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Posts posted by coma

  1. As for your reference to Assad. He would have been gone 2 years ago if that were the wish of the MAJORITY of Syrians. But it aint. So he is doing something right by his people. Maybe handing out vouchers for Harrod's.wink.png

    Clearly not a lot of point having a conversation with someone so amazingly ill-informed.


    Ill- informed. Or people telling lies ? You love your own stuff don't you. Funny person. giggle.gif

    74% of Syrians are Sunni muslim and I can assure you that the wish of the majority is that him and his cronies go and they get free and fair elections.

    Unless you know different of course.

    I know different.

  2. That is not "intent to wipe them out". It is an attempt to convert them to their factitious form of Islam.

    ....errr, you forgot the beheading part if they decide not to convert. Yeah...it is an attempt to wipe them out.

    ....errr, you forgot to mention the bit about if they choose not to convert, they can either pay taxes (jizya) or leave.

    Sectarian cleansing I believe its called, should come as no great surprise, the Saudis I believe were the first Islamic state to order sectarian cleansing.

    So let the Iraqis sort it out. If they want to.

    Iraq just becomes another province of Iran.

    I would like to see that. thumbsup.gif

  3. "We are being told to convert or to lose our heads," said Khuldoon Atyas, who has stayed behind to guard his family's crops. "There is no one coming to help."

    That is not "intent to wipe them out". It is an attempt to convert them to their factitious form of Islam.

    ....errr, you forgot the beheading part if they decide not to convert. Yeah...it is an attempt to wipe them out.

    ....errr, you forgot to mention the bit about if they choose not to convert, they can either pay taxes (jizya) or leave.

    Sectarian cleansing I believe its called, should come as no great surprise, the Saudis I believe were the first Islamic state to order sectarian cleansing.

    So let the Iraqis sort it out. If they want to.

  4. ISIS intends to wipe them all out. It is not about numbers as you well know.

    Who says?blink.png

    This bloke, among others.

    "We are being told to convert or to lose our heads," said Khuldoon Atyas, who has stayed behind to guard his family's crops. "There is no one coming to help."

    That is not "intent to wipe them out". It is an attempt to convert them to their factitious form of Islam.




    Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.


    You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?


    Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.



    What a cunning plan. Israel disarms...and what happens when Hezbollah, IS, or anyone else in the neighborhood wants

    to have a go? Not as if Israel's only front is vs. the Hamas.


     Care to re read my post ?


    Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.


    Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.


    You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?


    Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.

    • Like 1
  7. I got stopped the other day at Nawarat bridge. The cop let about 20 Thai motorcyclist pass him by, nearly getting himself run over and killed in the process just to get to me.


    Helmet. Check. Licence. Check. Registration. Check. Photocopy of Registration book . Fail


    Cop : You pay here or at police station ?

    Me  : How much if I pay here ?

    Cop :500 baht.

    Me :  I don't have that much on me.

    Cop: How much you have ?

    Me : 300 baht

    Cop: O.K you pay now 300 baht. But you no show na. you no show.


    He then proceeded to pretend writing a ticket, ripped it off the pad and told me to fold the money inside.



  8.   The score so far..........


     1875 Palestinians killed, including 430 children.
     9567 Palestinians wounded, including 2878 children.
     63 Israeli Defence Force personnel killed
     2 Israeli and 1 Thai civilian killed.
  9. Noted. You object to calling an Islamic terrorist group an Islamic terrorist group - even though that is exactly what they are.

    Anyone who kills innocent children is a terrorist in my book,including the Jewish terrorist group the IDF.

    Sorry, but you can't make up your own definitions.

    Terrorists purposely target civilians - like Hamas does. Soldiers in warfare, that cause collateral damage amongst civilians, while conducting operations against combatants, are not "terrorists" - no matter how regrettable it is.

    " Terrorists " can only be deemed to be terrorist by western democracies it seems.

    • Like 1
  10. It's telling when even Gazans are angry at Hamas and its militants, yet those same Gazans are threatened with physical harm if they speak their minds.  In other words: Hamas heavies and their militant fringe insist on Gazan civilians' compliance - under pain of injury or death.  Not a lot different than N.Korea.  


