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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 1 hour ago, altcar bob said:

    Like to know a shot of what?    prob Ivermectin,it can be taken through injection or in food,just dose a meatball or whatever 1 ml per 10 kg weight,think your dog is lucky some dogs do not attract

    I dont know otherwise I would have put it in my post.   I checked his vaccination book but it doesnt show what only that he has had two shots in approx 12 months and it is for external and internal parasites including heartworm.  I suggest seeing a good vet.


    No he is not so lucky and certainly does attract as my post stated he was riddled with fleas and and a few ticks when we got him.  We also returned from holiday one time to find him very sick with mange which is what sent us to the vet for this shot.  

  2. Had the same problem 2 years ago (Toyota Vigo).  Two baby rats and some wrigglies as well.  I always keep the air con vent on recirculate but when wife cleaned the car she inadvertently left it open.  Lesson learnt the air con now is always on recirculate and so far no more problems.  What a stink it was!

  3. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    Honduras, which has high levels of violence and has been rocked by political upheaval in recent months following the re-election of U.S.-backed president, Juan Orlando Hernández in an intensely disputed election.


    Maria Elena Colindres Ortega, a member of caravan and, until January, a member of Congress in Honduras, said she is fleeing the political upheaval at home. “We’ve had to live through fraudulent electoral process,” she said. “We’re suffering a progressive militarization and lack of institutions, and … they’re criminalizing those who protested.”

    The US brings this on themselves by interfering in another country's elections causing instability and then wonder why so many refugees are knocking on their door. Som nom na!  (servers you right).

  4. 20 hours ago, HampiK said:

    This is possible but I am not sure. But even then it should be possible to open the account by yourself.

    And I was under the impression the OP has an account in that particular branch of KBank.

    Yes be very careful.  If your boss wants you to have an account at a certain bank and at a certain  branch, do it yourself.  Dont let on to them youre doing it or accuse them of anything...it can only be bad for you.


    A school I worked for did the same thing.  They said they wanted to change banks and we had to do the same but they brought in staff from the bank without notice and everybody opened an account with the staffs help.  However some time later, and it only happened once to my knowledge, a teacher was leaving and they had somehow overpaid him or wanted to deduct for something.  He just laughed but that day the amount in question was deducted from his a/c without his knowledge.  Those forms were also in Thai and it seems the school made themselves a signatory to the a/c!

  5. On 3/17/2018 at 5:38 PM, MrMuddle said:

    No one from the US government, was ever convicted of war crimes, for any of the multitude of atrocities committed in Vietnam, such as Agent Orange, from which victims are still suffering today. 

    In 1973, Henry Kissinger in Paris promised to pay $US3.25 billion (with a possibility of 1 to 1.5 billion more) in reparations for war damage to Vietnam. This was never paid.  In 1999 the US govt offered Vietnam $US3 million, but continues to hold Vietnam to the $145 million debt that the Communists inherited when they took over the South.

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  6. On 3/20/2018 at 3:51 PM, katana said:

    It wasn't a 'story' as you call it, but from John Pilger in his book Heroes, who was actually a journalist reporting from Vietnam where he was stationed for some time. If Mai Lai happened, it's not much of a stretch to conclude it wasn't a one off event. Are you saying Mai Lai didn't happen, or is exaggerated?

    By the way, never heard your helicopter story before.

    I have heard and read the helicopter interrogation story many times.  There were several strategies.  One was to take several prisoners up at same time, throw one out without saying a word and then question the others.  If they only had one prisoner to question he/she was blindfolded before lifting off.  If the prisoner didnt tell them what they wanted to know he/she was thrown out but unbeknown to the blindfolded prisoner the helicopter was back down close to the ground again so was able to be questioned further.  Combinations of the above were also used.

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  7. On 3/18/2018 at 10:27 AM, Langsuan Man said:

    Not my Wikipedia:


    emphasis mine:

    source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War

    Yes you are correct.....today.  It is a while since I last checked but I did again tonight after reading your post and it has all been changed.  According to the revisions it has been changed 50 times in the last 7 days!  From what I believe just about anybody can contribute to a Wikepedia page and so adds fuel to what my History lecturer always drummed into me......"The is no such thing as the history, only a history".

  8. 13 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    For those who are interested in the real fact may want to do some heavy reading and resort to William Shawcross‘ book „Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia“. Somebody described this book most accurately as „an investigative account of the Secret War in Cambodia during the Vietnam War and the (mis-)use of power by (President) Nixon and (State Secretary) Kissinger in Indo-Chinese foreign policy. 

    Arguably the Vietnam war was triggered off by the North Vietnamese at the time with their „Ho Chi Minh Trail“ by completely ignoring the neutrality of the (Kingdom of) Laos and the (Kingdom of) Cambodia. 
    The South Vietnamese cried for help and the US was more than ready to put its nose into yet another war. Prince Sihanouk always stood on the sunny side of politics until 1970, when the US operationally installed Lon Nol. 

    The US lost the war - ironically not on the battlefield but back home after 58‘000+ body bags came back across the Pacific. Like thieves they sneaked away in 1975 from South Vietnam and Cambodia. The South Vietnamese had lost the war, the North Vietnamese declared the „liberation of the country“ and they were both talking about the same historical incident. 

    Cambodia was left in a power vacuum after Lon Nol got airlifted out of Phnom Penh, initially to Indonesia, then to Hawaii and finally settled down in California. Lon Nol was an American puppet left in the rain, yet still better than all those Cambodians who faced the brute genocide by the Khmer Rouge during the following four years until 1979 the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia and cleaned up the American mess. Ever since Hun Sen is blowing whistles, a former Khmer Rouge who jumped sides in 1977 and was and still is an excellent political sailor who knows exactly when to turn the sail into the best possible wind. 

    It remains a fact, that a war is not about winning or losing, it is about keeping it running to ensure that the „defense“ industry keeps making these billions of dollars yearly (the US „defense“ budget 2018 is a mere USD 723 billions - not millions; quite some loose change for a country‘s defense plans considering the fact, that the US has not seen a war along its borders for centuries). 

    The real problem is the US, being at war for 225 years of its 241 years of existence and presently involved in 80 armed conflicts all over the world - not one of them at their doorstep (border). Go figure what will happen in the future; as far as I am concerned absolutely nothing has been learnt from history while the US „defense“ industry is minting solid gold for decades ............... 

    Very well written post but I doubt it will be included in any US or Cambodian history classes lol!

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