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Posts posted by coma

  1. Maybe a few pro independence Jocks will be looking for some advice from ex IRA Paddys in how to conduct seperatist operations.

    By the savageness of the fisty cuffs after the result it sure wouldn't surprise.


    watch your mouth

    Hahaha. "Gooner"

  2. So no need for courts, justice or evidence then?

    I don't recall any trials, justice or evidence in the recent beheading death penalties exacted by muslims.

    Or did I miss something?

    What has the barbaric acts of IS got to do with these Palestinian teenagers?

    Oh, I don't know, the words muslim and terrorist and murderers spring to mind.

    Here is a fact for you. That is dry as nuts..... Palestinians are fighting an occupation. IS are creating one. End of story.

    • Like 1
  3. So no need for courts, justice or evidence then?

    I don't recall any trials, justice or evidence in the recent beheading death penalties exacted by muslims.

    Or did I miss something?

    What has the barbaric acts of IS got to do with these Palestinian teenagers?

    These "teenagers" both of which already had a record of terrorist activities IF they were guilty of the murder of the completely innocent Israeli teenagers were certainly on a level of barbarity comparable to ISIS.

    Ohh stop it. Please. The sad thing for me is you actually believe what you have just posted. Yawn.

    • Like 1
  4. They were shooting at the soldiers. They had no desire to be captured alive. So wish granted.


    Look to me like very fine young boys. A bit on a gloomy side.

    It is good to know that their mothers will be happy now. Allah, Virgins, Martyrdom and all that jazz.

    Both have Hamas connections and previous terrorism charges.

    The vast majority of Gazans have connections to Hamas. They elected them into government.

    These ones had more than a casual connection. Nice try though. This event occurred near Hebron. Not Gaza.

    Which makes it all the more likely that they didn't do the deed. But we will never know now will we.

  5. Hopefully this will stop the embarrassing belly-aching by fellow-members about the competence of the Thai Police. The arrogance and lack of respect for Thailand has been very apparent in these baseless assertions. Why on earth would anyone expect the Thai Police to be as skilled and resourced as the FBI or London's MET. These comments serve no real purpose other than to damage the reputation of foreign visitors to this great and welcoming country. Go away if you can't hack it.

    Most of my Thai friends hold the same scathing opinion of the Thai Police force. It's common knowledge that they have their hands in every dirty pie you could imagine, take bribes, harass and extort people for money. Nobodys asking them to be as advanced as the FBI or the MET, but the Thai Police have set the bar for corruption and misconduct extremely high, so people are gonna hate!

    "....the Thai Police have set the bar for corruption."

    I believe in the West Indies it's referred to as the " limbo bar".

    hahaha - I'm all out of likes today! Why are our likes limited on TV?

    To keep the easily pleased in check?

  6. Patience I say to all the hot headed, ready made lynch mob following this thread. This investigation is nowhere as simple and straight forward as some of you percieve. Investigations in small communities come with a certain unwillingness to assist police with their investigation for fear of retribution. Also, the speedboats coming and going from these island do so at their own pleasure. There are no harbour masters keeping logs on traffic to and fro.

    If you don't want a scapegoat arrested then patience. Let the BIB get on with their process of elimination investigation of potential suspects.

    They WILL arrest the the killers in due process, if they haven't already.

    You my boy, need a reality check, you have been in Thailand far too long.

    As opposed to what? You being a rookie? Like I said b 4. Patience and you will see.

  7. Patience I say to all the hot headed, ready made lynch mob following this thread. This investigation is nowhere as simple and straight forward as some of you percieve. Investigations in small communities come with a certain unwillingness to assist police with their investigation for fear of retribution. Also, the speedboats coming and going from these island do so at their own pleasure. There are no harbour masters keeping logs on traffic to and fro.

    If you don't want a scapegoat arrested then patience. Let the BIB get on with their process of elimination investigation of potential suspects.

    They WILL arrest the the killers in due process, if they haven't already.

    • Like 2
  8. Are we going to get this sensationalism news story reported every time there is a new suspect or piece of evidence?

    In the defense of the BIB. They seem to be in a damned if they do, damned if they don,t predicament. No information and the hoards cry conspiricy. Too much in formation and the hoards cry "sensationalism".

    And whose fault is that? If these muppets had dealt with this in a vaguely professional manner we would not be in this situation. Why keep telling the media you have suspects when you don't? You just have people you are accusing without evidence. As far as I can see the only 'evidence' so far is the DNA samples from the poor girl, and the weapon. The latest accusation is against this drugged up boatman and his friends, why don't they simply wait 24/36 hours until they have conducted DNA tests before saying we have a real suspect. The fact that every Thai cop and his dog seems to want to comment on this case is also not helping.

    As far as I am concerned, after the initial mess they made of this dreadful event, the first people that should be tested are relatives of the local cops and the powerful families on the island. This debacle looks ominously like so many other cases that have conveniently never been solved by the wonderful RTP. These scumbags have their fingers in every illegal pie in Thailand so I have zero sympathy for them being at best incompetent, or worst hideously corrupt.

    I see.

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