? Could it be us here speculating with people back in the UK?

    Whatever it may be fellow posters, let us let the chips fall where they may, let the hands be dealt and if we do not like the winning hand, we can call foul at that time.

    I agree 100%.

    I think a major problem is the information the police release, contradicting other media releases, promising an event will happen in X days, so and so has been detained, released, questioned, arrested, beaten, bribed promoted, moved to an inactive post, etc...

    If the police used a competent media adviser and stopped trying to be POPULAR and just did their jobs, things would progress so much more smoothly.

    But TIT

    I think is more a case of incompetent police using a competent media advisor. The BIB have just way too much previous form of cover ups, using scapegoats, corruption, sheer and blatant incompetence and lack of care and motivation to go blaming the media liason.

    Surely if it was the media liasons fault the big wigs (all I guess reasonabley educated) in the BIB would have sorted it out after the first couple of " incorrect " media releases. But no. It went on for three weeks or more. I mean ... Come On.....

    • Like 1
  7. Agree 100%. This whole case evolves around the DNA evidence, as far as I can see the other evidence is mostly circumstantial. Although the British police are describes as 'observers' that does not mean they don't have the right to report the validity or non-validity of evidence presented. I would hope if they are unhappy with the DNA evidence, they will request independent tests be done. If the RTP refuse, then this will surely show the world the 'real' Thailand. DNA is the key and all that really matters in this case.

    DNA, DNA, DNA. Everyone is obsessed with DNA. As someone else has repeatedly pointed out on TV, the DNA evidence only links a suspect(s) to rape and not to murder.

    If you put it like that then it actually, as bad as this may sound, doesn't really prove anything. A good lawyer would argue that the victim had consential sex with the acussed before being murdered by a third party.

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