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Posts posted by coma

  1. These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school? The truth is, no. They don"t care.

    Schools,mosques and hospitals,because they are perceived to be 'safe' ,are used by Hamas as storage and refuge places for its fighters.

    Absolute dogs <deleted>.


    What is needed it a total ceasation of support for Israel until they stop the onslaught of Palestinians' withdraw out of and end the blockade of Gaza. Mediators are useless until this occours. However we still have clowns trying to stoke the fire from the otherside of the planet.

    "Meanwhile, the US Congress approved $US225 million ($A243 million) on Friday to restock the Iron Dome systems with interceptor missiles. The measure awaits Obama's signature".

    It worked in South Africa and in the end it will work with Israel.

    In the UK the CoOp supermarkets no longer stock West Bank products and Tesco, the UKs largest supermarket chain, says it will no longer sell products originating from the West Bank, starting this September.
    Wonder how this ban will effect Palestinians working in Israeli factories on the West Bank....

    All looking childishly tit for tat if you ask me.

  3. More children killed after yet another airstrike on a UN school in Gaza. Israel is filth.

    Before this current war, was Israel merely untidy?coffee1.gif

    Possibly. They seem to really out doing themselves this time. Snubbing the entire worlds call for mercy. And total and absolute disregard for the rules of war and humanity. They are without doubt war criminals. And no sane human being can deny this fact.
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  4. More children killed after yet another airstrike on a UN school in Gaza. Israel is filth.

    Certainly isn't winning hearts and minds and that's the only way to end this decades long conflict

    Indeed. Not this percieved 10 eyes for an eye rubbish.


    Have to disagree with this comment. Latinos will never gain influence in Washington that Jew now enjoy.

    Latinos are increasing in demographic numbers and elected officials. In certain important and large states of course dramatically so. Most pundits think it is highly possible the U.S. will have a Latino president in the foreseeable future. Latinos are polling not as supportive of Israel as other major American demographic groups. That's all I'm saying. Not markedly hostile ... just not as supportive. 
    I don't think they would support a muslim cause though...
    ..except a few lefties, but they never come to America anyway.
    Muslim cause ? OH lord. Perish the thought. This is why I support Palistinians in Palistine and all Arabs in their homelands. So they don"t have the refugee excuse and come to my neighbourhood trying to enforce their idiologies and way of life upon me and my family.

  6. Have to disagree with this comment. Latinos will never gain influence in Washington that Jew now enjoy.

    Latinos are increasing in demographic numbers and elected officials. In certain important and large states of course dramatically so. Most pundits think it is highly possible the U.S. will have a Latino president in the foreseeable future. Latinos are polling not as supportive of Israel as other major American demographic groups. That's all I'm saying. Not markedly hostile ... just not as supportive. 

    Laymans terms. Do these Latinos have the money to buy their way or put someone else into the Whitehouse? Cuz at the moment that is what the high rolling Jews in the US are doing and have been doing for a while. I do agree in general that the demography is and will continue to swing Latino. Just a question mark hangs over their finacial might.



    It is easier to achieve peace in the region than that. Just cease All US support for Israel. End.

    That would make very little difference - other than allow Israel to take a harder line against the terrorists. Israels GDP is about 250 billion per year and the USA gives them about 3 billion per year in military support which is pretty much all spent on American military supplies. Israel could easily survive without it, if they had to.
    No, it is impossible. How can Jewish controlled US not support Israel? Oh well, hold on for a moment, it already happened at least once that Jews did something against Jews. At the end of Second World War II, the Allies, so the US or in other words the jewish controlled US, was instrumental in bringing many Nazi leaders to US controlled South-America. So business-savy Jews did save Jews-killers. Should we call these american jews now anti-semite? 55555...
    The U.S. did not act honorably to help European Jewish refugees during WW2.

    As far as American political support for Israel, I think that will lessen somewhat over time due to demographic changes (largely more Latinos), but overall will remain strong and and any weakening will not be determinate in the survival of Israel either way. Israel in that region will remain vulnerable certainly for all of our lifetimes. 

    You are right about not being honorable. They supported the creation of the Jewish State of Israel on Arab land on the other side of the world.
    As for Latinos.Have to disagree with this comment. Latinos will never gain influence in Washington that the Jews currently enjoy.
  8. It is easier to achieve peace in the region than that. Just cease All US support for Israel. End.

    That would make very little difference - other than allow Israel to take a harder line against the terrorists. Israels GDP is about 250 billion per year and the USA gives them about 3 billion per year in military support which is pretty much all spent on American military supplies. Israel could easily survive without it, if they had to.

