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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. You could go to the Hash. Pickup today at McDonald's Tapae Gate at 3:30 and ask from where they get all their shirts. 🤔 There are 5 groups in CM and they all get shirts printed somewhere.
  2. Is the scooter smother two-up? If so then it needs some suspension tuning for solo riding. 🤔
  3. Just saw a small water pump in Mr.DIY for 1600 Baht.
  4. He'll do it eventually he doesn't need to be told every 6 months.
  5. They speak very highly of it🤔
  6. Please repost when you are 90. Youth is wasted on the young.🤔 The actual answer is easy just ask the guy. Maybe he would be just as happy with a night at the pub.
  7. 555 not about winning as such but someone did ask. Mine was measured in Outpatient surgery. I thought it was a bit high so i went upstairs to cardiology and after measurement, they offered me a wheelchair. 555
  8. You will have to help me out here. I did have a look on Google but I couldn't find anything definitive.🤔
  9. I think we have always been allowed to publicly criticize Jews. The only difference now is whether anyone cares.🤔
  10. If the cap fits🤔 You said the scooter is too fast for you. It will only go fast if you want it to. To paraphrase an HSE sign "It doesn't have a mind of its own so use yours"
  11. You know that thing on the right handlebar? Don't twist it so far. 🤔 As an aside quicker vehicles usually stop quicker as well.
  12. In Tak they will be next to shoelaces🤔😋
  13. Most of the naysayers on here are not tourists. They also probably don't play golf, skydive, or fly ultralights, or race Karts or, or. 🤔
  14. I think if you ventured off of the one or two streets you, obviously, know you may find a different Pattaya. 🤔
  15. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke.
  16. ^ Which is why it is better here. Yet people still feel obliged to complain.🤔
  17. Why can't they simply live there happily?🤔 Without someone like you telling them what a bad place it is.
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