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Posts posted by coma

  1. UPDATE:

    Police still waiting for DNA test results of speedboat driver linked to Koh Tao murder case

    SURAT THANI, 22 September 2014 (NNT) - Koh Tao police are now waiting for the test result of the DNA of a speedboat who is believed to have been linked to the murders of two British tourists in Koh Tao.

    A speedboat driver responsible for ferrying tourists from Koh Samui to Koh Tao was detained for interrogation by police yesterday. Reports from locals suggested that the 27 year-old man had acted suspiciously by trying to hide inside a cave at Khao Laem Yai after the murders had taken place.

    Investigations reveal that the speedboat driver was clearly beating around the bush when he was interrogated by police, and denied all the charges. He was tested positive for drugs and would be prosecuted on drug-related charges.

    Meanwhile, Defense Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan has declared that the Thai police will not enlist the help of the FBI or any other international law enforcement agencies. He believes the case will be solved in a couple of days.


    -- NNT 2014-09-22 footer_n.gif

    That last sentence worries me!!

    They know that they are, and I believe they are on the right track. Therefore the last sentence carrys weight.

    I think a member/s of the gulf speedboat club are good for it. If not this guy then someone he knows well. These types are a law to themselves. Traveling, traffiking unlogged and doing what they want throughout the region unhindered by law enforcement. Basically a bunch of lawless pirate drug adfict thugs.

    • Like 1
  2. Does anybody know of a good family lawyer based in Chiang Mai city. The lawyer is needed for an application to the family court to legitimize a child born out of wedlock. And to apply for shared custody.

    Any info from any guys with a shared experience would also be greatly appreciated. CHEERS.


  3. coma, on 22 Sept 2014 - 07:27, said:

    I wonder if this speedboat driver is the same person as the " island gangster" the male victim is said to have seen in the company of earlier that evening.

    The police seem to come up with a lot of "unproven" scenarios.

    This may be news to you but that is what police the world over are paid to do. Very rare if ever do police come up with a "proven " scenerio first cab off the rank. Furthermore scenerios police come up wth generally get "proven" in a court of law.

  4. Cigerettes at the scene may well prove to be the best evidence yet. Identifying how many individuals in the group will go a long way to help point the BIB in the right direction. It also may show that the group spent a fair amount of time at the scene. Which equals familiarity with the area and an apparent view they would not be interupted. Local of if not Koh Tao, the from one of the other party Island nearby.

    I wonder if the BIB have been looking into speed boat movement to and from the Island on the day/night of the crime.

  5. The alliance would be tenfold strong and IS would be starved of oxygen and cease to exist if the US drops its face saving posture and welcome Assad and Tehran onto the coalition. The coalition needs ground troops to succeed and if we are not going to provide them then Iran and Syria would be a great source for those ground troops.

    • Like 2
  6. The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.

    Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

    More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

    The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

    They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

    Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

    And there are the 'moderate' Muslims that the board's resident apologists like to talk up, showing their true colours.

    Not rallying against the terror threat to behead an innocent member of the public but against the arrests that prevented it.


    They should've all been herded up and invesigated for links to radical Islam. Then deported free of charge to a Middle Eastern country of their choice. Preferabley Iraq where they will meet old mate 500 pounder.

    • Like 1
  7. " Last week the country raised its terror threat level from medium to high. "

    No mention that last week the country announced it's decision to send troops to Syria/Iraq.

    Of course they should arrest, incarcerate, and deport if possible jihadists/militant islamists, But they should also be aware that in bending over for the US in matters of the US's foreign policy, they invite the wrath of jihadists/militant Islamists.

    You know, the tired old US this and US that gets old. By implication you are saying that the US is responsible for jihad, or that if one follows the acts of the US he will be a target. That's BS.

    It aint BS. It is fact. Jihad was declared against the USA because of its unwavering support of Israel occupying Arab land. Like it or not it is indeed.....FACT.

    Now other countries ,namingly Australia and the UK are feeling the Jihadist's wrath because of their unwavering support for the US.

    That said it aint the time to be crying over spilt milk as terrorism is upon us and must be destroyed at all costs.

