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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. towards people they don't know nor have ever met. That is my mystery.
  2. Because with plain text and no face-to-face contact we can't tell the emotion of the poster. That is the purpose of emojis. Life needs whimsy
  3. Quite a few crop-spraying-type drones up north according to a mate of mine.
  4. Until you need them and then you will discover they are quite polite and efficient.
  5. Is there a toffee option? Oh sorry wrong forum
  6. Passing in the left lane is legal unless you have access to a statute that says it isn't.
  7. They work well in Makro or HomePro because the space they are demonstrated in is already air-conditioned.
  8. Surely the craziest thing is riding/driving in a foreign country and expecting all others to ride/drive the way you do.
  9. I bought a couple of cans of Lager and Dunkel. There was only one big bottle on the shelf so they must have been popular but they had 12 can flats of both types. First impression. I poured a beer into a glass. It fizzed like cola but there was no head. I’m not a chemist or a brewer so I can say why there is no head. OK for me as I get rid of the head on all other beers I drink. Lager. Passable but had a bit of a lingering aftertaste. I won’t be changing to that. Dunkel. Also no head and I preferred it to the lager as it doesn’t have the aftertaste. I don’t buy beer to drink at home and when out I am forced by my local establishments to drink Leo as I don’t like Chang. However there is one place where I can get my favourite which is Tiger and another where I drink Asahi.
  10. Because he /she is not driving Duh? School buses in Thailand do have flashing lights but no one stops for them either.
  11. Most large towns already have pipes and water treatment plants. They don't all need to be connected.
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