    You been to Gaza ?

    • Like 1
  11. Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.
    • Like 2
  12. Why do you defend the warmonger Netanyahu who has has slaughtered nearly 2000 Palestinian civilians in an act labeled war crimes.

    Noam Chomsky, the renowned Jewish American thinker, says Israel has committed “a major war crime” as it continues to attack the besieged Gaza Strip.

    Israel has been pressing ahead with heavy offensive on Gaza amid international condemnation to stop the bloody onslaught which has claimed the lives of at least 1,700 Palestinians. More than 9,000 people have also been injured since the beginning of the aggression nearly four weeks ago.

    Chomsky told Press TV that Israel is much worse than the former apartheid regime in South Africa.


    I see a pattern here on this forum. and now in the world.

    People who disagree with Israeli actions in Israel, people who were obviously already infected with Judeophobia, are now feeling that it's open season now for them to publicly act out their Judeophobia. Whether in anti-Jewish racist posts on internet forums and social media or actual violent attacks on Jewish people. I guess I'm stating the obvious but in case others aren't getting this, it's happening.

    This is not a forum where people suffering ' Judeophobia" come to hack on Jewish people or Israelis. All you are seeing is peoples from ALL difference walks of life, expressing there opinions and points of view on this particular situation. To think otherwise is total paranoia.

    • Like 1
  13. Adjectives to describe israel please. criminal is good start. not inflammatory , it comes from the UN who rarely make judgements

    Paranoid Schizophrenic, obsessive compulsive, liars, fabricators of truth, violent, hostile, aggressive, arrogant, ignorant etc etc. Not inflammatory. These words describe factually present day Israeli foreign policy. sad.png



    Good luck and safe travels to these brave beings. And a big boo to Donald Trump.

    Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater.




    I find it incomprehensible that so many people, particularly Americans on this site are actually trashing Donald Trump when all he is trying to do is warn about relying on the CDC to keep the American population safe when they hardly have an exemplary track record, having made gross mistakes very recently, not once but twice.


    I would be far more appalled regarding people who are blasé about the risks and in fact are even cheerleading the possibility of using this opportunity to meet their own ideals



     “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal”.
    Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine



    I liken it to telling a soldier that he is not welcome back home because he is wounded. If we want these people, and more of these people, to do these things then they need to know that they are welcome home to all the best treatment available to them. If not, then nobody will fill the breach. wai.gif

  15. Another UN school has just been deliberately attacked in Gaza. Killing more innocent civilians. This after IDF were sent the coordinates to the school so it would not be attacked.

    Anywhere else in the world and the western hypocritical organisations such as the EU and NATO would be enforcing a no fly zone. Absolutely disgraceful.

    But in fairness, this time the UN and the US have been using "sharp criticism" and strong words like "appalling".

    I mean sooner or later that's got to have an effect, right?


    Like I said. Absolutely disgraceful.

  16. Another UN school has just been deliberately attacked in Gaza. Killing more innocent civilians. This after IDF were sent the coordinates to the school so it would not be attacked.

    Anywhere else in the world and the western hypocritical organisations such as the EU and NATO would be enforcing a no fly zone. Absolutely disgraceful.

  17. Israels enemies are not in truth the Arab states or the Palestinians

    The average Israeli would do well to view the rabid Zionists as the greatest threat to Israels and the average Israelis existence.

    Yes. The day will come when they bring themselves undone. I just hope I am still around to witness it and join in the Palestinian's celebrations.

  18. These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school? The truth is, no. They don"t care.

    Ok I see...Hamas can fire its rockets blindly into Israel but when Israel does we scream in outrage.

    Double standards....make that triple for good measure!

    Schools,mosques and hospitals,because they are perceived to be 'safe' ,are used by Hamas as storage and refuge places for its fighters.

    Israel occasionally has to target them.

    They know it will be a PR disaster but they have no choice.

    Except the IDF is supposed to be highly trained with sophisticated powerful weaponry that they can fire with pinpoint accuracy..and they do, straight at civilian targets completely against the rules of war regarding legitimate military targets



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