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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Yes, but I didn't comment on anything but the first item. Please keep arguing away without adding anything new to the collected body of knowledge.
  2. I used to win beers with my VW pickup. Rated capacity 1000kgs.😎
  3. How do we measure such stirrings. 🧐
  4. I can also use Kasikorn & Krungthai and, and, and ATM's. I only use SCB ATM if I happen to be riding past the branch.
  5. This is why I live here, because itis warmer than where I came fromπŸ€”
  6. ^ Mine started life as a Li150. Ended up 200 with Amal, Ancillotti et al. Arthur Francis was big where I lived but alas...
  7. I had a chrome upswept megaphone one with what would now be called a dB killer in the end, which I knocked out. Them a box one with two small megaphones that exited on the left side. I almost joined the pipe-of-the-month club. I went Amal, not Wal Phillips.
  8. Then he will not be the first Brit to go canoeing and disappear.πŸ€”
  9. The posted limit is exactly that, a limit. It is not an instruction. 🧐 Buses and trucks are already limited to 60, Tuk Tuks 45kph.
  10. Didn't the guys in Pattaya used to get better prices at a dealer in Ban Bueng or somewhere like that?
  11. Contact the owner and report the broken microwave. Ask him if he would like you to buy a replacement and deduct the cost from next month's rent. Last resort. Who needs it working the most? You or him.
  12. Next thread he will have jumped out of the hospital window and legged it.πŸ€” Probably then stealing a motorcycle and jumping over the wire.
  13. Seems amusing at first until you realize the same people make up thread titles on here and others post replies.πŸ€”
  14. There are one or three. I go there every so often. But yes I haven't found any Go-Go bars.
  15. Because it has an engineπŸ€”
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