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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. One definition of prostitute is "A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain." No mention of woman and no mention of sex.
  2. Girls and bars or quiet for writing a book????
  3. I will ask my brother. ???? Not sure his wife would accept it though. In a related story? I used to own a car previously owned by Mick McManus
  4. Is there a reason this is important enough for a public forum????
  5. The existing lever(s) is/are bent so already damaged. So as the 2nd Engineer used to say. "Fix it or f u c k it"
  6. A plug for J Bar opposite side of the road from W-District. No girls but a relaxing place. Food is good. https://g.page/jbarcafe?share
  7. I'm sure Bumrungrad is OK but it may also be the most expensive hospital in Bangkok. OP was put off by excessive charging and greed at Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya
  8. I have been to Bangkok Christian Hospital just follow the signs for Skin Care.
  9. Sorry I even mention eye safety. It was to provoke thought. I don't consider it my place to give people chapter and verse but, as I said, provoke thought.
  10. Doers he have an angle grinder.????
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