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Posts posted by coma

  1. Funny that it had to be stated he was an Isarn man. Different from a Bangkok or Pattaya man? Thai is Thai no matter where he is.

    Same goes for the ignorant Thai woman.

    IMO and experience that is not entirely the case. Most Thais that are not from Isaan look down on those that are. In a lot of ways they share a similar status to the foriegn work force from Burma and Cambodia. Well maybe just a small step up.

  2. What an eye opener they're in for. 555

    I think everyone is in for a very rude awakening on this site. I can't believe how all these armchair detectives have figured out the whole case when they know absolutely zero facts.

    I have read posts where posters have seen the gruesome photos and determined the young migrants are to small to do this terrible body mutilations. I say, How So? Sucker clubbed game over.

    I read how the armchair critics have figured its a cover up and a frame up. Where did that dream come from?? Pure speculation! Does anyone really know any of the facts that the RTP or the coroner has? I think not!

    The previous posted news story here with the media reporting what some say may be misconstrued facts when on and on for 30 pages of posts one after the other surmising, guessing, speculating. fantasizing and downright dreaming up false facts.

    Now here we go again doing it all over again here on this new news release and now I must wonder about this 100,000 name petition. How did that many people get inflamed??? Could it have been the back and forth media reports and the police media releases? Could it be us here speculating with people back in the UK?

    Whatever it may be fellow posters, let us let the chips fall where they may, let the hands be dealt and if we do not like the winning hand, we can call foul at that time.

    I would say it is all the armchair detectives here and elsewhere puting doubt into certain foriegn government's minds as to how the Thai are working this case. And rightly so. It is not an isolated incident, this particularly farcial investigation. The country runs rife with unsolved murder mysteries involving foriegners.
  3. coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:

    ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

    They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

    and the smell alone....

    Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

    Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

    Umm ! You maybe "slightly wrong ". Requirements for halal are more than just sticking the halal logo on a product. Although many probabley do.

  4. The only way to fix it is segregation. Us non muslims should stay out of radical muslim countries. And radical muslims should stay out of non muslim countries.

    If after that, they attack us then time for them to pay the piper and get blown back to the stone ages like Japan did in 45.

    what do you do with them if they are already in the west?

    Round em' all up and drop them with the bomb ?

  5. They need to be given autonomy. And the remaining non Muslims may need to look at relocating themselves to a more Buddhist friendly part of the Kingdom. Sounds sad but it is true. No other solution as the Thai government / military/ police cannot deal with it.

    it will not end there... it is like cancer...

    Ahh. Yes. But one can draw a line on the map once they get what they wanted. And if they step over that line then..........

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