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Posts posted by coma

  1. Mr Banana Pancake the Rohingya 'interpreter' who participated in the beating and confessions in action from the Irrawaddy FB page.


    At 4:00 Mr Pancake asserts that that Wyn started off the killing spree by hitting David over the hit with a large wine bottle. So that's another murder weapon. He also says Hannah and David were having sex, in spite of no DNA evidence supporting that theory.

    He speaks Thai with a heavy Indian accent. I wonder what his Burmese sounds like and how good is written Thai was to read back and translate the Thai confessions they were forced to sign. I also wonder what his work permit and visa look like, since Rohingya's are stateless.

    I like how they report at the end that a some undercover police officers walked up to them as they were doing the interview and " listened " in. You can see the moment the police officer may have arrived when you see the interpreter's face light up like a Xmas tree at the 3 minute mark.

  2. Obama. Unlike most actually can see the bigger picture. The world today is on the brink. With Russia wanting to take back her former territories in Europe and the Chinese laying claims to the lands and Islands in the South China sea. The US just cannot afford to get caught up in another, long and bloody war in the Middle East. I am sure deep down Mr Putin is praying for such a war that will pave the way to him moving to reinstate the Soviet Union.

    Furthermore, the IS crew are just the tip of the ice burg. The war in the Middle East has spread through most of Northern Africa to the Mediterranean and all the way out through Afghan to Pakistan. There is also no shortage of Islamic extremists operation thought out Asia also. Does anybody else see how precarious a situation not only Obama is in but we are all in. I am sure IS leaders aren't just sitting down drinking tea and smoking pipes, taking about what happened yesterday. They would have plans in place to attack/ambush invading ground troops.

    Grave times ahead if Obama pulls the trigger and deploys large numbers of ground forces.

    Ask Gates. Ask Panetta. Ask Petraeus. Ask Carter. Ask Hillary. .

    You been watching CNN haven't you ?

  3. Obama. Unlike most actually can see the bigger picture. The world today is on the brink. With Russia wanting to take back her former territories in Europe and the Chinese laying claims to the lands and Islands in the South China sea. The US just cannot afford to get caught up in another, long and bloody war in the Middle East. I am sure deep down Mr Putin is praying for such a war that will pave the way to him moving to reinstate the Soviet Union.

    Furthermore, the IS crew are just the tip of the ice burg. The war in the Middle East has spread through most of Northern Africa to the Mediterranean and all the way out through Afghan to Pakistan. There is also no shortage of Islamic extremists operation thought out Asia also. Does anybody else see how precarious a situation not only Obama is in but we are all in. I am sure IS leaders aren't just sitting down drinking tea and smoking pipes, taking about what happened yesterday. They would have plans in place to attack/ambush invading ground troops.

    Grave times ahead if Obama pulls the trigger and deploys large numbers of ground forces.

  4. For those posters who seem convinced the headman's son committed the murders, do you really think if he killed the couple he would simply leave the bodies on the beach? With his resources they would surely have taken the bodies out to sea and dumped them, to save his own skin and protect the family business.

    What could be worse for an island/ hotel/club or guesthouse than to have2 corpses bludgeoned to death in front of your business that relies on tourists?

    Anyone with a vested interest in the island's business would have hidden those bodies if they had been the perpretators.

    U dont know that.. if it was his 2 sons they maybe were drunk or on some drugs or idk...

    But anyway i have a probably good if not the best question... coz i am always reading about DNA this UK that... so my question to you guys is (hopefully someone is here who knows a bit about the THAI law):

    they are now the acused and will have a trial date right? so usually every lawyer has the right to bring expert witnesses into court.. so the easiest way (the UK has her body and the samples of the seamen DNA) is for the lawyer to get an UK expertwitness Scotland Yard or the FBI i read wanted to be involved too and just check the DNA himself with the DNA of these to burmese....

    so the question is that possible to bing an expert witness from another country?

    The answer of course would be "why not" However do you really think the Thais will care to do anything more than a fast hearing with a faster sentencing just to end the fears of all the Tourism being lost?

    Tourism? I wouldn't go there and I hope nobody else does. How can anyone go there knowing two people were brutally killed on the beach?

    And more to the point. How could people go there knowing the killers are still on the loose.

  5. Problem is you will not believe any Burmese did it now after all the Thai bashing on here. Maybe time to take a break and look at the facts again ? Is it really possible that someone else than the headman and his family did it ?

    We will never know though will we – the whole rotten law and justice system from the bottom up to the highest courts in the land are designed to ensure things are manipulated to get the desired result. I'm not Thai bashing at all, and I agree that the relentless bashing that goes on in these forums is nauseating, but you do hope that they have got it right.

    Exactly. It is an environment that is perfect for fostering mistrust.

    That said I would bet both my left and right one on this being a stitch up to cover some bigwigs crime.

  6. God help them.

    God help the expats that remain in Thailand for they are the ones supporting the regime. Do the right thing ... leave. I did and I feel better for it, how can anyone justify staying in a country that behaves in such a way?

    I totally and utterly agree. However packing up and just leaving isn"t an option for some of us. For various reasons. Though I have told my family living abroad not to come and visit me in Thailand since the Aussie women's murder for a few baht in Phuket. That was the catalyst after all the unexplained hotel deaths ( poisonings ) of foreigners in Chiang Mai, Phuket. The unexplained rape and murder of the Pommy lass in Chiang Mai etc etc.

    Thailand, since the 2008 finacial crash is just way too dangerous for rookie tourists that are exposed to desperate, drug addicted Thais.

    Sad but true.

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