    Then 'Let the games begin'.
  9. Ill be the mediator. Ill have peace there in 12 months...
    What if on 12th June Israeli had chosen the diplomatic rather than military option?
    ...when the 3 Israeli teens were kidnapped and murdered, police had launched a regular homicide investigation, as they did when the Israeli Arab boy was kidnapped and burnt to death ...they had 2 suspect in mind already on day one, because they bulldozed part of their homes..
    ...at the same time with the rockets reduced to a trickle (2 in 2 weeks), Israel had turned to the new unity PA/Hamas government, and said Look, if no more rockets fall in the next month, we will ease the Gaza blockade allowing an increase in XYZ goods. If no more rockets fall over the next 3 months, we will ease the blockade further and release some Palestinian prisoners. If no more rockets fall over the next 6 months, we will release more prisoners, ease the blockade further and sit down to discuss peace without preconditions; may be a long haul, but lets make a start. If no more rockets fall over the next 12 months, we will lift the blockade completely, but reserve the right to inspect goods entering Gaza.
    ..and 1600 Palestinians and 63 young Israeli soldiers would have been sitting down for a meal with their families and loved ones on a peaceful, balmy Mediterranean summer's evening.

    It is easier to achieve peace in the region than that. Just cease All US support for Israel. End.
  10. What is needed it a total ceasation of support for Israel until they stop the onslaught of Palestinians' withdraw out of and end the blockade of Gaza. Mediators are useless until this occours. However we still have clowns trying to stoke the fire from the otherside of the planet.

    "Meanwhile, the US Congress approved $US225 million ($A243 million) on Friday to restock the Iron Dome systems with interceptor missiles. The measure awaits Obama's signature".
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  11. Exceeding one's permit to stay in the kingdom for more than 90 days is just snubbing one's nose at the law and the authorities. A 10 year ban for such actions is inadequate. Life long blacklisting would be much more fitting for these unsavouries.

    Snubbing ones nose at the law, well thats me then I was mugged robbed and knocked unconscious ended up in hospital for 4 months and had several operations to try and save my sight I lost my sight permanently in one eye and my surgeon would not let me fly because of the cabin pressure so I had to stay in Thailand [ at my own expense no government assistance ] and the day after I was told my eye pressure had improved enough to fly home I was all set to fly home when stopped at immigration I did explain my situation but was told I should have got a letter from my surgeon stating my condition but no one mentioned that to me at the hospital but I was happy just to pay the 20000 just to escape from my hell in Thailand that is my story of being an unsavoury and I wish the same as I got on to you.    

    Thanks for your wishes. But I am learned enough to know a doctor's certificate in such a situation is a must. Back to rookie school for you.
  12. These Israeli actions are a disgrace to the human race. And those that support these actions are also a disgrace. For such a "developed country" they sure do act like a pack of backward pack animals. All prayers to the deceased in these attacks and to the oppressed Palestinians.

    ..better be a 'disgrace' than dead.
    Indeed. It is also very revealing how sundry one issue activists are frothing at the mouth with carefully choreographed outrage yet were completely absent as 200,000 were killed in Syria, tens of thousands were murdered by jihadis in Nigeria, over a million in North Sudan and ISIS slaughters Christians in Iraq whilst carrying out compulsory FGM on the women there.

    But no an apparent stray Israeli shell fired at terrorists using UN facilities as a human shield is far more important in the grand scheme of things.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Civil war vs oppression. Two totally different beasts.
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    Exceeding one's permit to stay in the kingdom for more than 90 days is just snubbing one's nose at the law and the authorities. A 10 year ban for such actions is inadequate. Life long blacklisting would be much more fitting for these unsavouries.


    Dont be such a god damn snob!  You and your ilk are one of the main reasons I refuse to drink in the Thai Visa Bar!



    Haha. Are you serious. Sounds and looks like you're having a few there now.  laugh.png



    Do you understand yet ?

    Nope. You are trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas - a terrorist group that purposely targets civilians. Sounds like spin.



    Hamas is a democratically elected organization that is resisting occupation and collective punishment , and is trying to end the blockade - sorry Ulysses, your propaganda will be countered and corrected every time you mislead.


    Other propaganda terms are "anti semite, human shields, terrorist, international community".

    I invite readers to add to this list of Zionist double speak, and call it out ass soon as these tactics are employed

    This way, the focus can be kept on the issue, not the labels



     Exactly. thumbsup.gif

  15. Why is it so hard for them to lift the blockade?


     How is preventing fishing in Gaza necessary for Israeli security? How is preventing items like cilantro, sage, jam, chocolate, french fries, dried fruit, fabrics, notebooks empty flowerpots and toys from entering Gaza, while allowing cinnamon, plastic buckets and combs necessary for Israeli security?

    Israeli blockade of Gaza targets civilian population and not fighters


    Because if they lift the blockade they will bring about peace. And that is not what Israel wants or is it in their "best interest". They use conflict as a smoke screen to expand their borders and conduct land grabs from the Arabs.

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