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Posts posted by coma

  1. Definately looks like a case of " thank you lines men and thank you ball boys " to me.

    Scarey thing tor me is with no REAL apparent motive, this could be the work of a serial killer in the making.

    Those bunglows down on the islands are so flimsy. With a boogy man on the loose, who in their right mind would travel there ?

  2. I'm confused......there are some people on this blog that say they've been AGAINST the Death Penalty all their lives, but in this case: "It's well deserved." This is a contradiction in terms for sure. If you think that in this particular case the "death penalty" is deserved, then guess what? .........you're PRO death penalty. You can't be AGAINST something with exceptions.

    And to those people I say..... Welcome onboard. Glad to have you all.

  3. It's amazing how quickly the courts move when you don't have money.

    Quite, I don't particularly agree with the death sentence in general but if its in law, then whom am I to dispute the decision.

    Amazing how quick the wheels of justice have worked in this case in comparison to other recent murder cases, eg the Channel 3 star caught on camera shooting a mate in the head point blank among others.

    Nothing can bring the girl back

    No. But executing people like this makes some of us feel better.

  4. Just been sentence to death. Amen to that.

    Let's home this filthy animal actually gets to meet the executioner and isn't commuted at the appeals court. And let's hope he gets his medicine sooner rather than later.

    Has he been sentenced to death already ? That's nice to know.

    Where did you get the news of his death sentence from?

    Thai language newspaper. I am out of country ATM but I would guess it is all over the news there.

  5. About time they started targeting and cleaning up the rort that is being a monk in many temples in Thailand. Temples. The place one runs to when hiding from police.

    Don't think Suthep is hiding from Police...but would be nice to see him cleaned up.
    No. But he was facing murder charges when he entered into Monkhood.

    Were those "murder" charges not accepted at the court or did you miss something?

    No. It is you that missed something.

    My reference to Suthep's murder charges was in past tense. i.e At the time he entered monkhood he WAS facing murder charges.

  6. Ahh ! But was he a beer drinking Aussie ?

    Word on the street is the Taliban walked straight up to him, and only him, called him by name , took him from the bus and the rest is history.

    Left the Afgan in 2000 for Australia with his family. So whatever the Taliban held against him was from before the 2001 invasion. Must have been bad to hold a grudge so long. More to this story than meets the eye.

    • Like 1
  7. Well if anyone can guess at how fresh that wound is on Sean's arm is. Also, the AC Bar owners right knuckles look like they could be injured:

    The cut on his arm looks at least a couple of days old. It seems to be well into the healing process depicted by the light pink around the edges of the wound where the scab is starting to recede.

    His knucles look freshish but it looks like there wasn't much of an impact.

    • Like 2
  8. WTC 1&2 were laced with asbestos... There were several law suits over the years to force them to remove the asbestos fire retardant, but the owners kept filing appeals... They finally lost the last appeal and were being forced to begin removal just prior to the 9/11 event... It was going to cost billions to remediate the problem...

    The cnspiracy theorists must love this angle.

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