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Posts posted by coma

  1. Is it time to have three toilets at all schools, pubs, truck stops, movie theatres etc etc, ? Male, female and transgender ? Cuz like it or not, transgender individuals are neither male or female.They are transgender. It would be safer and more comfortable for both males and females if this was the case.

    Not certain about the 'safer'. These third toilets would be perfect targets, would they not?

    Yeah. I guess you are right that is could become a target for those wishing ill will towards this "third sex". But generally people can see that they are transgender whether they are in the transgender toilet or not. My only concern with such a toilet would be that it becomes a transgender swinger's party establishment.

  2. This article pretty much covers all bases when it comes to agenda in this appointment. Well written Mr Bradley Klapper and to all that had input into this article. You have source well and summed it all up perfectly.

    Basically it is a manoeuvre to scuttle international efforts, even those of Israel's closest and most staunch supporter, of peace in the region. Why ? Because Israel [and rightly so] will get the short straw after any peace deals and have to make massive concessions. Concessions that they will NEVER agree with. Plain,simple and fact. thumbsup.gif

  3. What's up with Israel ? 3.1 billion USD ? What a joke ? They have arms and legs. Why do they get their goodies bag for free ? Make em pay with cash I say. It may even force them to be peaceful for a change.

    Another obsessive Israel-basher that does not know squat about the Middle East. The US gets a LOT more than 3 billion back in intelligence information and not having to base another few aircraft carriers in the region. Israel IS the largest US aircraft carrier in the world.

    Don't know Ulysses...always thought that title belonged to the UK.

    Without a doubt. The UK has been the US's greatest intelligence provider and ally forever. In fact the US INT community learnt its trade from the Brits. And the two countries seldom hold information back from one another. They also form the nucleus of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance which also includes Australia, Canada and New Zealand. These 5 countries are as tight as it gets. With the small exception that the US now filter INT to the Kiwis cuz the Kiwis barred the Yanks from sailing their nuclear warships in New Zealand waters. ALL these countries pay for their own weapons.

  4. What's up with Israel ? 3.1 billion USD ? What a joke ? They have arms and legs. Why do they get their goodies bag for free ? Make em pay with cash I say. It may even force them to be peaceful for a change.

    Another obsessive Israel-basher that does not know squat about the Middle East. The US gets a LOT more than 3 billion back in intelligence information and not having to base another few aircraft carriers in the region. Israel IS the largest US aircraft carrier in the world.

    You are semi right about the first half of your first sentence and totally wrong about the rest of it.

    The fact of the matter [which I know you will never see even til the day after your passing] is that the US wouldn't need any thing back in the first place if it stopped supplying arms that are used to oppress Palestine. Fact and full stop.

    And when was the last time Israel put planes in the air and boots on the ground from this " largest US aircraft carrier in the world" in defense of "US" national interests ? NEVER EVER. It is instead those like Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, The Europeans etc etc, who, may I add pay for their own weapons, that get called upon do do the dirty work. Here are some figures. Of course there are a lot more conflicts the US has been involved since it started paying Israel's defense bill but here are the two most recent and more pertinant. Do you notice something missing from these two lists ?

    Coalition deaths by country War in Afghanistan


    Coalition deaths by country Iraq War.


  5. Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

    When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

    Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

    What you seem to not understand is that not all extremists/radicals express themselves overtly. On the contrary. The 'coin collections " in mosques around the world. Where do you think that money goes ? To building orphanages in Iraq and Syria ? A large portion of it goes to terrorist activity. and these donors know exactly where their dollars are going. Like every time non Muslims living in apologist western countries, need buy food at the supermarket. These days it has to be Halal certified for the Muslim minority so as not to offend them. Which costs extra. Where do you think large portions of that cash goes to. Guess

    It is a huge underground movement dude. Of the likes that most people [Mr and Mrs Joe Citizen ] have never and will never see or hear of. But out INT people have some idea on it. Albeit not as much as they would like to. Most people in the world didn't even know ISIS existed until they attacked and took over half of Iraq in a few weeks. How did that happen ? Through the personal finance, brains and bravery of the "10's of thousands " you are talking about ? NO!

  6. That's fine but keep it to themselves. There are others that don't want to see or hear from/of it. But continuously through out the years most 'non- believers " have to put up with some person of 'faith" bothering them in one way or another, trying to get them on board and believe in this propaganda.

