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Posts posted by coma

  1. While I'm all for a 'humane' way of executing someone, I think this guy got what he deserved. I mean burying someone alive?!?! Wow justice is served if he suffered.

    I am struggling to understand why a large calibre bullet to the back of the head is inhumane, granted messy, but not inhumane

    Very messy indeed. Think of the people that have to go in there and look at it and clean it up. Not much fun I would have guess. In a lot of cases the people charged with carrying out the execution actually live side by side together for years in a harmonious inmate / corrections officer relationship. Shot to the back of the head is bad for morale.

    That said I am sure that there would be certain elements in the military SF world that would find good use for them as a training add. And wouldn't lose a winks sleep over it. thumbsup.gif

  2. Where is the worlds self appointed policeman at this moment in time one must ask?

    To afraid to come out to face an equally strong imperialist inspiring nation?

    The 'self appointed policeman' knows well and good that he [Putin] is correct with his statement. And there is not one thing the US can do to stop him if he decides to press the attack.

    It is the EU that needs to police their own backyard.

    I totally agree but I am afraid they don't have the stomach for such action. Just look at the way Europe turn a blind eye on Nazi aggression. Austria, Czechoslovakia [in particularly] , Memmelland. They were through France and lining up on for a piece of GB before the Europeans acted.

  3. Maybe he will change his mind after the leopard shows its spots once again. There is just NO WAY Israel wants peace with this sort of provocation. Boooooo!

    Israel is facing increasing international pressure after saying it plans to seize 400 hectares of Palestinian land in the Bethlehem area in the south of the occupied West Bank.
  4. Really starting to go to $hit in the region now.

    Islamic State jihadists have boasted they have executed scores of Syrian troops after capturing a key air base, the latest in a string of abuses that have shocked the world.
    Al-Nusra Front seized 43 UN peacekeepers on the Golan Heights, part of a mission that has monitored an armistice between Syrian and Israeli troops on the strategic plateau for decades.

    The 43 peacekeepers from Fiji were forced to surrender their weapons and taken hostage, but 81 Filipino blue helmets "held their ground" and refused to disarm, the Filipino defence department said.

    Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/08/29/02/26/jihadists-post-grisly-video-of-captives#AAc1vMcuyv6eCPK4.99
  5. If it is suggested that the reduced causalities are the intentional aim of Hamas I reject this.

    There is something to be said that the vast majority of Israeli casualties were combatants. Not civilians. The flip side to the coin is in stark contrast.

    Thank you for the introduction to this line of thinking. I responded with what I thought was said by the disproportionate numbers. Would you elaborate and tell us what you think the numbers mean?

    What I see with these numbers is who is actually doing terrorising. And it is NOT the 'western branded' terror group, Hamas. Israel targets civilian which leads to the entire population being terrorised, knowing that they are indeed viewed as fair game by IDF, The air campaign was particularly terrorising for the civilian population in Gaza.

    The flip side being that the majority of Israeli casualties were combatants. They were not terrorised by definition because they are trained to expect to be killed or wounded.

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  6. I said that this would be the case six months ago. And the reason for it is how powerful ISIS has become. The sheer scope and size of this battle for Tabqa airport shows that Syria needs some form of assistance in fighting terrorists.

    Interestingly, UAE conducted unilateral air strikes against terrorist targets in Libya last week. Maybe they could, along fellow Arab nations, commit to the Syrian model.

    .Beirut (AFP) - More than 500 Syrian soldiers and Islamic State fighters died in a six-day battle for Tabqa airport

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/afp-more-than-500-dead-in-battle-for-syrias-tabqa-airport-ngo-2014-8#ixzz3BSiepQJU

  7. Hamas is a freedom fighting organisation. As long as the Palistinians are oppressed and killed by the 1000's there will be the need for such an organisation. Netanyahu and his war mongering, racist, zionist regime know how to end this conflict but that is not in their personel interests.

    Hamas aims to free the lot (Gaza Strip, West Bank, Israel), not just its own plot. Seeing how Hamas dealt with the Fatah

    opposition when things got heated when it took control of the Gaza Strip, the way it treats dissent and its attitude toward

    Israelis and Jews - freedom is not exactly the main dish on the menu.

    The very conceptual framework of Islam rails against "freedom."

    In their country what does it have to do with outsiders ?

  8. Hamas is a freedom fighting organisation. As long as the Palistinians are oppressed and killed by the 1000's there will be the need for such an organisation. Netanyahu and his war mongering, racist, zionist regime know how to end this conflict but that is not in their personel interests.

    Hamas aims to free the lot (Gaza Strip, West Bank, Israel), not just its own plot. Seeing how Hamas dealt with the Fatah

    opposition when things got heated when it took control of the Gaza Strip, the way it treats dissent and its attitude toward

    Israelis and Jews - freedom is not exactly the main dish on the menu.

    Collaborating with the enemy carries the death penalty in a lot of countries.

  9. Ah, Bibi Netanyahu, that great Israeli warmonger is at it again this morning. After the death of the 4 year old Israeli boy he said the IDF will "intensify" its attacks on Gaza. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28900098

    There is nothing like a willingness to talk tough and cash in on people's grief to help in the polls, eh Bibi?

    So, if Netanyahu is acting rationally, then we must accord Hamas the same rights as Netanyahu claims for Israel. Israelis should not then object if - after the deaths of so many young Gazan children - Hamas also intensifies its efforts. Maybe they should be firing tens of thousands of rockets and mortars each day at Ben Gurion and into the heart of Tel Aviv to ensure some parity with child deaths and weapon use? This would still not equal the firepower that Israel pours into Gaza each day. But at least they could claim that they had also "intensified" attacks to show they shared the stance and rationale of the Israeli government.

    The loser is a madman, hell bent on avenging his brothers death at the hands of arab freedom fighters.

    The "freedom" the Hamas terrorists ("River to the Sea") fight for means a Jew free Palestine. Trouble is ... what happens to the JEWS in such a scenario? Any softer words you hear from Hamas are for external propaganda purposes only. Their actual goals are super easy for anyone to understand.

    Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews are not going to get married. Too much has gone down for that. The best they can hope for is a very messy DIVORCE with as little bloodshed as possible.

    No. Nothing against "JEWS". Just Israel.

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