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Posts posted by coma

  1. The general claims they had no choice.. how about just stopping the protesters from blocking government and letting the elected government continue. Surely that's a better option?

    So you would prefer an inept Government (that was selected...not elected) to continue with it's blatant corruption and putting the country in debt for countless generations ???

    It is quite legal to have protests but it is illegal to have an uncontrollable armed group attack peaceful protesters..

    The previous government wasn't selected, it was elected and had the backing of 300 out of 500 seats in parliament.

    The previous government was bought and paid for. Then they sold their souls to the black market man.

  2. Jeb Bush, the brother of former President George W. Bush Jr. and the son of former President George W. Bush Sr.

    Enough said me thinks.giggle.gif

    Why would that be enough? Wouldn't you want to look at his record running one of the largest economic and population entities in the world, Florida? You have an opportunity to look in detail at how he responded to emergencies (hurricanes and civil unrest and crime).

    " The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" . wai2.gif

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