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Posts posted by coma

  1. Pilots do not make an emergency call if the aircraft needs 100 % attention an there is nothing that ATC can do for them at 37000 ft. It must have been a very sudden outbreak of fire or the aircraft controls were so damaged they were trouble shooting like crazy and no time to call it in.

    Really ? How odd. I thought making a call would be a priority and immediate at the first hint of something amiss. And something that would be drilled into a pilot during training so it is second nature to do so in such an event.

    What does the flight deck crew on a airbus A320-232 consist of ? Two pilots obviously. But does it have an engineer on the flight deck also ?

    Im not an airline pilot but I am a licensed pilot and first thing you are taught in an emergency is " Aviate, navigate,communicate" makes sense if you think about it. No engineer, super computers made them redundant years ago

    OK. So no engineer. But how about the distress call ? You say " aviate,navigate,communicate" which is a catchy phrase used in training I guess. But is that in priority order or a simultaneous thing ? And with what you know of the this incident so far, do you believe they could have put out a distress signal ? If of course they weren't physically incapacitated to do so or the comms system was already down.

  2. Pilots do not make an emergency call if the aircraft needs 100 % attention an there is nothing that ATC can do for them at 37000 ft. It must have been a very sudden outbreak of fire or the aircraft controls were so damaged they were trouble shooting like crazy and no time to call it in.

    Really ? How odd. I thought making a call would be a priority and immediate at the first hint of something amiss. And something that would be drilled into a pilot during training so it is second nature to do so in such an event.

    What does the flight deck crew on a airbus A320-232 consist of ? Two pilots obviously. But does it have an engineer on the flight deck also ?

  3. In a misguided effort to create social cohesion, and not to give ammo to Mr.Trump the truth may not come out about this crash. Time and time again in Europe when muslims engage in a broad spectrum of violent crime, the story is denied at every level. Let us remember that on Jan 1st in Cologne NYE had passed off peacefully according to police. That is just one example of totally lying in order to deny central and right wing groups the natural support they would have if the truth was told.

    My call was this was a terror attack by the religion of peace. Obfuscation and general BS by mainstream media over the incident led me to this conclusion in a short time.

    Mmmm! Where's the claim of responsibility though ?

    At the beginning I too believed it to be the work of ISIS or an affiliate group. They put out a propaganda video just days before threatening to attack France again. Footage of an Air France jet was used in said video. That, coupled with the fact there was the Paris,Cairo,Egypt Air connection certainly rang alarm bells not just in my ears [and many other "keyboard warriors" alike], but I am sure it screamed terrorist attack to many governments and their respective, defence forces ,intelligence and law enforcement organisations also.

  4. Yes. "Professional" investigators are now leaning towards a fire. But why no distress signal. Could all the comms systems onboard go down at once just like that ? Are all the comms systems in just one part of the aircraft ? Any "real" pilots here that could shed light on the communication systems on this aircraft?

    Yes. Waiting for the black box would be the the most logical thing to find out what really happened. But it is no where near as much fun and keyboard sleuthing. And TV and its advertising parters wouldn't get anywhere near as many hits.

  5. I think it is a good move. Nothing like a little short term pain for long term gain so to speak. In the long term it is sure to alienate this administration even further with the plethora of Western democracies that are already voicing their concerns with Israel's ongoing oppression of Palestine. Go ahead Benjamin.

    Lieberman or no Lieberman there are moves afoot which will culminate in peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors, .


    Unfortunately I don't share your optimism. I can't see that happening whilst people like Lieberman and Netanyahu are calling the shots. They may be very good at sounding the peace drum, as most Israeli politicians and political commentators are. But when push comes to shove, when it is time to stop the settlements, to reprimand illegal IDF killing of innocent civilians to give back Palestinian land that was illegally obtained etc etc, , then they fail miserably.

    Same old story with these guys. The old line of "yes we want peace with our Arab neighbours. But we are not going to make the concessions required to achieve it". Israeli political implosion may be the only road that will lead to peace. And that will take a long long time.

  6. What's the big deal? Israel has been run by extremists for decades.

    True. But it seems the extremists are getting more extreme. The progression of radicalised Israeli politicians and their parties is there for all to see. And their form is on the board.

    I believe it has a lot to do with an increase in bitter and twisted ex military personnel, with a personal axe to grind at the helm . Especially those in the higher echelons of Israel's political apparatus. Current leader included.

  7. Yes. Here we go again. However there seems to be something more sinister going on. The old MH 370 line of misinformation has been in full swing since the beginning with " we've found it, no that wasn't it, we've found it, nope that wasn't it either. Ohh there is a ping, ohh no it wasn't. And "It sent a distress call, then nope, they actually didn't ".

    Also, descending rapidly from 37000 to 15000 ft seems interesting, as that altitude is where an aircraft that has de-pressurised would immediately descend to. As if they had time to react to and event on board, yet if that were the case the pilots should have squawked a distress signal. But none were sent. Then there is the erratic flying at this level then down on to 10000 feet before it disappeared. Possibly suggesting this is where it entered the water. But why have they found no wreckage? A drop into the water from this [ low] altitude surely would help pin point authorities and the search party in almost the exact location of the "crash site". This is the South Eastern Mediterranean. Not the Southern Ocean. So why have they not found any of the wreckage yet ????? Any aviation expert here ? What is your take ?