    Iet me see if I can follow your argument here. Israel (thought somebody would blame them) is a legitimate country set up by the UN. The 'Arabs' (muslims) could not accept this so attacked them several times. The Arab armies always lost and as a result Israel did occupy some lands it was not set up to. In the course of time it gave over 95% of this land back, including the Sinai peninsular and Gaza strip, some of this was just used as a rocket launching site against Israel. Why then should thy give up the west bank for the same result? The USA and other western nations including Australia supports Israel's right to exist and defend itself against Islamic aggression sworn to destroy it, that sounds pretty reasonable to me and in no way an explanation for or justification of Jihadist terrorism around the world.

    One can dribble on with pro Isreal / anti Arab talk as much as one likes. The FACT of the matter is, as I have already stated and will state it again. Arabs and the proverbial bee in their Jihadi bonnet stems from Israel occupying Arab land and the US's support of that occupation. FACT.

    UBL stated it when he declared Jihad againt the US in that legendary interview he gave with that English reporter (his name escapes me ATM) in the Afgan many moons ago.

  8. "Islam is good!

    Islam is a religion of peace!

    Muslims are good peaceful people!"

    I am quoting here Obama, Cameron and many other Politically Correct Leaders of the Western World.

    The same Leaders who are drumming up the collective International military forces against Islamists, Jihadists, Terrorists.

    Pity that nobody can explain where the hell they are coming from?

    I am an Australian.

    I am not religious.

    I am tolerant of all religions that do not apply force, cohersion, and are tolerant of each other believes.

    Can't say more for obvious reasons.

    I am not religious also. I am also tolerant of ALL religions except for one. And my reasons are more than obvious.

  9. He has stated himself that there are "safe times" for tourists to be outside. Might I say Prayut aint' doing the country any favours in the 'image contest ' either.

    He also says that tourists need to be educated about the dangers of Thailand. Why not erect signs at the Airport arrivals, hand out leaflets and erect large Billboards across the country stating;


    All tourists are advised to stay in thier rooms and lock thier doors B/W xxxxhrs and xxxxhrs.

    If you venture outside B/W these hours and are mugged, raped or murdered Thailand will take no responsibilty for the actions of certain citizens and it is YOUR Fault.

    Please enjoy your stay and do come again.

    Part of the Education program is getting the message out there.

    That about sums it up. At zoos across the globe there are signs saying keep out of the lion's cage.

    • Like 1
  10. Two thieves arrested after leaving phone in car they robbed

    By Coconuts Bangkok


    BANGKOK: -- Two thieves were arrested Sunday after stealing valuables from a parked car the night before and conveniently leaving one of their phones in the vehicle.

    Jeud Tamboonsuk, 24, received a surprise visit by police at his home in Soi Ramkhamhaeng 24 after they tracked him down through the phone he accidentally left while robbing the victim's car parked in Soi Ekkamai 2

    Busting Jeud also led to the arrest of his 17-year-old partner.

    Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/09/16/two-thieves-arrested-after-leaving-phone-car-they-robbed


    -- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-09-16

    Anothet sequel to dumb and dumber.

  11. Rape as a motive to murder in this case just doesn't fly. Why would a rapist/ murderer/s pick a potential victim that is in the company of a young, fit and healthy male ? There would be much easier targets in that party enviroment. Theft also doesn't seem to fit either as the couple most likely had minimal baht on their person at the time they were killed considering they were naked.

    If you read the news, there were four of them, including an Asian who was seen on cctv fleeing the other farang was in the sea he had serious wounds.

    I think they were naked and having a bit of 'fun' on the beach and someone got jealous , found a hoe and went mad .

    He has fled also , how was this allowed if hes not the killer , he is a key witness !

    Drug/alcohol induced rage ? Definately plausable. The Islands down there have plenty of both.

  12. Rape as a motive to murder in this case just doesn't fly. Why would a rapist/ murderer/s pick a potential victim that is in the company of a young, fit and healthy male ? There would be much easier targets in that party enviroment. Theft also doesn't seem to fit either as the couple most likely had minimal baht on their person at the time they were killed considering they were naked.

    While rapists generally go after women who are alone, killing the male partner and then sexually assaulting the woman is not unheard of. Richard Ramirez (AKA the Night Stalker) did it. The Zodiac killer stabbed couples more than once (though didn't rape).

    It could have been more a motivation to murder than to rape but after he killed the man he decided to rape the woman before killing her.

    He since it was dark and he had the element of surprise he might have killed the man easily.

