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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Maybe it's time for a FAA whistleblower protection program. And by the way : why doesn't the FAA have criminal investigators? Could it be that Boeing is part of the military industrial complex. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/what-did-boeing-whistleblower-sam-salehpour-reveal.html
  2. https://www.rcslawfirm.com/court-trial/professional-jurors/
  3. That would only work if the city had built pedestrian bridges for the only safe Beach Rd crossing- Instead of spending billions of baht from tourist revenue on these endless concrete contract/kickbacked ,utter waste lands "improvements"
  4. Oh so a killer gets aquitted and that is not a case for professional jurors. Ya all have taken liberal sapism to the next level. Unbelievable
  5. You actually think that was from forward planning 555. Every "improvement" these Thais make turns into a concrete sh*t show. These photos are before after across from the Pattaya lands just above Walking st. Look at that utter mess there now. BTW. anyone not "Thai bashing" on this subject is a Thai apologist.
  6. What's also wrong with the system is racists saps for jurors. If ever there were a case for professional jurors.
  7. It's a glorified road for local lowlifes on motorbikes . Here are photos before the series of endless contract/kickbacked improvements. Especially for the oblivious here
  8. Says someone who probably has not been putting up with that endless sh*t show
  9. About 30 years too late : The DA Garcetti was up for re-election so for maximum exposure he moved the criminal trial venue downtown. Had the venue been in Santa Monica or West Hollywood close to the crime, there would have been justice instead of that racist verdict
  10. I wonder why Biden has made this announcement.https://highlandcountypress.com/opinions/immigration-no-1-issue-among-voters-explained#gsc.tab=0
  11. Really have you forgotten what happened to RFK jr's uncle JFK? Or do you think the following are coincidences and not related to the assassination:(1)During the Bay of Pigs invasion Kennedy cancelled an air strike while the invaders were getting shot up on the beach. He made enemies with the anti Castro Cubans and CIA elements . And said he planned to dismantle the CIA .(2) Kennedy planned to get out of Vietnam. So now the military industrial complex was on the enemy list. (3) Kennedy double crossed the mob who helped him get elected. IE his AG brother went after the mob. Also he was planning on closing tax loopholes for big oil. You need to do some research on this conspiracy - because you need it.
  12. I know the constitution allows freedom of speech and of course I agree .And I know Biden is not directly responsible for this. But it could bring some democrats over. In Michigan! https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/death-to-america-death-to-israel-chants-at-a-pro-palestine-rally-led-by-tarek-bazzi-in-michigans-dearborn-101712549003591.html
  13. Really. I don't know what he is doing in Thailand: Couldn't be here for the girls because too busy trolling this forum. When he made some comment in relation to Pebble Beach x Pattaya. Was cooked in my book
  14. That's the side plan Stan: Make it miserable for the residents they really don't want here: Go to a mall and these noxious busses discharging what looks like every bridge club in Kansas. Or putting up with the cigarette smoking korean male clones air pollution.
  15. You might have gotten by as a second-third rate government employee, But forget about being a comedian with your usual nonsense
  16. Now that sounds suspiciously like-If you don't like the message then attack the messenger. But I would be surprised if you read it.
  17. What else is new Bob https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/11-ways-biden-handler-hell-bent-destroying-america
  18. Round them up,put them on a boat back to bum-**** Egypt
  19. If he did he would do something about this cigarette smoking epidemic. Particularly all these cigarette smoking asian males. Both locals and foreigners. Should be a warning on Trip Advisor for non smokers so they can avoid the outside cigarette smoke in places like Pattaya.
  20. Didn't you learn about the non domino effect in Vietnam. About the wasted trillions and lives in Iraq and Afghanistan? Those jerks in the bush ,cheney, rumsfeld , wolowitz Cabal did more to weaken/degrade the US than any enemy could dream of. So I'll let the UK and the Europeans knock themselves out on this Ukraine business. The US tax payers have had it. Yes the democrats are worried and for good reason.
  21. Yes the Wall and this is 2024 .Why are billions billions being spent for Ukraines security but cannot even secure the US Southern border https://nypost.com/2024/04/01/us-news/222-migrants-charged-with-rioting-at-el-paso-border/
  22. An absolute sh*tshow. Now they have been working about a week trying to clear the mud packed drainpipes in the Northern half of Beach Rd. I'm not even sure if that is possible. Expect massage flooding during rains since the project failed. It's the Thais who are complaining about the parking. Because outside of the Thais and these oblivious sorry cigarette smoking foreigners - who else would put up with that mess.
  23. Just because sending billions down this Ukraine rabbit hole has to stop . Does not mean I support Putin and a multipolar world. Could care less about both. That wasted billions Biden is sending to Ukraine could be spent on the border wall and infrastructure in the USA. Now who is "weakening America"
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