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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I think X-Ray finishes at 8pm but anytime in the day is good. You'll have to register at the front desk first. Outpatient clinic is also available in the evening but you might not get to X-Ray the same evening. Best in the daytime if you can. I had an MRI done once in a small clinic but they didn't interpret the result.
  2. My first choice would be Bangkok Christian Hospital on Silom. You might have to see a doctor first but not expensive. But there are many small MRI/X-Ray clinics. I once had an MRI done in such a place but I can find the result to look on the envelope.
  3. Do you wish to receive these over the airwaves of by smart phone/Wifi. Assuming the latter. https://www.radiocaroline.co.uk/radioplayer4/index.html
  4. In Singapore most taxi driver use or used to use these or similar. Edit: Oops sorry Daffy I didn't see you post
  5. The exhaust of gasoline engines is already 14% CO2 and 13% water vapour. ????
  6. Why shouldn't Tunisia export their sunshine if they want to, in order to benefit their citizens? Germany’s green curtain twitching political movement should butt out.????
  7. Or even where to but shoe laces in Tak.???? But the guy's post about where to buy Karting supplies in Thailand was deleted along with my two replies.
  8. Today I got a change of address form from Phoenix Life. I didn't even know I had a policy. Thought I would phone just for a laugh. No..., Bank holiday. ????
  9. The development of the site will progress at record speed once the power arrives????
  10. The original pilgrims went to the new world so they could persecute, not to escape it. They were religious extremists unwanted at home. mostly religious malcontents and political subversives.
  11. Did you wear a head covering at school???? Anyway France banned head coverings in about 2004.
  12. But I didn't know there is a Pattaya-Bang Pa-In Road. They must have built that while I wasn't looking.
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