    I hope the killer is caught quickly.

    Koh Tao is hardly a playground for a seasoned serial killer like those you mention. But I guess nothing is off the table ATM.

  13. Rape as a motive to murder in this case just doesn't fly. Why would a rapist/ murderer/s pick a potential victim that is in the company of a young, fit and healthy male ? There would be much easier targets in that party enviroment. Theft also doesn't seem to fit either as the couple most likely had minimal baht on their person at the time they were killed considering they were naked.

  14. Lomprayah ferry running past my window right now on route to Phangan/Samui, so if the ferries are running they must have caught the murderer?
    Nah, the flow of money is more important methinks.

    I doubt UK or America they would stop ferries for more than a couple hours.

    I read that the ferries were stopped. It's a small island. Let's hope the only people allowed to leave have a cast iron alibi and agree to a DNA swab. Anyway, let's hope they catch the real murderer(s) and I hope no innocent gets stitched up.

    They have detained 3 Burmese guys they wanted to track down caught on CCTV around the location at the time of the incident. However that doesn't mean everything should go back to normal right now unless they have gotten a solid confession without beating them to a pulp

    These 3 Burmese guys are most probabley the BIB's scapegoats at the ready in case they cannot catch the real killer/s.

  15. "Another theory of the murder might also be from jealousy because the girl was good looking and had many boyfriends coming in contact, he said."

    Please tell me that's just a poor translation of what he said and not him hinting about loose morals being to blame.
    What is interesting is that both bodies were found naked. Doubt a killer would have spent time undressing the victims of his crime. And for what reason? Attacked during/after a skinny dip?

    Not surprising at all as much points to the point that they had sex on the beach. These farang copulate wherever they feel like. Maybe TAT should make sure that visitors to Thailand do know that having sex on the beach is not only against local customs but as well dangerous.

    You are right. Having sex in public in Thailand is on itself a crime and goes against local custom in one of the worst possible ways. However it would be hard to find an individual that would kill because of it.

    give me a break......this is the land of ping pong shows.

    a local would immediately start to jerk off when witnessing sex acts in public.

    Potentially a very dangerous habit indeed. Particularly in this case. Leaving one's semen in the vacinity of a double homicide.
  16. "Another theory of the murder might also be from jealousy because the girl was good looking and had many boyfriends coming in contact, he said."

    Please tell me that's just a poor translation of what he said and not him hinting about loose morals being to blame.

    What is interesting is that both bodies were found naked. Doubt a killer would have spent time undressing the victims of his crime. And for what reason? Attacked during/after a skinny dip?

    Not surprising at all as much points to the point that they had sex on the beach. These farang copulate wherever they feel like. Maybe TAT should make sure that visitors to Thailand do know that having sex on the beach is not only against local customs but as well dangerous.

    You are right. Having sex in public in Thailand is on itself a crime and goes against local custom in one of the worst possible ways. However it would be hard to find an individual that would kill because of it.

    • Like 1
  17. Someone's fibbing.


    Indonesian Embassy Denies Report Police Chief Said He Knew What Happened To MH370

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 15 (Bernama) - The Indonesian Embassy here has denied a report that Indonesian Police Chief, General Sutarman said he and his Malaysian counterpart knew what happened to Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370. Police Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Aby Nursetyanto said the report by Indonesian newspaper Tempo yesterday as their own conclusion on MH370, missing since March 8. "The reporter will be summoned by the Indonesian Police Chief to clarify the report. Action will be taken if he failed to show any proof," he told Bernama when contacted here, Monday.

    Tempo yesterday quoted Indonesian Police Chief, General Sutarman as saying that he and his Malaysian counterpart knew what happened to MH370 but declined to elaborate. Following the report, the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) denied a report that they and the Indonesian Police knew what actually happened to MH370. Meanwhile, Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said he did not know anything about it and was shocked by the report originating from Indonesia.

    MH370 disappeared from radar on March 8 when flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members. The Boeing 777 has not been found despite a massive search conducted in the southern Indian Ocean, where it is believed to have ended.

    There's so much about this tragedy that is hidden. I really hope they find the plane and can make a scientific analysis that will expose the truth.

    I find it hard to believe this joker knows anything about MH370. If he did I would doubt he would be allowed to come out unilaterally and say so. Just a case of another Indon general playing with himself.

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