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Posts posted by coma

  1. Ah, Bibi Netanyahu, that great Israeli warmonger is at it again this morning. After the death of the 4 year old Israeli boy he said the IDF will "intensify" its attacks on Gaza. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28900098

    There is nothing like a willingness to talk tough and cash in on people's grief to help in the polls, eh Bibi?

    So, if Netanyahu is acting rationally, then we must accord Hamas the same rights as Netanyahu claims for Israel. Israelis should not then object if - after the deaths of so many young Gazan children - Hamas also intensifies its efforts. Maybe they should be firing tens of thousands of rockets and mortars each day at Ben Gurion and into the heart of Tel Aviv to ensure some parity with child deaths and weapon use? This would still not equal the firepower that Israel pours into Gaza each day. But at least they could claim that they had also "intensified" attacks to show they shared the stance and rationale of the Israeli government.

    The loser is a madman, hell bent on avenging his brothers death at the hands of arab freedom fighters.

  2. Hamas is a freedom fighting organisation. As long as the Palistinians are oppressed and killed by the 1000's there will be the need for such an organisation. Netanyahu and his war mongering, racist, zionist regime know how to end this conflict but that is not in their personel interests.

    • Like 1
  3. Hamas breaks yet another truce. Savages.

    Not true mate, not this time, according to the Israeli press of this morning the Israelis tried to

    assassinate Muhammad Daff, is a marked man, he's the head of the militant arm of the Hamas, who has been

    on Israel 's most wanted list for years and mange to miraculously survive 4 assignations attempt in the past,

    this time also the papers that he might have survived but his wife and daughter got killed,

    Woman and child murdered. Who is the savage ?
    Israel are savages. Not Hamas. The casulty figures speak for themselves. Hamas kills only 3 civvies whilst Israel kills hundreds.
    Blah blah blah. So happy Israel is strong given so many irrational haters in the world.

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Is that all you have when faced with figurative facts that don't look good for your argument.

  4. Hamas breaks yet another truce. Savages.

    Not true mate, not this time, according to the Israeli press of this morning the Israelis tried to

    assassinate Muhammad Daff, is a marked man, he's the head of the militant arm of the Hamas, who has been

    on Israel 's most wanted list for years and mange to miraculously survive 4 assignations attempt in the past,

    this time also the papers that he might have survived but his wife and daughter got killed,

    Woman and child murdered. Who is the savage ?

    Israel are savages. Not Hamas. The casulty figures speak for themselves. Hamas kills only 3 civvies whilst Israel kills hundreds.

  5. The Kurds are some of our most reliable allies. We need to arm them, train them and give them air support.

    And decade or so later start a war against them. Talking about history repeating ...

    Some people just refuse to learn from their mistakeS [plural].

    Wouldn't you consider one Muslim killing another Muslim who's not a member of the same sect, or a non-Muslim simply because he's a non-Muslim, a "mistake"? You seem more tolerant of some people's "mistakes" than others... History repeating indeed.

    Muslims killing Muslims has nothing to do with me.

  6. Well done IDF. Now they are blowing up mosques. I think that is against the Geneva convention as well. Talk about poking at the bee hive. rolleyes.gif

    You need a new Palestinian thesaurus.

    Mosque - Ammunition storage

    Hospital - Ammunition storage

    UN school - Ammunition storage

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


  7. Lets move forward, learn from the lessons of the past.

    I applaud your desire for a solution, but fear you are overly optimistic.

    I appreciate your considered reply ... thumbsup.gif

    And believe that the solution, for this conflict will come, most likely from pressure from the outside, because the political will, at the moment doesn't seem to exist from within the Israeli Government.


    Hate to say it but the only outside influence that can stop this merry-go-round of conflict is The United States of America.

  8. Well done IDF. Now they are blowing up mosques. I think that is against the Geneva convention as well. Talk about poking at the bee hive. rolleyes.gif

    I don't know the details but I reckon excellent chance same old Hamas tactics ... shielding arms and launchers.

    Ohh ! Please.

  9. Coma,  I lived in Iraq for a number of years, and I don't think most of the people had the same sense of nationalism that we see in other countries.   Too many groups spent too much time fighting the gov't to feel much loyalty to the geo-political construct of a nation.   The divisions and alliances are by religion and tribal affiliation.   It would be a little like many of us joining the military of a foreign country (or being conscripted) and being expected to fight.   Most of us probably wouldn't have much of a stomach for the task.   


    It's just my opinion.  


    I totally agree. I just wish the US understood this before they went in changing the status quo. 

  10. For all you uneducated that continually blame Hamas for the violence in the Middle East, time to think again. Hamas was founded in 1987. The conflict stretches way back to 1947. When Hamas was non existent. They only common dominator from 1947 [the start of conflict] all the way through to the present is, guess who ????


    Talk about "uneducated". You have a rather warped sense of historical perspective. The violence started with Arabs attacking Jews in the early 1900s, LONG before the state of Israel was declared. In fact, much of the reason for the UN's two state solution was the Jews finally started fighting back and everything was spinning out of control. The Jews accepted the UN deal, the Arabs refused and declared war in Israel. They got their butts kicked and the rest is history. thumbsup.gif

    WOW! An entire post without any reference to Hamas. I am well impressed.thumbsup.gif

  11. Hamas declared war by firing thousand of rockets into Israel. What other country warns civilians to get out at all? rolleyes.gif

    Do you know the difference between precise bombing and random rocket launching ?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    No. He doesn't.

    • Like 1
  12. For all you uneducated that continually blame Hamas for the violence in the Middle East, time to think again. Hamas was founded in 1987. The conflict stretches way back to 1947. When Hamas was non existent. They only common dominator from 1947 [the start of conflict] all the way through to the present is, guess who ????


  13. Time for the Iraqi government and its 'pricey' trained defense force to harden the ---- up.They are a disgrace and a poor reflection on all those who died training and protecting them. facepalm.gif And sanctions against their inactions should be installed.


    Hundreds of Yazidi women have been kidnapped by Sunni militants, according to an Iraqi official.
    Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/08/09/11/50/hundreds-of-women-taken-as-slaves-in-iraq#hp0rEqA6XoYLZCpM.99


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