    You can liken it to someone who smokes cigarettes. Yes, it is legal to do so and is a personal choice. Yet a large portion of smokers don't give dame about non-smokers. And suck away on their ciggy profusely , blowing smoke in other peoples faces and not giving a damn about who they are bothering or their right to breath smoke free air.

    Yep, just as those who spread their intolerance towards faiths should keep their prejudices to themselves.

    Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

    Just as those with faith may not wish to hear the shrill cries of non believers.

    OK. Now you're being just plain silly. How many non believers go around trying to covert religious types into being an atheists ?

  7. I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

    Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

    I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

    That's fine but keep it to themselves. There are others that don't want to see or hear from/of it. But continuously through out the years most 'non- believers " have to put up with some person of 'faith" bothering them in one way or another, trying to get them on board and believe in this propaganda.

    You can liken it to someone who smokes cigarettes. Yes, it is legal to do so and is a personal choice. Yet a large portion of smokers don't give dame about non-smokers. And suck away on their ciggy profusely , blowing smoke in other peoples faces and not giving a damn about who they are bothering or their right to breath smoke free air.

    Yep, just as those who spread their intolerance towards faiths should keep their prejudices to themselves.

    Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

  8. I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

    Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

    I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

    That's fine but keep it to themselves. There are others that don't want to see or hear from/of it. But continuously through out the years most 'non- believers " have to put up with some person of 'faith" bothering them in one way or another, trying to get them on board and believe in this propaganda.

    You can liken it to someone who smokes cigarettes. Yes, it is legal to do so and is a personal choice. Yet a large portion of smokers don't give dame about non-smokers. And suck away on their ciggy profusely , blowing smoke in other peoples faces and not giving a damn about who they are bothering or their right to breath smoke free air.

  9. The mere fact that they feel the need to give their organisation an name like " Muslims love peace" shows that they don't.

    I think most religions are seriously "flawed". Whether it be for the violence and hate they spread, corruption for personal financial gain, the clergymen using their position of trust to gain access to little children for their own lust or because it is just a total fabrication of what is reality. These people and their faiths make this world a darker place then it needs to be.

  10. I don't believe for one minute that Pakistan didn't know. I have a feeling they are covering their backside with the Taliban by showing anger. They were informed.

    Right on. Standard procedure for the Pakastani government. And I am of the opinion they were informed of the raid to assassinate Bin Laden before hand too. But played dumb to stay cool with the Muslim brotherhood. Fighters didn't scramble, mysterious blackout over Abbottabad throughout the entire time the operation went down etc etc. Then take a look at the spike in US diplomatic activity in the weeks prior to the raid. Culminating in Admiral Mick Mullen, as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, visiting Islamabad in late April 2011. UBL was rubbed out on the 2nd of May. They knew. And they know.

  11. Someone's head will have to roll for that. Obviously not fire safe compliant. No fire alarms, fire escapes etc etc. Standard in Thailand. But I am sure Prayut will swing the hammer hard on whoever is responsible.

    Looking at the daily news website. There are some horrible images there. It is a miracle anyone survived. So sad for the families, staff and emergency workers having to sort that out.

  12. It must be a hard watch for all the veterans that fought in both Battles of Fallujah during the Iraq war. Nothing worse than seeing something you fought so hard for and your mates died for, have to be recaptured again because some imbecile didn't hold onto it as they should have. A severe blow to one's morale. How long will the Iraqis be able to hold on to her this time ? With trouble brewing in the capital it may not be long. With the current [flawed] tactic of pushing out IS from captured territory instead of destroying them, these fleeing IS soldiers won't just pack up and go home. A new kind of insurgency is just around the corner for Baghdad and the greater al Iraq me thinks.

  13. Pilots do not make an emergency call if the aircraft needs 100 % attention an there is nothing that ATC can do for them at 37000 ft. It must have been a very sudden outbreak of fire or the aircraft controls were so damaged they were trouble shooting like crazy and no time to call it in.

    Really ? How odd. I thought making a call would be a priority and immediate at the first hint of something amiss. And something that would be drilled into a pilot during training so it is second nature to do so in such an event.

    What does the flight deck crew on a airbus A320-232 consist of ? Two pilots obviously. But does it have an engineer on the flight deck also ?

    1st priority is fly the aircraft. Radio calls when situation is under control. No engineers in modern flight decks.

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

    Thanks. And understood. I am still however, Absolutely flabbergasted that during that descent there wasn't an attempt to send off a distress call/signal. That is of course if both pilots were conscious and working the problem and that their comms systems weren't already fried.


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