    I can't find two news reports that agree with each other. There is a report that the plane's flight became erratic with left and right turns and a sudden descent to 15,000 ft but then continuing on down. This would be consistent with airframe failure such as an inability to maintain control. It could be pilots fighting over control.

    There were reports that the site had been located in the Med. off Crete but that is now discounted and the search continues atm.

    You are correct that a dive to 15,000 feet would be the correct action if cabin pressure was lost because there is then enough oxygen in the atmosphere for people to breath. It's confusing in that it wasn't a controlled dive. All of that of course could come from an onboard explosion.

    Egypt is suggesting, and did right away, that it looks like a terrorist act. Surely that is far more likely that a simple mechanical failure.

    That's all I can find right now.

    I was hedging bets earlier that it had the hallmarks of ISIS or some affiliate group. But surely they would have claimed responsibility for it by now surely. Unless it was a lone wolf attack or if their terrorist operation is still ongoing.

    The airframe failure or some other similar malfunction angle doesn't fly [excuse the pun] too much with me as the pilot should have had time to send off a distress signal. This leaves me leaning towards it possibly being the work of another rogue pilot. That could explain the aircraft's erratic flight path and no mayday sent. One pilot fighting off the other would surely not have allowed an opportunity to send any comms off.

    Let's not forget EgyptAir Flight 990 back in 1999. This airline has form. But that still doesn't explain why they haven't found any wreckage yet ? It seems to be smoke and mirrors just like MH370 at the moment. Or an attempt at arse covering. Just as the Malaysian did.

  8. Yes. Here we go again. However there seems to be something more sinister going on. The old MH 370 line of misinformation has been in full swing since the beginning with " we've found it, no that wasn't it, we've found it, nope that wasn't it either. Ohh there is a ping, ohh no it wasn't. And "It sent a distress call, then nope, they actually didn't ".

    Also, descending rapidly from 37000 to 15000 ft seems interesting, as that altitude is where an aircraft that has de-pressurised would immediately descend to. As if they had time to react to and event on board, yet if that were the case the pilots should have squawked a distress signal. But none were sent. Then there is the erratic flying at this level then down on to 10000 feet before it disappeared. Possibly suggesting this is where it entered the water. But why have they found no wreckage? A drop into the water from this [ low] altitude surely would help pin point authorities and the search party in almost the exact location of the "crash site". This is the South Eastern Mediterranean. Not the Southern Ocean. So why have they not found any of the wreckage yet ????? Any aviation expert here ? What is your take ?

  9. Another source confirming it........... http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/217129.aspx


    Egypt's aviation ministry said a letter it received from the country's foreign ministry says that Greek authorities have found “floating objects” that are part of the plane wreckage.

    Pieces of plastic as well as lifejackets have also been found near the island of Karpathos, the ministry added in a statement.

    "Family members of passengers and crew have been already informed and we extend our deepest sympathies to those affected," EgyptAir said.

    "The Egyptian Investigation Team in co-operation with the Greek counterpart are still searching for other remains of the missing plane."

  10. They have found it. Well parts of it anyway. http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2016/may/19/egyptair-plane-cairo-paris-live-updates

    Egypt 'confirms finding the wreckage'

    EgyptAir has said that Cairo’s foreign ministry has “confirmed finding the wreckage” in an English statement on Facebook.

    EgyptAir resource stated that the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation has just received an official letter from the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that confirms the finding of wreckage of the missing aircraft No. MS 804 near Karpathos Island.

    EgyptAir sincerely conveys its deepest sorrow to the families and friends of the passengers onboard Flight MS804. Family members of passengers and crew have been already informed and we extend our deepest sympathies to those affected.

    Meanwhile, the Egyptian Investigation Team in co-operation with the Greek counterpart are still searching for other remains of the missing plane.

  11. You dont shoot unarmed ten year olds under ANY circumstances. Once again another display of a total disrespect for life (a childs).

    Any wonder why Arabs are lining up to destroy 'Nazi Israhell'. Animals !!!

    I doubt you have ever had to live "under ANY circumstances".

    Sorry. A little confused by this sentence. Could you please spell out what you mean by this. I have my slow and confused Monday hat on today. Cheers.

  12. He was warned verbally. The warning shots were fired. He was wounded not shot dead. He was taken to the hospital. Not beheaded.

    Not enough for Seastallion and the ilk like him.

    He was TEN years old.

    When these kids are brainwashed at their Medrese from the age of 6 by the age of 10 they are qualified to carry a bomb belt.

    It is Israeli fault of course.

    What a 10 year old boy was doing climbing over the wall?

    His mother is probably happy and proud of her child almost making a martyr. Also Israeli fault, of coarse.

    At what age do the children get conscripted into the military in Gaza? In Angola? In Sudan? It is all the Jews fault.

    You're playing with yourself. When was the last time a ten year old Palestinian detonated a bomb vest hey ? Hey?????

  13. Does Thailand ever try to bring home fugitives? Ask Interpol for an international arrest warrant. Surely when the Thais hand over Russian arms trader Bout and American criminals to the US they can return the favor? Or did the monk pay off Thai officials not to do so? If top dogs do not get locked up all is lost for the Kingdom in the longer run. Free luting for present and future high ranks.

    Thai news is reporting today that the court had issued an arrest warrant for the thief, up on five charges. And they are preparing an extradition request. However Thai authorities are concerned that the US may not be so willing to arrest him. God knows why.

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